
Chapter 35

Chapter 35
"Haha, little pepper, it's quite tasty. I like it! Tonight, I will train your runaway little horse to be docile and make you want to live and die!" Ouyang Mingxuan was evil! With a laugh, his big hands clamped tightly on Yin Xiaoxiao's two slender wrists.
"Ah! Ouyang Mingxuan, get out of here!" Yin Xiaoxiao stretched out his foot to kick Ouyang Mingxuan. Ouyang Mingxuan was on guard and immediately pushed him hard with his knee.
"Ugh!" Yin Xiaoxiao felt that her leg bones were numb from the shock and almost broke. Tears of pain flowed down her face involuntarily.
Ouyang Mingxuan took advantage of Yin Xiaoxiao's pain and attacked Yin Xiaoxiao mercilessly with his big hand.
"Wow!" Yin Xiaoxiao's clothes were torn open by Ouyang Mingxuan, revealing the shameless clothes underneath.
Yin Xiaoxiao was frightened and just kept struggling.
Ouyang Mingxuan lowered his head and buried his head in Yin Xiaoxiao's chest.
"No!" His whole body shivered, and Yin Xiaoxiao felt an unprecedented sense of humiliation wash over him.That feeling was worse than the night I traveled through time.
At least, she knew that Jun Moyin did not force her out of his own free will, and he did not mean to insult her in a vulgar way.But Ouyang Mingxuan was different. He was originally a swinger who wandered around the flowers and had sex with countless women. He raped her for revenge, and it was insulting.
Yin Xiaoxiao can't bear this!
As soon as his eyes narrowed, Yin Xiaoxiao clenched his two small fists tightly, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.She no longer struggled, but her soul left her body and she sat cross-legged on the ground, preparing to summon the ghost.
"Ouyang Mingxuan, what are you doing!" A sharp roar made Yin Xiaoxiao suddenly open his eyes, and his soul returned to his original body.
She turned her head to follow the sound and saw a tall and majestic figure rushing over and violently pushing Ouyang Mingxuan in front of her aside.
"Lei Jingting, you are so brave, you dare to ruin my good deeds!" Ouyang Mingxuan staggered and almost fell to the ground.When he saw Lei Jingting suddenly appearing, he jumped forward and roared like a fried rooster.
Lei Jingting looked at Ouyang Mingxuan with cold eyes, and his voice was low but full of warning, "Anyone who touches this general's woman will die!"
Ouyang Mingxuan was stunned and said in astonishment: "What? Is she your woman?"
Lei Jingting narrowed his eyes and ignored Ouyang Mingxuan.
He looked anxiously at Yin Xiaoxiao, whose face was full of tears, and his eyes were full of love, "Xiaoxiao, are you okay?"
Yin Xiaoxiao hugged the torn clothes tightly with both hands, and said with trembling lips: "I, I'm okay!"
I was a little bit scared. If Lei Jingting had appeared a little later, what I saw might not have been the scene of Ouyang Mingxuan bullying her, but the scene of her attracting the evil ghost to strangle Ouyang Mingxuan.Fortunately, nothing happened!Fortunately, Lei Jingting showed up in time!
Lei Jingting saw Yin Xiaoxiao shivering all over, so he quickly took off his coat and covered Yin Xiaoxiao's petite and exposed body.
After that, he said to Yin Xiaoxiao in a gentle voice: "Let's go, I will take you away!"
He ignored Ouyang Mingxuan, who was stunned on the spot, and steadily helped Yin Xiaoxiao, who was stumbling, out of the hut, leaving Ouyang Mingxuan leaning against the wall in a daze with a confused look on his face.
When did that dead woman become Lei Jingting's woman?Isn't she Jun Moshao's friend?
Ouyang Mingxuan's eyes narrowed dangerously as he clenched his fists tightly.
Humph, whether she is Jun Moshao's friend or Lei Jingting's woman, tonight...he won't let her have an easy time!
Lei Jingting helped Yin Xiaoxiao out of the hut, but neither of them spoke to the other first.
Not far away, Lei Jingting noticed that Yin Xiaoxiao's steps were messy and her legs and feet were a little lame.
"What's wrong? What's wrong with your feet?" Lei Jingting stopped and looked at Yin Xiaoxiao's feet.
Yin Xiaoxiao bit her lip, her voice choked, "It's okay!"
"You're limping like this and you're saying you're fine?" Lei Jingting was displeased at the moment. He bent over and picked up Yin Xiaoxiao by the waist.
Yin Xiaoxiao jumped up with her feet, exclaimed in fright, and subconsciously hugged Lei Jingting's neck, "You..."
She wanted him to let her go, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she was interrupted by Lei Jingting.
He said: "I will carry you and walk faster. If you look like this, you should ask a palace maid to get some clothes first!"
Yin Xiaoxiao shut her mouth. Her clothes were in tatters now and she really needed to get some clothes to wear.
Lowering her head slightly, she thanked her in a low voice, "Thank you!"
Lei Jingting froze, then laughed to himself, "You and I, do you still need to be so polite?"
Yin Xiaoxiao bit her lip and remained silent.Or, I don’t know what to say.Being held in Lei Jingting's strong arms like this, she was very hesitant and a little embarrassed!
"By the way, why did you come to the palace banquet with King Xiaoyao?" Lei Jingting asked curiously when he thought that Yin Xiaoxiao came dressed as an entourage and came with King Xiaoyao Mo Shao.
Yin Xiaoxiao sniffed and replied: "Mo Shao and I are good friends who talk about everything. I begged him to bring me to join in the fun!"
Lei Jingting frowned, inexplicable thoughts passing through his eyes.She calls King Xiaoyao 'Mo Shao'. They are very close friends. Are they very close?
For a moment, Lei Jingting fell into deep thought and stopped talking.
Yin Xiaoxiao was carried forward by him, and the atmosphere was strangely awkward.
Pursing her lips, Yin Xiaoxiao thought about it, wondering if she should find a topic to talk to Lei Jingting to dispel the awkward atmosphere.
While he was thinking hard, Lei Jingting suddenly spoke first. He asked in a strange voice: "Xiaoxiao, why didn't you wait for me to come back to marry you? Why did you marry the third prince?"
Yin Xiaoxiao froze. She didn't expect Lei Jingting to be such a persistent person.Knowing that she was already Jun Moyin's concubine, he still asked why.
She grabbed Lei Jingting's shirt with weak hands, bit her lip, and then bit her lip again. After a long time, she took a deep breath and replied in a low voice: "I had no choice but to do it!"
"I know! I have always known that you are not a woman who covets glory and wealth. Xiaoxiao, tell me why you want to marry the third prince who has two concubines as a concubine? I want to know the reason!" Lei Jingting It was obvious that he was determined to break the casserole and get to the bottom of it.
Yin Xiaoxiao sighed softly, turned around and looked around, and finally raised her finger to point to a sea of ​​flowers illuminated by a big red lantern not far away, "There, let's talk in that garden!"
Lei Jingting didn't answer, but strode toward the garden with Yin Xiaoxiao in his arms.
Beside the garden, there are marble tables and chairs.Lei Jingting sat on the chair, holding Yin Xiao in his arms, as if holding a child.
Yin Xiaoxiao struggled and wanted to sit by himself.
"Don't move, just say it like this!" Lei Jingting tightened his hands to prevent Yin Xiaoxiao from leaving his arms.
Yin Xiaoxiao felt as if she had just escaped from a wolf's mouth and jumped into a tiger's mouth. She couldn't move, so she had to nestle in front of Lei Jingting's chest. Her little hands were quite tangled in grabbing Lei Jingting's skirt, and then continued. one time.
"Say it!" Lei Jingting was quick-tempered. Seeing that Yin Xiaoxiao had been unwilling to speak, he urged her.
Yin Xiaoxiao said 'hmm', her voice was low, with a little vibrato after crying——
"After you went to Mobei, I have been looking forward to your triumphant return every day. At the end of the year, it was cold and freezing, and there was a heavy snowfall in the capital. I heard that there was also a heavy snowfall in Mobei, which was far worse than in the capital. It was even bigger. The imperial court could not get in touch with the military camp, let alone deliver food, grass and cotton-padded clothes. One month! For a whole month, I was very worried, afraid that you would be cold and afraid that you would be hungry, and then I became depressed and fell ill!"
"Are you sick?" Lei Jingting asked nervously.
Yin Xiaoxiao felt indescribably sour in her heart when she saw Lei Jingting being so nervous about her.The feeling was so strange that she couldn't put it into words!
After a pause, Yin Xiaoxiao added: "My father knew that I fell ill because he missed you, and he was very angry. He said that he would never let me marry someone like you who fights all day long. He said that you can't give me happiness. It can only give me endless pain and separation. Later, for some reason, my father met Jun Moyin..."
He told Lei Jingting that Jun Moyin's side concubine, Zhen Yuyan, had a weak constitution and needed the Yin family heirloom jade for body protection. It fully explained why she married Jun Moyin, and also explained why Jun Moyin was married. Mo Yin will marry her.
Lei Jingting listened quietly until Yin Xiaoxiao finished the whole process.
"So, you and the prince are not in love. You are only in a material marriage. The person you love in your heart is still me, right?" Lei Jingting stared lovingly at Yin Xiaoxiao in his arms, with a little warmth flashing on his face.
He knew that his Xiaoxiao was a good girl who valued love and justice!Sure enough, she has not changed her mind, she is still the same Yin Xiaoxiao who only loves him!
When Yin Xiaoxiao heard Lei Jingting's inquiry, his face turned ugly.She is not in love with Jun Moyin, but there is no one she loves in her heart.Because she is not Yin Xiaoxiao, she cannot bear Lei Jingting's deep love!
He raised his head and looked at Lei Jingting who was very close by using the red lanterns hanging everywhere.
Yin Xiaoxiao spoke cautiously and said firmly: "Lei Jingting, it's impossible for us. Please forget about me. Just think of it as... I'm sorry for letting you down!"
"No, Xiaoxiao, don't say that!" When Lei Jingting heard Yin Xiaoxiao say such decisive words, he became nervous for no reason and hugged her tightly with both hands.
Yin Xiaoxiao felt the warmth brought by the strong arms and the pain caused by too much force.She thought, Jun Moyin was right!Lei Jingting, she can't mess with this man.Or maybe he couldn't bear to hurt such an affectionate and stupid man.
After all, they can't be together, so why not cut off their love quickly?The so-called short-term pain is worse than long-term pain!
"Xiao Xiao, I'm going to see the emperor. I won the battle this time and made great contributions. The emperor will reward me. I'm going to ask him for a marriage and let him betroth you to me!" Lei Jingting suddenly thought of something and hugged him excitedly. Yin Xiaoxiao stood up.
When Yin Xiaoxiao heard Lei Jingting's words, he quickly stopped her, "No! I am Jun Moyin's concubine now. No matter whether I love him or not, it cannot change the fact that I am his woman."
Lei Jingting couldn't listen to Yin Xiaoxiao's words at this moment. He hugged Yin Xiaoxiao and strode towards the Hall of Supreme Harmony, eager to beg the emperor to grant him a marriage in front of the ministers.
"Brother Lei!" He walked a few steps away in a hurry, and a cold voice called him.
Afterwards, a figure as fast as a ghost stood in front of Lei Jingting.
(End of this chapter)

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