
Chapter 41

Chapter 41
Yin Xiaoxiao felt a chill. The gap between this man and his front was so big. She didn't believe that she was so charming that she could make him fall in love with her just by playing a piece of music.
Shaking his head, he ignored Ouyang Mingxuan and walked towards Jun Moshao's table.
Jin Lian'er sat to the left of Jun Moyin, and Zhen Yuyan sat behind her. Even if Yin Xiaoxiao announced her identity as Jun Moyin's concubine in front of everyone, she still couldn't sit next to Jun Moyin.So she chose to continue sitting next to Jun Moshao with great self-knowledge!
As soon as he sat down, he could feel everyone's attention following him.Some are amazing, envious, admirable, and some are jealous and disgusted!
Among them, the look diagonally opposite was the most direct and the hottest.Yin Xiaoxiao knew without looking that it belonged to Lei Jingting, so she simply lowered her head and acted like an ostrich, ignoring no one!
On the high seat, Jun Moyan and the Queen Mother Shangguan praised Jun Moyin for picking up the treasure.A woman who comes from a merchant family has such talent, it really makes everyone sit up and take notice!
Jun Moyin responded politely and glanced at Yin Xiaoxiao a few more times unconsciously.Yin Xiaoxiao's performance tonight exceeded his imagination, and he was deeply shocked.
How could such a profound piece of music be easily played in just three or two years?It seems that he was ignorant before and underestimated this careless and vulgar woman.
Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan saw Jun Moyin's eyes frequently glancing towards Yin Xiaoxiao, and they were secretly angry.Of course they would be furious if a little bitch could steal the spotlight!
The palace banquet quietly came to an end with Yin Xiaoxiao's unparalleled performance. Jun Moyan suggested that everyone move to the Imperial Garden to take advantage of the night view to appreciate the epiphyllum that was about to bloom.It is said that the epiphyllum blooms and falls only for a moment, but it is extremely beautiful.In order to let everyone witness the moment of youth, Jun Moyan made dozens of pots of epiphyllum in the imperial garden, just waiting for the time to come and give everyone a surprise!
Since it was the summer season, the night was not cold. The ministers were walking in small groups or in small groups, following the emperor, Shangguan Queen Mother and others, strolling towards the imperial garden.
Everyone was talking and laughing, and some superstitious ministers would pull Jun Moshao around and ask him about his children's future, his own physical condition and so on.Jun Moshao was very interested in Bagua arithmetic and answered almost every question, as if he knew everything. He soon chatted happily with the ministers and completely forgot about Yin Xiaoxiao beside him.
Yin Xiao's calf was still hurting from being kicked by Ouyang Mingxuan, and he was walking with a slight limp, so he was quickly left behind.She watched everyone walk away, feeling secretly annoyed.
"Why are you walking so fast? Are you rushing to reincarnate?" Yin Xiaoxiao stomped her feet angrily. She didn't think it would be better if she didn't stomp her feet, but her legs hurt even more when she stomped her feet.
"Xiao Xiao, are you okay?" The familiar voice asked, calmly and with a hint of concern.
Yin Xiaoxiao looked up and saw Lei Jingting standing in front of her.
"Is it you? I'm fine!" Yin Xiaoxiao lowered his head.She has made it very clear to this man that there is no possibility between them. Why is this man so single-minded?She would rather it be Jun Moshao who comes back to look for her now than Lei Jingting!
Lei Jingting didn't care about Yin Xiaoxiao's deliberate alienation. He stretched out a strong arm and said in a low voice: "Come, I will help you walk! Otherwise, you can also choose to let me carry you away."
Hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao immediately put his hands on Lei Jingting's arms.Just kidding, if you let him carry you away, you might think where you would go!It's better to support him and let him go when you see him.
Yin Xiaoxiao thought this way, and used Lei Jingting's strength to move forward to reduce the force of his legs landing on the ground.
The two people slowly turned around the small pavilion and walked towards the Royal Garden. No one noticed a man standing not far behind them, quietly observing the two of them, his brows furrowed tightly.
In the Imperial Garden, the ministers and family members stopped there, chatting about the past and present.
Emperor Jun Moyan ordered the lights to be turned on, and soon the lights were bright as day.The flowers of various colors, which had clung to their cores tightly because of the darkness, slowly opened their petals, opening little by little under the witness of everyone. It was extremely beautiful.
Zhen Yuyan pulled Jun Moyin, her eyes gleaming as she looked at them, and from time to time she would joyfully point to a cluster of colorful flowers for Jun Moyin to look at.
Jun Moyin nodded and said "good-looking", but it was obviously perfunctory.
In fact, ever since he looked around the Royal Garden just now and found that Yin Xiaoxiao, who was supposed to be following Jun Moshao, was nowhere to be seen, and Lei Jingting and Ouyang Mingxuan were nowhere to be seen, he said in his heart There are always countless random thoughts flashing through my mind.
For example, where did Yin Xiaoxiao go?Are you with Lei Jingting?Or maybe she was blocked by Ouyang Mingxuan again and wanted to do something wrong?
"Okay, I can go by myself!" Just as Jun Moyin was thinking wildly, Yin Xiaoxiao's low voice came.
Although it was deliberately suppressed, Jun Moyin heard it immediately, and he heard it among the many noisy sounds.
He followed the sound and looked over, and was surprised to see Lei Jingting gently supporting Yin Xiaoxiao, who was a little lame, slowly walking over.Jun Mo felt angry. This Lei Jingting was so haunting and all-pervasive. How could he be beside Yin Xiaoxiao in the blink of an eye?Moreover, the two people's postures are so ambiguous, do you think he is dead?
Just as he was about to step forward, his hand was held tightly by Zhen Yuyan, "My lord, look, that blue flower is blooming so big and beautiful!"
Jun Moyin stopped, took a look and said, "Well, it's really beautiful!"
I turned back to look for Yin Xiaoxiao's figure, but he was gone!
"Damn it!" Jun Mo cursed in a low voice, why did the kung fu master disappear when he turned his head?
At this moment, Yin Xiaoxiao was limping in front, Lei Jingting was behind, and they made many twists and turns until they reached the other end of the Royal Garden.There, Jun Mo Shao was chatting happily with several ministers about unknown things.
"Everyone, be quiet, be quiet. The epiphyllum will bloom soon. Let us silently witness its blooming process with a pious heart." A eunuch followed the emperor's order and shouted in a high-pitched voice.
Everyone became quiet one after another, looking forward to the moment when the epiphyllum would bloom.
Yin Xiaoxiao just felt that it was boring enough. A large group of people were waiting here to see the flowers. It would be great to have this time to play Landlords, otherwise it would be better to sleep!
"It's open, I can see it, it's so beautiful!" A minister exclaimed.
"I saw it too, it's really beautiful!" Other ministers agreed.
Yin Xiaoxiao raised his eyelids and felt that these people were extremely childish.
"Xiao Xiao doesn't like Epiphyllum?" Lei Jingting asked in a low voice beside him.He could tell that Yin Xiaoxiao didn't seem to be interested in Epiphyllum.
Before Yin Xiaoxiao could respond, a sarcastic voice said first, "Oh, she is just a foodie. She only cares about eating and drinking. She has no appreciation level at all. How could she be interested in such a noble species as Epiphyllum!"
Yin Xiaoxiao knew that these words came from Ouyang Mingxuan without even looking!
Tilting her head, she saw Ouyang Mingxuan standing on the other side of her, looking at her playfully.
Yin Xiaoxiao straightened her back and shouted: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a beautiful woman?"
Ouyang Mingxuan sneered, "Yes, I used to think you were ridiculously ugly. No matter how you look at it horizontally or vertically, you are so ugly that I can't bear to look at it anymore. Who would have thought that when you played a song just now, I suddenly felt as if I was crazy? After the initiation, my eyes are clear, and when I look at you again, I feel like the mysterious goddess from the Nine Heavens descending to earth, so beautiful that I am intoxicated!"
"Pfft!" Yin Xiaoxiao sprayed blood directly, with a visual estimate of at least 200CC. 'Is it so beautiful that I am fascinated by it? 'Nima, this dead man is using meat and potatoes for fun, does he want someone's life or not?
"Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with you?" Ouyang Mingxuan asked with concern when he saw Yin Xiaoxiao squirting.That "little" sound made the person's bones soften a bit.
"Cough, cough, cough, cough!" Yin Xiaoxiaoju coughed, feeling like he was being burnt on the outside, tender on the outside, crispy on the inside, and could be eaten as KFC Colonel's chicken nuggets.
Your sister, when others call her Xiaoxiao, she feels friendly.Ouyang Mingxuan called her Xiaoxiao, and she felt goosebumps all over her body.He said that they are not familiar with each other and they are enemies, okay?
"Little Marquis, we are not familiar with each other, it would be better for you to call me Mrs. Yin! Thank you for your cooperation, and please stay away from me. I am very scared of such a dangerous species like you!" Yin Xiaoxiao pretended He touched his little heart after being injured, and then retreated to Lei Jingting's side.
Humph, who doesn't know how to pretend to be B?With Lei Jingting around, she dared to act stupid and stunned.Lei Jingting was tall and domineering, and he was a soldier. With his support, Yin Xiaoxiao felt like her spine was getting stiffer!Sure enough, it is true that it is easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree!
Ouyang Mingxuan saw Yin Xiaoxiao avoiding him like a snake and he immediately looked hurt, "Xiaoxiao, what you said is so hurtful! Why are we not familiar with each other? You have seen all of my body. , and you did such unbearable things to me, destroying my body and mind, you have to be responsible for me, you can't evade responsibility! I, I will be yours from now on!"
After saying that, he came forward shamelessly, looking most pitiful.
Yin Xiaoxiao hurriedly jumped three feet away, "Puff! Puff!"
This time, the continuous blood spurts were visually estimated to be at least 400CC.
"Dear, it's shameful to act cute, and it's despicable to gain sympathy!" Yin Xiaoxiao pouted at Ouyang Mingxuan, and she really wanted to kneel to him.
Darling, she could swear that Ouyang Mingxuan would go crazy if he got it!Otherwise, he would be kicked in the head by a donkey!What does it mean to be able to bend and stretch?Damn, this is the real version of being able to bend and stretch!One moment, he wanted to kill her because she stabbed his buttocks with a cucumber. The next moment, he pretended to be weak and begged for responsibility. And he dared to say such shameless and cute words as "I will be yours from now on"?
Lei Jingting clenched his fists in anger when he heard Ouyang Mingxuan say such obscene words shamelessly.This damn man is so shameless, what does he want to do?When did Xiaoxiao see all of him?Also, what did Xiaoxiao do to him that was physically and mentally damaging?Does he speak without thinking?It was obviously him who did something wrong to Xiao Xiaoyu, right?
"Little Marquis, please be careful in your words and deeds. This is the palace, and the Emperor is still over there." Lei Jingting protected Yin Xiaoxiao behind him like a cow guarding its calf, staring at her with a defensive expression. Looking at Ouyang Mingxuan's ungrateful face.
(End of this chapter)

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