
Chapter 51 Words from the Heart

Chapter 51 Words from the Heart
"The king is puzzled. Xiaoxiao has become my concubine. There is nothing pleasant about her. Young Marquis, you indulge in sex, how could you fall in love with a little cabbage like her?" Jun Moyin was stunned for a long time before speaking out his heartfelt words.
Ouyang Mingxuan was well-known for being a playboy in Tianqi Kingdom. There were so many concubines in his house that no one knew about him.It is said that each of those concubines is as beautiful as a fairy.Since there are so many beautiful concubines in his family, why would he come to Prince Lian's house to get involved? Isn't this a clear sign that he deserves to be kicked?
Ouyang Mingxuan smiled, "I will always get tired of eating big fish and meat every day. Occasionally, I eat a few mouthfuls of fresh cabbage, which will naturally leave a fragrant aroma on my teeth and cheeks, and have endless aftertaste. Moreover, I found that this woman, who can easily get it, tastes tasteless. Son. Hunting wives, ah no, it should be hunting concubines, I guess it’s an interesting game!”
Hearing this, Jun Moyin and Lei Jingting's faces turned completely dark.Hunting concubines?An interesting game?Did this scumbag treat pestering Yin Xiaoxiao as an entertainment game?
Ah, this immoral pervert is simply a scumbag and a scumbag among men!
The three men were at war with each other for a moment, and each of them disliked the other.But Jun Moyin and Lei Jingting were obviously hostile to Ouyang Mingxuan, the dirty guy who suddenly intervened, and the two looked at each other.
Jun Moyin raised his eyebrows and squinted his eyes at Ouyang Mingxuan.As a brother for many years, Lei Jingting immediately understood and pursed his lips.
"Brother, come on! Cut him to death!" Jun Moyin gave the order, and Lei Jingting immediately jumped forward like a monkey.
The two of them punched and kicked Ouyang Mingxuan, who was enjoying himself playing with the fan, and kept hitting him like a sandbag.
"Don't slap me in the face, otherwise you will get gossiped when you go out to the palace!" Jun Moyin stepped forward and kicked Ouyang Mingxuan, and also reminded Lei Jingting in the other room.
Lei Jingting hit Ouyang Mingxuan with a left hook and a right hook, and called Ouyang Mingxuan's lower abdomen. Come in and go out sideways!"
Ouyang Mingxuan was confused by the sudden crazy behavior of Jun Moyin and Lei Jingting. Before he could realize the situation, he was kicked and beaten, and he almost couldn't find Bei.
"Oh, you two are despicable and shameless, ah!" Ouyang Mingxuan was kicked to the ground. For a moment, his fists and feet were blind, and all other parts except his handsome face were spared.
Kick, kick, beat, hit, flatten, beat, Jun Moyin and Lei Jingting wanted to use all their strength!
Ouyang Mingxuan, who was suddenly attacked and besieged, was pitiful. He was a romantic and had poor martial arts skills, so he had no ability to fight back.Fortunately, his Qinggong was one of the best in Tianqi Kingdom. He stood up, flew out of the siege circle, and disappeared without a trace in an instant!
"Hmph, he can run fast!" Lei Jingting grinded his fists and grunted through gritted teeth.
Jun Mo drew his gaze away. He would definitely not be able to catch up anyway, so he ran away just in time!
He stretched out his hand and waved towards Lei Jingting, "Brother, happy cooperation!"
Lei Jingting stretched out his hand happily, met Jun Moyin's palm, and said with a hearty smile: "Happy cooperation!"
The next moment, Jun Moyin suddenly grabbed Lei Jingting's wrist hard and threw him over his shoulder, knocking him to the ground.
Lei Jingting fell heavily to the ground and let out an earth-shattering roar——
"Ah, Jun Mo led you into deception!"
Jun Moyin clapped his hands, a treacherous light flashing on his cold handsome face.
I heard him sneer and say: "Brother, this is called war and deceit! A fool like you with a simple mind and well-developed limbs should learn more, and whatever you learn will be yours! Haha..."
After saying that, he strode toward the north wing with melodious steps.
After cleaning up the two stinky flies, now it’s time to clean up the rotten egg that attracted flies!Even if the woman he Jun Mo introduced was a concubine or a rotten egg, she was still exclusive to him.Without his nod, who would dare to covet it?
In the north wing room, Yin Xiaoxiao was sitting in front of the dressing table, staring blankly at his slightly red and swollen lips.
This was kissed by Lei Jingting!Hey, although he is a handsome guy, feels good and has full elasticity, but... he doesn't feel anything!She clearly knew that she had no feelings for Lei Jingting at all. At best, it was just her body that subconsciously wanted to get close to Lei Jingting and accept Lei Jingting.
It has nothing to do with her!
"Actually, Lei Jingting is a nice person, but it's annoying to pester him like this. Besides, that's not an option! How about... next time he pesters me again, I'll let him strip naked and let me fuck him?" Yin Xiaoxiao replied. I looked in the mirror and talked to myself, and finally my mind started to become evil.
Speaking of Lei Jingting, he was truly a wild man.In modern times, there is Brother Jun who is the envy of everyone. If she can use cucumbers to explode Brother Jun's chrysanthemum field, that would be really exciting!
He patted the dressing table with his little hand and said excitedly: "Yes! Let's do it. If he pesters me again, don't blame me, Yin Xiaoxiao, for being cruel and unjust."
At the same time as the words fell to the ground, there was a burning pain in the palm of my hand.Yin Xiaoxiao looked down at the dressing table dullly, and saw that her soft and tender palm was patting a sharp-edged red hairpin——
"Wow, it hurts!" Yin Xiaoxiao jumped three feet high and cried out while holding her hands.
This jump didn't matter, the stool behind him was knocked over. Yin Xiaoxiao fell to the ground in a difficult position, lying on the ground with his hands, one foot hanging on the overturned stool, and the other foot was broken in half. Kneeling position.
When Jun Moyin heard the earth-shattering sound of pig killing coming from the north wing, he immediately flew over and hurried over.As soon as he opened the door, he saw a scene that made him laugh.
"Huh?" He was stunned for a moment, and then——
"Haha, hahaha! Yin Xiaoxiao, you are so talented. Even if you know that the king is coming, you don't have to greet me with such a courtesy. How can I bear this? Hahaha, ahhahahaha! How do you show it? Such a ecstatic posture? That's amazing!" Jun Moyin smiled while bending down, almost kneeling to Yin Xiaoxiao.
I have never laughed so wildly and happily for a moment. I only feel that my cheeks are sore when I smile, and my stomach hurts!
Yin Xiaoxiao bared his teeth and was about to cry. Does this damn Jun Moyin have any sympathy?It's been so long and he's still laughing, it's so silly!
With helpless lips, Yin Xiaoxiao had no choice but to ask for help: "Jun Moyin, stop laughing, you will die. Come and save me quickly!"
Yin Xiaoxiao's waist unexpectedly slipped with this fall!
At this moment, Jun Moyin was working hard to massage Yin Xiaoxiao's lower back with medicinal wine, and kept nagging her: "Yin Xiaoxiao, you are so promising. You can even fall when you look in the mirror. I don't even know what to do." Tell me what's good for you!"
Yin Xiaoxiao bared her teeth and bit her lip as she replied: "If you don't know what to say, just stop saying it! Oh, be gentle, it hurts so much!"
Jun Moyin's hand was not light but heavy, "That's not possible, being gentle won't work!"
As soon as he finished speaking, his hands pressed heavily on Yin Xiaoxiao's slender lower back.
Yin Xiaoxiao gasped in pain, "Ah! It hurts, it hurts! Be gentle, bastard, be gentle!"
Jun Moyin's face darkened, "If you dare to insult me ​​again, I will stop serving you! I'll let you lie on the bed in pain!"
Hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao immediately pretended to be cowardly, "Don't worry! Your Majesty, I'm in the wrong body. Don't stop. Just press to death. I can bear it!"
Damn it, if your massage hadn't been effective, I wouldn't have bothered to use you!Yin Xiaoxin cursed in his heart, his little mouth pouting loudly.
Jun Moyin was used to Yin Xiaoxiao's bad behavior. When this woman was in trouble, she would pretend to be cowardly and call him 'Prince', and then call herself 'Concubine' in a coquettish way.When nothing happened, she started calling him "Jun Mo Yin" and "Jun Mo Yin", saying "I" every time. How could she remember that she was a concubine?
With a snort, Jun Moyin did not care about her, and the force on his hand was sometimes harsh, sometimes gentle.
Ever since, Yin Xiaoxiao's exaggerated screams followed Jun Moyin's strength.
For example, now, when Jun Moyin's force is stronger, Yin Xiaoxiao will cry like this——
"Ah! It really hurts, oooooh!"
For example, now, when Jun Moyin's force is lighter, Yin Xiaoxiao will scream like this——
"Oh, yes, yes, that's it. Phew, it's comfortable, so comfortable, come again, come again, oooh!"
Yin Xiaoxiao herself didn't think there was anything wrong with her shouting like this. After all, she would cry out in pain if Jun Mo pressed hard, and it was reasonable for her to praise him when he pressed more comfortably!
But when Jun Moyin heard it, it completely changed the taste!
Not to mention that Yin Xiaoxiao's screams made people blush and their hearts beat. Just saying that her entire jade back was almost completely naked in front of his eyes already made Jun Moyin a little distraught.Yin Xiaoxiao is young, and her skin is as moist and tender as a peeled egg.Jun Mo touched it with his rough palm and felt it was as delicate as jade and as smooth as water. He couldn't put it down.
Men, those are visual creatures!Jun Moyin's blood was strong, but he did not have a violent physiological reaction. He was already a gentleman with excellent endurance.
However, Yin Xiaoxiao screamed happily, her little voice was as sweet as a nightingale, her scream was so ecstatic and bone-crushing, Jun Mo's heart trembled slightly when he heard it, his blood flowed across his body, and he was filled with chicken blood. Seemingly excited.He had to swallow his saliva and secretly admitted that Yin Xiaoxiao's screams made him unable to resist!
The last time he played with Yin Xiaoxiao, he also reacted to Yin Xiaoxiao's ecstasy screams.He couldn't explain why, but Yin Xiao's scream seemed to be magical, and one of his objects would stand up straight when he heard it.
No, this is also the case at this moment.As Yin Xiaoxiao shouted, "Come now, come again", something on Jun Moyin's side began to gradually get bigger, hotter and yintier.
A pair of big hands lost their control and began to move uncontrollably on Yin Xiaoxiaoyu's back.Ten slender fingers stretched out and traveled from bottom to top on Yin Xiaoxiao's smooth jade back.When it passed through the spine, my thumb pressed maliciously.
In an instant, Yin Xiaoxiao felt that his spine was weak, and three points of his strength had been taken away.
"My lord, what are you doing?" Yin Xiaoxiao was not a vegetarian. She realized that Jun Moyin's hands were irregular and that they were getting farther and farther away from her slim waist, so she immediately asked.
Damn, he just massaged me, why did he suddenly touch me randomly?
(End of this chapter)

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