
Chapter 62 Smoke coming out

Chapter 62 Smoke coming out
hateful!Thinking of Ouyang Mingxuan and Yin Xiaoxiao hooking up together at some point, and being alone at night, Jun Moyin felt like smoke was rising from the soles of his feet!He was not in Yin Xiaoxiao's room for one night, and Yin Xiaoxiao had an affair with Hongxing?
Lei Jingting, who had never found a chance to speak, heard Ouyang Mingxuan talking about Yin Xiaoxiao's lip, and no matter how stupid he was, he figured out that Yin Xiaoxiao's lip was injured.
He immediately stepped forward and asked with concern: "Xiaoxiao, what happened to your lip? Is it injured?"
Strange, is there something wrong with his eyes?Why can't you see it?
Yin Xiaoxiao glanced at Jun Moyin, not daring to tell the truth.
Just when she was thinking about how to explain it better, Ouyang Mingxuan beside her already replied quickly: "It's okay, it's just a bit of skin that was bitten by a pig. I have already applied the ice muscle jade dew ointment of the miracle doctor Yinghan on her. Isn’t that right? If you don’t look carefully, you can’t even see the traces of pig gnawing!”
When Jun Moyin heard Ouyang Mingxuan secretly berating him as a "pig" on the left and a "pig" on the right, blue veins appeared on his forehead.
Yin Xiaoxiao swallowed her saliva and shook her head hurriedly, "No, no! General Lei, don't listen to the nonsense of the little Marquis. I accidentally bumped into the door frame and broke it, not a pig gnawed it!"
Ouyang Mingxuan smiled, "Haha, the little novel is right, the door frame was broken!"
The veins on Jun Moyin's forehead were even worse. He was not a pig, he had become a door frame, right?
"Ha, I don't even know that Xiaoxiao is injured. The young marquis is really well-informed, and he even sent Xiaoxiao a magical elixir?" Jun Moyin squinted his eyes, mocking and sarcastically, with a pair of eagle-like eyes. Staring at Yin Xiaoxiao.
Yin Xiaoxiao saw that Jun Moyin's handsome face turned black, white, blue, purple and red like a dyeing plate, her head drooped, and she didn't dare to look at him.
Damn Ouyang Mingxuan, just dig a trap to trap her.Now I don’t know what kind of virtue Jun Moyin wants to twist into!
Lei Jingting and Jun Moshao were a bit simple-minded, but they were definitely not stupid.
As the two people listened, they felt like they heard something.
"Xiao Xiao!" Lei Jingting stepped forward and lifted Yin Xiaoxiao aside.That’s right, it’s definitely for carrying it!
Yin Xiaoxiao looked at Lei Jingting in astonishment. Before she could speak, Lei Jingting spoke and whispered in her ear: "Xiaoxiao, are you crazy? Ouyang Mingxuan is romantic and dirty. He He must have some evil intentions if he approaches you, stay away from him!"
Yin Xiaoxiao frowned and wanted to ask, brother, are you not doing something wrong by approaching me?
Of course, Yin Xiaoxiao couldn't ask this.
She nodded humbly and responded in a low voice: "Well, we will keep an eye on who is good and who is bad."
Lei Jingting felt relieved, Yin Xiaoxiao had figured it out!Well, that’s good, you must be on guard against others!
Jun Moyin felt very uncomfortable, really uncomfortable!
At first, he saw Jun Moshao holding Yin Xiaoxiao’s hand.Then, he learned that Ouyang Mingxuan and Yin Xiaoxiao had met late at night behind his back.Now, in broad daylight, Yin Xiaoxiao was pulled aside by Lei Jingting to whisper again.
call!He wanted to say, is Yin Xiaoxiao like cow dung?Why did it attract so many dead flies?Sure enough, it is true that flies bite rotten eggs!
A pair of fists were clenched tightly under the long sleeves. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and exploded!
But seeing him striding forward, he hooked his strong arms tightly around Yin Xiaoxiao's slender waist, and then took advantage of the situation to hold Yin Xiaoxiao in his arms.Only in this way can those stinky flies see the truth clearly and see the fact that Yin Xiaoxiao is his woman!
"Hmm!" Yin Xiaoxiao was suddenly pulled into Jun Mo's arms, and the familiar scent of Long Dan immediately invaded her nasal cavity.
Yin Xiaoxiao raised his head and met Jun Moyin's angry eyes. His face stiffened and he turned his head.
"Xiao Xiao, are you still angry with me?" Jun Mo asked with a half-smile.
Yin Xiaoxiao had goosebumps all over her body. The cry of "Xiaoxiao" made her scalp numb!
Jun Mo introduced Yin Xiaoxiao without saying a word, and just smiled to himself, "Look, this little guy has such a bad temper. He was lingering on the bed with me the night before, and then ignored me in the blink of an eye. He is really a black man. A sweet woman!"
"Ahem!" Yin Xiaoxiaoju coughed.I always thought she was shameless enough, but I didn't expect this sinister Jun Moyin to be even more shameless.Let’s talk about the love between men and women!
Sure enough, after Jun Moyin said these words, Lei Jingting and Ouyang Mingxuan changed their faces one after another.
Jun Moshao, who was standing by the side, looked at this and that, and finally asked Yin Xiaoxiao directly: "Xiaoxiao, can we leave?"
Yin Xiaoxiao had a dark face and looked extremely shabby.How long has this been going on? Can everyone please stop having fun?First, Ouyang Mingxuan dug a hole for her to jump into, and Jun Mo led her to know about their private meeting.Yin Xiaoxiao can guarantee that Jun Moyin is wrong, completely wrong.Because his face is dark!
Even if I gave her ten courages, she wouldn't dare to play with Jun Moshao!Oh, what a pity. She begged Jun Moshao for a long time before he agreed to take her there!Now, it’s in trouble again!
Seeing that Yin Xiaoxiao remained silent, Jun Moshao asked without giving up: "Xiaoxiao, are you talking? Are you going or not? Let me tell you, this is only one chance. If you don't go today, you will not go in the future. I won’t go with you!”
Hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao shivered anxiously.She wanted to go, really wanted to go.But Jun Moyin...
Turning his head, he looked at Jun Moyin pitifully like a pitiful puppy.How much she hoped that the other party would be so generous as to let her fart out?
"Fifth Prince, where are you going with Xiaoxiao?" On the side, Ouyang Mingxuan saw with sharp eyes that Yin Xiaoxiao wanted to go, so he asked.
I don’t know where it is that makes Yin Xiaoxiao want to go so much?Look at her anxious look, as if if she doesn't go today she will vomit blood and die of regret.
Regarding this issue, not only Ouyang Mingxuan was curious, but Jun Moyin and Lei Jingting were also curious!
When Jun Moshao heard Ouyang Mingxuan's question, he responded indifferently: "Oh, Xiaoxiao told me before that she wanted to..."
"You can't say it!" Yin Xiaoxiao jumped out of Jun Moyin's arms and covered Jun Moshao's mouth with one hand.
"Uh! Uh-huh!" Jun Moshao snorted vaguely, but he didn't say the second half of the sentence.
Yin Xiaoxiao winked at Jun Moshao, then let go of his hand and looked at the three men frowning behind him.
"Uh, hehehe! Well, actually it's nothing. I just suddenly wanted to eat the lotus leaf duck from Yipinlou, and I wanted to kill the Fifth Prince and let him take me to eat." Yin Xiaoxiao explained with a smile. He looked at Jun Moshao.
At the end, I did not forget to ask meaningfully, "Fifth Prince, is this true, right?"
My sister, if you dare to say otherwise, I will pull out all your big silver teeth!
Jun Moshao looked at Yin Xiaoxiao slyly, the threat in her eyes was no joke!
Nodding frequently, Jun Moshao nodded like a chicken eating rice and said in agreement: "That's right! That's it. Xiaoxiao wants to eat the lotus leaf duck from Yipinlou, and then I will take her to eat... huh?"
Suddenly stopped talking, Jun Moyin looked at Yin Xiaoxiao beside him suspiciously, and corrected him seriously: "Uh, that's not right, Xiaoxiao, Yipinlou is most famous for lotus leaf chicken, not lotus leaf duck. His family There is no lotus leaf duck at all!”
Yin Xiaoxiao's forehead was on fire.Don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but be afraid of teammates who are like pigs.Is this sentence used to describe Jun Moshao?
This stupid pig!
With a flushed face, Yin Xiaoxiao raised his hand and poked Jun Moshao hard on the forehead, and scolded angrily: "Jun Moshao, don't say you are my Yin Xiaoxiao's friend when you walk on the street from now on. Say you know me, damn, I can’t afford to embarrass that person, you are so stupid!”
After yelling this angrily, Yin Xiaoxiao was too embarrassed to see anyone, and rushed straight into the red gate of Prince Lian's Mansion, and ran towards the North Courtyard.That speed is definitely comparable to an arrow from the string!
Jun Moyin, Ouyang Mingxuan and others stood there, sighing as they looked at Yin Xiaoxiao's leaving figure.It's running faster than a rabbit, what's going on?
"Fifth Prince, tell me honestly, where are you and Xiaoxiao going?" Ouyang Mingxuan stepped forward and asked Jun Moshao aggressively.
He was sure that the place where Jun Moshao and Yin Xiaoxiao were going was definitely not a good place, otherwise Yin Xiaoxiao would not have been so eager to cover it up!
Jun Moshao shook his head, neither willing nor daring to say anything.If he told Yin Xiaoxiao, he would ignore him!
The more Jun Moshao refused to tell, the more Ouyang Mingxuan wanted to know!
Not only him, but also Jun Moyin and Lei Jingting were suspicious, feeling that the place Jun Moshao was taking Yin Xiaoxiao was not a good place!
Two people stepped forward to join Ouyang Mingxuan's team, and asked aggressively: "Tell me! Where are you and Xiaoxiao going?"
Jun Moshao swallowed his saliva and muttered for a while: "What are you doing? I am only 19 years old, and I am still an innocent child. Do you have the nerve to threaten me aggressively like you guys?"
"Bah! Why didn't you say you were a bitch!" Ouyang Mingxuan was the first to spit.
He took a step forward and clasped Jun Moshao's shoulder with one hand, "Are you going to say it or not?"
Jun Moshao's spine was a little soft, but he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't tell me! You guys beat me to death, and I won't tell you!"
"What's the point of talking to him? The three of us will beat him up!" Lei Jingting grinded his fists until they made a loud crunching sound.
Ouyang Mingxuan took back his hand and agreed with Lei Jingting's proposal, "Well, Brother Lei is right! This guy just needs a cut!"
Jun Mo Shao's spine softened a little more, and he looked at Jun Mo Yin as if asking for help, "Third brother, we will never be separated from each other until we die. We are brothers from the same father!"
Jun Moyin frowned, looking thoughtful.
Jun Moshao was so excited. Look, they are indeed brothers, but he just can't bear it!
However, just as he finished feeling excited in his heart, he heard Jun Moyin say in a cold voice: "Fifth brother, don't worry, after you die, third brother will collect your body for you!"
"Pfft!" Jun Moshao spat directly.
This is not his third brother, this is a white-eyed wolf!
"Do you want to do something?" Lei Jingting was a reckless man with a quick temper.
Ouyang Mingxuan smiled evilly, "Just do it!"
Jun Moyin did not forget to give him a kind reminder, "Give me some kindness, don't slap him in the face, it represents the majesty of the royal family!"
Lei Jingting and Ouyang Mingxuan looked at each other, smiled, and said happily: "Okay, no problem!"
Jun Moyin waved his hand and said, "What are you waiting for? Come on!"
(End of this chapter)

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