
Chapter 69 Shameless

Chapter 69 Shameless
Jun Moshao covered his face, feeling that he was too embarrassed to see anyone.When walking on the street from now on, it's not that Yin Xiaoxiao doesn't recognize him, it's that he says he doesn't recognize Yin Xiaoxiao.It's really embarrassing to know such a shameless friend!
When Ouyang Mingxuan saw Yin Xiaoxiao drooling and nose bleeding, he coughed lightly and came forward, kindly handing over his brocade handkerchief.
"Hmm, pay attention to your image, don't be embarrassed!" He whispered, the corners of his eyes twitching obviously.Why did he fall in love with such a shameless woman like Yin Xiaoxiao?
Yin Xiaoxiao took Ouyang Mingxuan's brocade handkerchief and wiped it carelessly, his eyes still focused on the group of young shepherds.
The owner of the Luanfeng Restaurant was laughing so hard that he could hardly stop smiling. He had opened the Luanfeng Restaurant for two or three years, and this was the first time he had seen such an embarrassing customer. His nosebleeds came just from looking at the waiters. !
He stepped forward with a playful smile and urged in a loud voice: "Master, have you chosen which servant to serve you?"
Yin Xiaoxiao sniffed, looked at Ouyang Mingxuan beside her with great pride, and then said shamelessly: "Brother, I want all these little bastards!"
"Poof!" Everyone except Ouyang Mingxuan gushed blood and fell to the ground.
Want more than a dozen?Is this still a human being?
The group left Luanfeng Pavilion, and Yin Xiaoxiao was almost flying with excitement.
"Come on, I'll treat you to a drink. Let's all have a good time!" Yin Xiaoxiao said generously and decided to treat Ouyang Mingxuan, Lei Jingting and Jun Moshao to a feast.
Ouyang Mingxuan frowned when he heard that Yin Xiaoxiao was going to treat him to a drink.This stingy woman wants a treat, is it true or false?
Subconsciously, Ouyang Mingxuan asked: "Where do you want us to eat?"
Yin Xiaoxiao raised her hand and pointed, "Over there!"
Ouyang Mingxuan and others followed the direction of Yin Xiaoxiao's finger and looked, wow!It is the most magnificent, most expensive, and most luxurious first-class building in Tianqi Kingdom!
"Are you sure you want us to go there?" Ouyang Mingxuan frowned even more. God knows how expensive the things there are, and even he didn't dare to spend it often.You can't even think of leaving there without having a thousand or eight hundred taels of silver for a meal!
Waving his feather fan, Ouyang Mingxuan mocked without giving any face, "Xiaoxiao, are you planning to invite us to Yipinlou to eat wonton noodles?"
Hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao looked confused, "When did I invite you to Yipinlou?"
Well?Not only Ouyang Mingxuan was stunned, but also Lei Jingting and Jun Moshao were obviously stunned.
The three people asked in unison: "Aren't you inviting us to Yipinlou? Then, Xiaoxiao, where are you going to invite us to have a drink?"
Strange, wasn't the direction of Yin Xiaoxiao's finger just now pointing to Yipin Building?It's impossible for all three of them to be dazzled, right?
But when Yin Xiaoxiao raised his hand, he pointed to the small stall next to Yipinlou and said, "Have you seen the small stall next to Yipinlou selling porridge, pickles, noodles and wontons? That's where I want to invite you. It's economical. It’s also affordable, one tael of silver per person can last you to death!”
"Poof!" The three grown men all vomited blood.
How could Yin Xiaoxiao ask them to eat snacks from a roadside stall? Each of them was either a prince or a marquis, or even a general.
Yin Xiaoxiao, a black-hearted woman, was actually going to treat them to porridge and pickles on the roadside. It was really unreasonable!
At dusk, the sky is filled with fiery red clouds.
The wind is slightly cooler, and people are coming and going on the street, which is more lively than during the day.
Yin Xiaoxiao was carried back to Prince Lian's Mansion by Ouyang Mingxuan and Lei Jingting.
Ouyang Mingxuan and Lei Jingting also drank too much, and they swayed Yin Xiaoxiao left and right, followed by Jun Moshao, a half-assed man, who even started to walk with eight figures.
The four of them staggered to the door of Prince Lian's Mansion, where a carriage happened to be parked steadily.The sedan curtain opened and Jun Moyin jumped out of the carriage first.
Originally, Jun Moyin was supposed to stay at Zhen Shangshu Mansion tonight, but he really couldn't worry about Yin Xiaoxiao.To be precise, she couldn't bear to worry about the group of wolf-like men around her.Therefore, he resolutely returned to Prince Lian's Mansion on the grounds that the emperor had assigned him some private matters.
As soon as he got off the carriage, he saw four swaying figures coming towards him.Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Yin Xiaoxiao, who was disguised as a man, and the three men who looked like wolves and tigers.
What made Jun Mo angry the most was that Ouyang Mingxuan and Lei Jingting shamelessly held Yin Xiaoxiao. They covered Yin Xiaoxiao's body with all four hands and tried their best to make things worse. .
"Where have you guys gone?" Jun Moyin asked standing there, with suppressed anger clearly evident in his tone.
When Yin Xiaoxiao saw Jun Moyin, she smiled brightly, "Hey, Prince, we went to Yihong Courtyard and Luanfeng Pavilion. It's a pity that you didn't go, really!"
Jun Moyin had veins popping up on his forehead, and he gritted his teeth and yelled angrily: "Yin Xiaoxiao, you are so bold, how dare you drink?"
Yes, Yin Xiaoxiao drank two glasses of strong wine.It's a pity that he is a drunk after all, and he is top-heavy after just two glasses of wine!
Yin Xiaoxiao was scolded, but his laughter became even more crazier, "Hey hey hey, I'm already brave, bigger than the sky, why don't I take it out and show it to you? Haha!"
While smiling, he fell into Lei Jingting's arms.Your sister, you really can’t stand firm!It is said that a drunken body can solve a thousand worries, but when Yin Xiaoxiao was drunk, he was even more depressed than when he was sober, because his head hurt as if it was going to explode.
Lei Jingting felt that Yin Xiaoxiao was throwing himself into his arms, and he was not polite. He immediately reached out and hugged Yin Xiaoxiao.
This move immediately earned two displeased glares.One is from Jun Moyin, and the other is naturally from Ouyang Mingxuan!
But how smart is Ouyang Mingxuan?Seeing Jun Moyin's dark face, he immediately smiled again.Hehe, is Lei Jingting asking for his own death?When he hugged Yin Xiaoxiao in front of Jun Moyin, it would be strange if Jun Moyin didn't list him as his number one enemy!
Sure enough, while Ouyang Mingxuan was gloating and thinking, Jun Moyin stepped forward and angrily pushed Lei Jingting away, taking advantage of the situation to take the drunk Yin Xiaoxiao into his arms.
"It's not anyone else's turn to get involved with this king's woman. Lei Jingting, and you Ouyang Mingxuan, you two should stay away from Xiaoxiao from now on!" Jun Mo cited Lei Jingting and Ouyang in an unhappy tone. Mingxuan scolded angrily.
Ouyang Mingxuan took a step forward, and just as he was about to say a few words to defend himself, he heard a soft call from inside the carriage.
"Prince!" It was just two words, but it already made people weak.
Jun Mo turned back and saw that the curtain of the carriage was opened and Zhen Yuyan was looking at him with a smile, waiting for him to take her down.
When Ouyang Mingxuan saw this, he swallowed back what he wanted to say at the right time.Hum, he wanted to see how Jun Moyin dealt with the mess in front of him?If he doesn't hug Zhen Yuyan, he will definitely offend his most beloved woman.If he hugs Zhen Yuyan, how should Yin Xiaoxiao be accommodated?
Come to think of it, Jun Moyin was also thinking about this issue.
While she was thinking like this, Zhen Yuyan had already lifted the curtain of the carriage and got out, preparing to jump off the carriage.She really didn't understand Jun Moyin's thoughts. People said that a woman's heart was as deep as the bottom of the sea, but how could a man's heart be like a cloud in the sky that no one could see through?
She originally wanted to stay at her parents' house tonight and occupy Jun Moyin.Who would have thought that Jun Moyin would use the personal affairs assigned to him by the emperor as an excuse to insist on coming back.She didn't know if Jun Moyin insisted on returning home because of Yin Xiaoxiao. Anyway, she would never give Yin Xiaoxiao a chance to have sex with Jun Moyin tonight!
With this calculation in her mind, Zhen Yuyan deliberately got out of the carriage, and when her feet touched the ground, she twisted in time.
"Ah!" With an exclamation, Zhen Yuyan successfully 'twisted her feet'.
Jun Mo's heart was suffocated, and he let go of Yin Xiaoxiao almost without thinking, and then strode to Zhen Yuyan's side to firmly hold the person who almost fell to the ground.At the same time, Yin Xiaoxiao staggered and lost his support, and fell heavily to the ground.
Ouyang Mingxuan could have stepped forward to help Yin Xiaoxiao, but he was heartless and did not help.Because only in this way can everyone know the status of Yin Xiaoxiao in Jun Moyin's heart, and also let Jun Moyin know that the person who is least qualified to get involved with Yin Xiaoxiao is Jun Moyin!
Yin Xiaoxiao fell to the ground, her tender hands scratched her skin, and she groaned in pain.
But what is extremely ironic is that Jun Moyin is supporting Zhen Yuyan at this moment and asking softly: "Yan'er, are you okay? Why are you in such a hurry!"
He seemed to be blaming Zhen Yuyan for getting off the carriage, but his tone was full of heartache. Where was the slightest hint of harsh reproach?
Zhen Yuyan's face was filled with grievances, her eyes were red with tears, and she looked like she was about to cry and said: "Your Majesty, it hurts so much, I've twisted my foot!"
Hearing this, Jun Moyin quickly and nervously picked up Zhen Yuyan from her waist to prevent her feet from landing in pain.Turning around, he was about to walk towards the palace, but he saw Yin Xiaoxiao sitting on the ground, blowing helplessly into the skinned little hand.
Jun Moyin frowned and gritted his teeth in annoyance.What did he just do?Was he the one who left the drunken Yin Xiaoxiao alone and let her fall to the ground?
damn it!He...he didn't expect such a result, and he had no intention of causing Yin Xiaoxiao to fall to the ground and get injured.It’s just Zhen Yuyan...
At this moment, Jun Moyin wished he had four hands, one pair to hold Zhen Yuyan and one pair to hold Yin Xiaoxiao.But the reality is that he doesn't have four hands, and he can only use one of his hands to hold Zhen Yuyan!
Just when he was hesitating and not knowing how to solve it, he heard Zhen Yuyan in his arms say in surprise: "What's wrong with my sister?"
Yin Xiaoxiao raised her head and met Zhen Yuyan's smiling and mocking eyes, as if she was showing off something.
Immediately, Yin Xiaoxiao lowered his face and said angrily, "Do I want you to take care of it?"
When he finished speaking, he gave Zhen Yuyan a big roll of his eyes.
Zhen Yuyan was startled, and her heart was filled with rage.Damn little bitch, you dared to look down on her, you can't even tell who is older and who is younger!
However, even though he was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, there was no sign of anger on his face.
But Zhen Yuyan pretended to be gentle and responded: "Sister, I am caring about you! You are safe and well, don't be stupid, help Mrs. Yin up quickly!"
Ping An Ruyi followed Zhen Yuyan back to her parents' home. When she heard Zhen Yuyan's call, she quickly ran forward and tried to help Yin Xiaoxiao who fell on the ground.
But Yin Xiaoxiao took advantage of her drunkenness and started to act up, "Get out of here, no one wants your help! I can walk by myself!"
As he spoke, Yin Xiaoxiao stood up unsteadily and glared at Zhen Yuyan provocatively.
(End of this chapter)

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