
Chapter 73 Want to see her

Chapter 73 Want to see her
Ouyang Mingxuan was asked aggressively by Yin Xiaoxiao, and his face was a little embarrassed, "Isn't this the evening when I saw you being reprimanded by the prince, and I heard that you were punished to kneel in the Buddhist hall all night. I was thinking, the night was cold, and you drank again I don’t know what kind of virtue it would be for a person to be alone in a Buddhist hall after drinking, so I wanted to come and see you.”
Yin Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, "Oh! So you were the one who was suspected by the guards of breaking into the palace at night just outside the Buddhist hall?"
Ouyang Mingxuan gave Yin Xiaoxiao a hard look, "Stop it! Don't you look at people with that kind of contempt, okay? Although I am not very strong in martial arts, my Qinggong is superb. If I am the second highest Qinggong in Tianqi Kingdom , then no one dares to claim to be number one, understand?”
Yin Xiaoxiao shook his head, "I don't understand! I only know that my dear brother, you entered the palace at night and were discovered by the guards!"
Ouyang Mingxuan looked ugly, "Fuck you! Not to mention there are so many people in the palace. Even if I immediately went to the palace at night, no one would know about it! How could anyone discover my whereabouts?"
When Yin Xiaoxiao heard this, his brows tightened, "Oh? According to you, the person outside the Buddhist hall is not you?"
Ouyang Mingxuan gritted his teeth, "Of course not!"
Yin Xiaoxiao asked suspiciously: "Who could that be?"
Ouyang Mingxuan rolled his eyes, "Who else could it be? A simple-minded man with strong limbs, a reckless man like Lei Jingting!"
"Uh!" Yin Xiaoxiao was stunned. Is Lei Jingting here too?
Ouyang Mingxuan curled his lips and said in an angry tone, "Humph, you woman, you have a bad temper, an angry personality, rude words, and arrogant behavior. I really don't know what's so good about you, so many men are surrounding you!" "
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and rolled her eyes at Ouyang Mingxuan, "Are you saying that is so exaggerated? Apart from you and Lei Jingting, who else is blindly wandering around me?"
Ouyang Mingxuan snorted, "Jun Moyin and Jun Moshao are the brothers!"
Yin Xiaoxiao shrugged, "Jun Moshao is a child, and hanging around me means that I am destined to be a child. As for Jun Moyin, you are exaggerating. It was too late for him to hate me, so he didn't hang around me!"
In Yin Xiaoxiao's eyes, she is not a young girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, but a woman with a mature mind in her twenties.So naturally, Jun Moshao, who is the same age as 19-year-old Zhengtai, is at the level of a child in her eyes!
Ouyang Mingxuan looked at Yin Xiaoxiao solemnly and concluded loudly: "Yin Xiaoxiao, you like Jun Moyin!"
Not in a questioning tone, but in an affirmative tone!
"Pfft!" Yin Xiaoxiao snorted, and then coughed twice, "Ahem, what are you talking about? Who likes him? If you don't know anything, just stop talking, okay?"
His face was a bit ugly, as if he was angry.
Ouyang Mingxuan smiled to himself, "Look!"He just can't tell the truth.The long-term disguise allows him to see through other people's pretenses at a glance.It was as if Yin Xiaoxiao didn't admit that she liked Jun Moyin at the moment, but he could see clearly that Yin Xiaoxiao just liked Jun Moyin!
Sighing lightly, Ouyang Mingxuan said with a taste in his voice, and analyzed sourly: "You think, what's so good about Jun Mo seducing him? How could you fall in love with him? He's not gentle, interesting, and blind. In his heart, he pretends to be a pretentious Zhen Yuyan. Such a man is arrogant, arrogant and selfish, and thinks he is sacred and inviolable. The most important thing is that he also beats women and does not respect other people's feelings. He..."
"Stop!" Yin Xiaoxiao interrupted Ouyang Mingxuan in time.
She took a deep breath and said, "Brother, please stop making random analyses. As you said, Jun Moyin is so bad. I like him, right? We are both smart people. I I won’t hide it from you. In our world, men and women are equal. A man can only marry one woman, do you understand? Therefore, a man like Jun Moyin, who has a wife and concubines, is in vain. It’s not unusual either!”
When Ouyang Mingxuan heard this, he laughed, "Oh? So, if I want to marry Xiaoxiao, I have to clean up all the women in the house first, right?"
Yin Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows, "Brother, your joke is not funny at all!"
She didn't think that someone as secretive as Ouyang Mingxuan would have thoughts about her!
Ouyang Mingxuan didn't say anything anymore. It was unrealistic to say anything now.When the emperor's foundation is as solid as a mountain, and he can relieve himself of the heavy responsibilities, he will definitely clean up the Yingying Yanyan in the backyard, and then use actions to prove his sincerity to Yin Xiaoxiao!
Even though he was weak for three thousand dollars, he saw the right person and would rather just take a spoonful and drink it!
The next morning, Yin Xiaoxiao got up late.
After washing and dressing up, she hurried to the main hall. Concubine Dou and Zhen Yuyan were already having breakfast first.
"Mother-in-law, sister concubine, Xiaoxiao got up late!" Yin Xiaoxiao entered the main hall and greeted her obediently.
Concubine Dou responded softly and said, "Well, it's okay, sit down and have a meal!"
Yin Xiaoxiao frowned, huh?Her mother-in-law didn't reprimand her at length?Doesn't her mother-in-law know that she beat Jun Moyin yesterday?
Recalling the incident where she slapped Jun Moyin outside the palace yesterday and was punished by him by kneeling in the Buddhist hall, Yin Xiaoxiao felt that logically speaking, even if the guards guarding the door would not mind their own business and complain to Dowager Dou, Zhen Yuyan, a woman with evil intentions, would definitely tell Concubine Dou!
It can be said that on the way to the main hall, Yin Xiaoxiao thought of several excuses to deal with Mrs. Dou's reproach!But why does Mrs. Dou look like she doesn't know anything?
She glanced at Zhen Yuyan suspiciously, but Zhen Yuyan just lowered her head to eat and didn't look at her.From time to time, Mrs. Dou would kindly bring food to Zhen Yuyan, telling her not to just eat, and saying that she had a sprained ankle and needed to eat something good.
Yin Xiaoxin felt even more surprised. Concubine Dou knew that Zhen Yuyan had sprained her ankle and would definitely ask her how she got injured.When the time comes, she will definitely tell the story about her beating Jun Moyin. Is there any reason for Zhen Yuyan not to complain to Concubine Dou?
In fact, the meal was very peaceful, which completely proved that Yin Xiaoxiao's worries were unnecessary.Concubine Dou really didn't know what happened outside the palace yesterday, let alone what happened when Yin Xiaoxiao beat Jun Moyin.
When Yin Xiao was full, he bowed and left the main hall.
What she didn't know was that not long after she left, Ping An and Ruyi came out supporting Zhen Yuyan, who had twisted her leg.In fact, Zhen Yuyan sprained her foot, so she didn't have to come to the main hall to have dinner to pay her respects to Mrs. Dou.But she wanted to come, she wanted to see Yin Xiaoxiao’s jokes!
Yin Xiaoxiao knelt in the Buddhist hall last night, so that's why she got up so late today, right?
Looking at Yin Xiaoxiao's fading figure, Ping An asked in confusion: "Mother, why didn't you tell the concubine about Mrs. Yin beating the prince just now? If the concubine knew about it, she would be angry and punished severely. She!"
Ping An thought that Zhen Yuyan insisted on eating in the main hall because she wanted to complain to Concubine Dou about Yin Xiaoxiao's beating of Jun Moyin.But after finishing the meal, Zhen Yuyan was quite quiet.Ping An is just a slave, so he doesn't dare to say anything for his master.
When Zhen Yuyan heard Ping An's question, she sneered: "Haha, you servant girl is stupid, aren't you? If I tell the old woman now that the little bitch beat the prince, the old woman will certainly be angry, and there should be punishment. . But you have to know that Yin Xiaoxiao is now a hero in the heart of the old woman! As long as Yin Xiaoxiao coaxes a few sweet words and uses the heir as a cover at the right time, do you think the old woman is still cruel? Punish her severely?"
Ping An bit his lip, looking half-comprehensive.
Zhen Yuyan still smiled, and her smile was a little weird, "It's easy to pull someone off a horse, but if there's a pile of grass under the horse and can't hurt anyone, what's the use of pulling her off? On the contrary, if there's a sharp piece of grass under the horse, If there is a stone, pulling her down will be a serious injury! I am not in a hurry to pull Yin Xiaoxiao off, because now is not the best time to pull her down!"
Hearing this, Ruyi was also curious and asked with wide eyes: "My Lady, when is the best time?"
Zhen Yuyan didn't show any impatience towards the curiosity of the two little maids. She was in a good mood now, so she answered all questions.
I heard her reply in a single voice: "The best time is when the old woman is full of joy and calls the doctor to check the pulse of the little bitch. The little bitch is not pregnant by then. The old woman must be holding a breath in her heart. If we find out that she has beaten the prince, it will only make her angry and guilty. At that time, do you think the old woman will be merciful to a loser who dares to beat her precious son? "
Hearing Zhen Yuyan's in-depth explanation, Ping An and Ruyi gave thumbs up, "Your Majesty, you are really clever. This move is a long-term way to catch a big fish. It would be strange if you don't pull the opponent off his horse and throw him on a rock and seriously injure him!"
Zhen Yuyan sneered, yes!She just wants to play the long game and catch the big fish!
The whole morning was spent in boredom.Yin Xiaoxiao visited Jade who was still lying on the bed recovering from her injuries. After asking Pearl to take good care of Jade, she returned to the room and continued to be in a daze.
During lunch, Yin Xiaoxiao went to the main hall.Ouyang Mingxuan, Lei Jingting and Jun Moshao came to eat as usual. Lei Jingting looked at Yin Xiaoxiao with worried eyes, seeming to ask if she was okay.
Yin Xiaoxiao silently gave him a comforting look, indicating that she was fine.Thinking about it, Lei Jingting must have thought that she knelt in the Buddhist hall last night, so he was worried, right?
Jun Moyin sat next to Zhen Yuyan with a cold face. He was very unhappy when he saw Lei Jingting and Yin Xiaoxiao's eyes changing, with an undercurrent surging, as if they were flirting with each other.He thought that the guards at the palace should be strengthened tomorrow and Lei Jingting and Ouyang Mingxuan should not be allowed to come in contact with Yin Xiaoxiao on the pretext of having a meal!
He couldn't say how much he liked Yin Xiaoxiao, but he certainly didn't really dislike him.At least, he admitted that he was a dirty person and liked Yin Xiaoxiao's immature body.Therefore, even if he and Yin Xiaoxiao continued to quarrel, he would not allow other men to miss his woman!
It felt like he had a piece of clothing.Although it fits well, I don't wear it often and keep it in my closet.But even if he left it alone, he would not allow anyone else to wear it, let alone anyone to covet it or want to take it away.
His things can only be his if they are marked with Jun Moyin's mark.Even the clothes he doesn't wear will never be given away.In the same way, regarding the woman Yin Xiaoxiao, even if Jun Moyin was so angry with her that he would never set foot in the north wing again in his life, he would not acquiesce to her just because he did not touch this woman anymore. men touch this woman!
He, in a certain respect, is an extremely selfish, narrow-minded, petty-minded man!
(End of this chapter)

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