
Chapter 78

Chapter 78
Yin Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, puffed out her cheeks and nuzzled over, looking very reluctant.
Jun Moyin frowned. When did his fifth brother learn to roll his eyes and puff out his cheeks like Yin Xiaoxiao?It’s quite similar to what I learned!
"Third brother, you...are you okay?" Seeing that Jun Moyin remained silent, Yin Xiaoxiao had no choice but to ask.
Jun Moyin nodded and looked at Ouyang Mingxuan and Yin Xiaoxiao, who were chatting and laughing in the distance.
His eyes narrowed slightly, and he hooked Yin Xiaoxiao's shoulder behind him, or to be precise, the shoulder of Jun Moshao's body.
"Let me ask you, what were Ouyang Mingxuan and Yin Xiaoxiao talking about when you came here just now?" Jun Mo asked straightforwardly.
Yin Xiaoxiao curled her lips, "I didn't say anything! It's just that Mr. Marquis bought... dried plums for Xiaoxiao to eat."
Jun Mo's eyes tightened, "What then?"
Yin Xiaoxiao bit her lip, "Well, then Xiaoxiao Xiaoxiao is delicious."
Jun Moyin frowned and asked again, "That's it?"
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded and said, "Yeah, that's it! Otherwise, what else do you want? Let the young marquis talk to Xiaoxiao about love?"
"Fuck you!" When Jun Moyin heard this, he immediately gave Yin Xiaoxiao a big slap.
Yin Xiaoxiao was so angry that he slapped Jun Moyin rudely, "Hey, Jun Moyin, I'm warning you not to bully others too much!"
Jun Moyin was a little confused after being beaten. Jun Moshao dared to attack him?
In his confusion, he suddenly thought that the 'Jun Moshao' in front of him just now dared to call him by his name and challenge him.That tone, that attitude, they are exactly the replica of Yin Xiaoxiao!
There is a saying that goes well: a country is easy to change, but a character is hard to change.But the character of Jun Moshao in front of me is obviously no different from that damn woman Yin Xiaoxiao, could it be...
Jun Moyin looked at Yin Xiaoxiao whose soul was in 'Jun Mo Shao''s body in astonishment, and asked in a low voice: "You, damn, are you Yin Xiaoxiao?"
Yin Xiaoxiao was shocked when she heard Jun Moyin's low curses.
She stared at Jun Moshao's big eyes and looked at Jun Moyin with dumbfounded eyes, " do you know?"
As soon as he finished speaking, he almost bit off his tongue.Okay!Isn’t this self-inflicted?
When Jun Moyin heard Yin Xiaoxiao's rhetorical question, he was sure and confirmed in his mind what he had guessed.Sure enough... the slender man in front of him who looked very similar to him, his fifth brother, was a fake possessed by Yin Xiaoxiao's soul!
Jun Moyin thought that he was not stupid, and he had some understanding of Jun Moshao's character.So when 'Jun Mo Shao' said something that only Yin Xiaoxiao could say, the first thing he thought of was that the person in front of him might be Yin Xiaoxiao.Besides, only Jun Moshao knew about Yin Xiaoxiaohui’s soul summoning!
Therefore, based on the above analysis, it is not impossible for Yin Xiaoxiao to exchange souls with Jun Moshao, who knows that she is a soul summoner.Just like Jun Moyin and Yin Xiaoxiao, haven't they changed their souls several times?
"Yin Xiaoxiao, you are so capable!" Jun Mo looked at the other party dangerously and sarcastically said.
Yin Xiaoxiao's smile was fake and ugly, "Hahaha, Your Majesty, you are so grateful! No matter how capable I am, I am not as capable as you, Your Majesty. You can see through my little tricks at a glance. I am really dazzled by my sharp eyes, my unique discernment, and my eyes are like stars." …”
"Okay, okay, don't be ridiculous! The words don't convey the meaning, and the true colors are revealed after two idioms, like a bear!" Jun Moyin despised Yin Xiaoxiao, and deeply believed that this dead girl must have something wrong with her ears, otherwise Why can't you hear the bad words?
When Yin Xiaoxiao saw Jun Moyin say this, he wisely closed his mouth and remained silent.
She stopped talking, but that didn't mean Jun Moyin stopped talking.
But I heard Jun Mo yell angrily: "You damn woman, are you stupid or crazy? You actually exchanged souls with Mo Shao like this, but you are a woman? Let Mo Shao take the soul of a grown man." Even if he possesses your body, aren't you afraid that he will go behind your back and eat the tofu that belongs to your tiny body?"
His expression was very indignant and quite annoyed.
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and said angrily: "My lord, do you think everyone has dirty thoughts like you?"
Jun Moyin's face darkened, was Yin Xiaoxiao scolding him for his dirty thoughts?damn.
"Hurry up and exchange with Mo Shao! Immediately, immediately!" Jun Moyin ordered Yin Xiaoxiao.
Yin Xiaoxiao shook her head resolutely. She had finally convinced Jun Moshao to exchange souls with her, how could she exchange them back?She is stupid!
"I won't change. You don't need to worry about my own affairs." Yin Xiaoxiao refused simply.
Jun Moyin narrowed his eyes, he was actually very confused.Is there anything that Yin Xiaoxiao needs to exchange souls with Jun Moshao?You don't want to pick up the little palace maid, do you?Well, shame on his wild imagination.
Pursing his thin lips, Jun Moyin asked coldly: "Okay, then tell me, why are you exchanging souls with him?"
Yin Xiaoxiao shrugged, pointed to Lei Jingting who was choosing a horse for her not far away, and said, "Here, see! I'm going to use Jun Moshao's body to ride a horse."
Jun Moyin, with veins popping out on his forehead, went for a ride on horseback?I wonder how Yin Xiaoxiao came up with this bad idea.
Yin Xiaoxiao didn't want to say anything more to Jun Moyin. They couldn't speak more than five sentences to each other, otherwise they would definitely quarrel.She was not willing to use Jun Moshao's identity to quarrel with Jun Moyin. It would be bad if someone saw her.
With such an idea, Yin Xiaoxiao said to Jun Moyin: "Your Majesty, your beauty is very busy in pregnancy, so you should hurry up and accompany your beloved wife and concubine!"
When saying this, Yin Xiaoxiao smiled brightly, thinking that he could kill all sentient beings instantly.
Jun Moyin admitted that he was killed instantly!He now feels nauseous and wants to vomit.
He raised his hand to push the other person's face to the other side and said angrily: "Turn around and don't look at me. Your face makes my heart tremble when I look at it!"
Yes, knowing that the other party is his concubine, but being in a man's body, who can adapt to it?Thinking about it this way, Yin Xiaoxiao's little face that is not absolutely beautiful but is pretty is pretty!
Yin Xiaoxiao stood up directly. Since Jun Moyin didn't want to look at her face, it was just right for her to leave, right?
As soon as he stood up, Lei Jingting led a tall bay-red horse.
"Little prince, how is this horse?" Lei Jingting patted the horse's head and asked in a show-off manner.
When Yin Xiaoxiao saw the tall horse, he felt a little scared.Although Jun Moshao's body has the memory of riding a horse, to be honest, his skills are not very good.Jun Moshao used to only like to stay in Xiaoyao Prince's Mansion and study Zhouyi arithmetic in the Five Elements and Bagua, so he was not very good at riding horses. He was only a little bit better than Yin Xiaoxiao...
"Well, this horse... seems a bit tall and big. In fact, General Lei, you can get me a smaller, more well-behaved horse to ride on, haha!" Yin Xiaoxiao laughed out loud, obviously right. Lei Jingting was not interested in the tall horse he picked.
Lei Jingting patted the horse and praised: "Young prince, you are wrong. With a status like yours, it is natural that you should be matched with a horse like Lie Yan. Don't look at Lie Yan who looks very fierce. In fact, he is very obedient and polite." You are sensible. Come on, my lord, please get on the horse for a spin and try your feet!"
While Lei Jingting introduced him, he diligently stepped forward to urge Yin Xiaoxiao to get on the horse.
Yin Xiaoxiao looked at that tall and big man, who looked really fierce, but also seemed to be very principled and calm. He gritted his teeth and gave up!
She smiled at Lei Jingting and said politely: "General Lei, I haven't ridden a horse for a long time, so I'm a little rusty. You... ahem, can you help me get on the horse?"
"Ah?" Lei Jingting was stunned when he heard this. What is 'Jun Mo Shao' talking about?Let him hold him on the horse?A grown man can't get on a horse, so he needs another grown man to hold him up?
Yin Xiaoxiao saw the colorful emotions on Lei Jingting's face, shook his head and said: "What, forget it, I'd better go on my own!"
After saying that, he bravely walked to the left side of the big horse, imitated what he saw on TV, put his feet on the stirrups, grabbed the saddle with his big hands, and then climbed up with all his strength.
Lei Jingting saw that 'Jun Mo Shao' was indeed very clumsy, as if he couldn't get on the horse. He shook his head helplessly and stepped forward to help.He is the kind of tall and tall man, while Jun Moshao's body is like a bean sprout in a greenhouse. He is not very tall or strong.So Lei Jingting stepped forward, holding Yin Xiaoxiao's waist with his soul in Jun Moshao's body between his hands, and easily half pushed and half hugged the other person to the horse.
Jun Moyin saw it from the side, and the corners of his mouth twitched.
If it weren't for the fact that Yin Xiaoxiao was in Jun Moshao's body at this moment, he would definitely rush forward and pull Lei Jingting away.How terrible!This Yin Xiaoxiao flirted around when she was a woman, but she still flirts uneasily as a man!
Yin Xiaoxiao didn't know what Jun Moyin was thinking at the moment, otherwise he would laugh and pee his pants if he found out.Damn your sister, which one of your eyes saw her seducing Lei Jingting as a man?
"Wow, it's so high!" Yin Xiaoxiao sighed as she rode on the horse, holding the reins with both hands and clamping her feet tightly on the horse's belly.
Lei Jingting stood next to the horse and chuckled: "Your Majesty, you can try riding for a while to get familiar with Lieyan. Practice makes perfect when you hit the road in a while!"
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded and responded softly. Relying on the experience he had learned from watching TV and Jun Moshao's body's cognitive ability to ride horses, he gently pinched the horse's belly and whispered "Drive".
After hearing the order, Lie Yan immediately started jogging gently. The speed was not fast, but it made Yin Xiaoxiao very nervous.I have seen horseback riding, but this is my first time riding it myself. How could I not be afraid?
Lie Yan carried Yin Xiaoxiao on his back and ran slowly along the mountain path. Jun Moyin watched from a distance for a while. Seeing that the other person was relatively stable on the horse, he no longer worried about her safety.He withdrew his gaze and turned to Jun Moshao. To be precise, it was Jun Moshao whose soul was in Yin Xiaoxiao's body!
The guy was enjoying the dried plums given by Ouyang Mingxuan while joking with Ouyang Mingxuan. He didn't know what Ouyang Mingxuan said to him, which made him laugh very happily.And Ouyang Mingxuan stood beside him, gazing at him affectionately, as if they were hooking up with each other, and they were flying together!
With a cold face, Jun Moyin strode towards the two joking people.When Lei Jingting saw this, he was secretly unhappy and walked forward towards Ouyang Mingxuan and the fake 'Yin Xiaoxiao'.
"What are you talking to Xiao Xiaoxiao about? You're having a lot of fun!" Jun Moyin strode forward and asked while clasping Yin Xiaoxiao's slender waist with one hand.
(End of this chapter)

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