
Chapter 80 What's Wrong

Chapter 80 What's Wrong
Jun Moshao felt extremely wronged. He looked at his handsome face with red eyes and sobbed softly: "Little... Your Highness, I want to pee!"
Yin Xiaoxiao sweated heavily, "If you want to pee, just go and pee. Tell me why? Are you going to let me take you there?"
Over there, Ouyang Mingxuan and Lei Jingting were also confused about this issue.Yin Xiaoxiao is so strange today. Why does she feel like something is wrong?
Jun Mo Shao stomped his feet anxiously, "No, no, it's the prince who won't let me go."
Hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows, "Why?"
Jun Moshao shook his head, "I don't know!"
At this time, Jun Moyin strode forward, pointed at Yin Xiaoxiao and Jun Moshao, and replied awkwardly: "You know... you... he... it's that one, you know!"
Jun Moyin pointed at Jun Moshao and Yin Xiaoxiao. In the eyes of Ouyang Mingxuan and Lei Jingting, Jun Moyin looked like a psycho!
But Yin Xiaoxiao understood what Jun Moyin wanted to express. He wanted to say that Jun Moshao and Yin Xiaoxiao had exchanged souls, so he did not allow Jun Moshao to replace Yin Xiaoxiao to solve the problem of peeing. question.
Seeing Jun Moyin's look, Jun Moshao suddenly understood, and he slowly understood why Jun Moyin stopped him from peeing.It turns out that Jun Moyin also knew that he and Yin Xiaoxiao had exchanged souls?
"Sorry, it was my negligence, haha..." Yin Xiaoxiao, whose soul was in Jun Moshao's body, laughed.
In fact, she had to admit that Jun Moyin was right to prevent Jun Moshao from peeing.Otherwise, she would be embarrassed to death when she faced Jun Moshao in the future?
He stepped forward and put his arms around Jun Moyin's shoulders, like a pair of very good brothers, and whispered in a low voice: "Your Majesty, people in plain sight don't speak secretly. You go and help lure away the young Marquis and Lei Jingting. I How about changing your identity with Mo Shao immediately?"
Jun Moyin raised his eyebrows, "No!"
Yin Xiaoxiao touched her nose and apologized sincerely, "Okay, I admit that I didn't think carefully about what happened this time, and I admit my mistake. Next time something like this happens again, I will definitely exchange souls with you, Prince, okay? "
Jun Moyin snorted, his voice still pretending to be cool and cold, "That's pretty much it!"
Yin Xiaoxiaopi smiles but doesn't smile, almost like your sister!
The two people moved away from each other, and Jun Moyin strode towards Ouyang Mingxuan and Lei Jingting who were obviously unaware of the situation.
"Just now, you two wanted to gang up on me. It just so happens that I haven't moved my muscles for a long time, so I'm going to practice with you?" He asked calmly, as if he was sure that Ouyang Mingxuan and Lei Jingting would not Will agree.
In fact, Ouyang Mingxuan and Lei Jingting really disagreed. Who would have a convulsion after eating too much?Damn it, they only care about Yin Xiaoxiao, okay?
"Get out of the way!" Ouyang Mingxuan pushed Jun Moyin and prepared to walk towards 'Yin Xiaoxiao'.
Jun Moyin stopped him directly and refused to let him pass.
In that compartment, Yin Xiaoxiao saw that Jun Moyin had temporarily stopped Ouyang Mingxuan and Lei Jingting, and quickly winked at Jun Moshao, and the two of them flew into the dense bushes.
"Jun Moyin, you idiot, Xiaoxiao was dragged away by Jun Moshao!" Lei Jingting watched Jun Moshao grab Yin Xiaoxiao's hand and disappear into the bushes together, and quickly stepped forward to give a warning. .
Jun Moyin's eyes twitched slightly. He knew better than Lei Jingting who took whom away, okay? Did he still need to remind him?
In the bush, Yin Xiaoxiao did not dare to hesitate and hurriedly exchanged souls with Jun Moshao.As soon as he returned to his body, he clearly felt the overwhelming urge to urinate.
"Holy shit!" Yin Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly.
She finally understood why Jun Moshao was crying so hard inside her that he was dying.Damn it, this embarrassing feeling of having to pee right away is really worse than death, it’s so painful that you don’t want to live!
"Mo Shao, I've really worked hard on you just now, I'm sorry!" Yin Xiaoxiao apologized sincerely to Jun Mo Shao beside him.
Jun Moshao returned to his own body, feeling refreshed all over. He waved his hand generously and said, "It's okay. What's the matter? I'll leave first. Xiaoxiao, please deal with it quickly. It's really uncomfortable to hold it in!"
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded and watched Jun Moshao leave.
After Yin Xiaoxiao resolved his urinary urgency, the emperor gave the order and decided to continue setting off.The ministers and their families got up and got into their own carriages to wait for departure.A general has already opened the way, riding a tall horse at the front of the team.
Yin Xiaoxiao hadn't had enough fun just riding the horse. When he saw the generals who were riding away first, he felt itchy in his heart and felt extremely envious.Thinking that she could no longer exchange souls with Jun Moshao, she naturally set her sights on Jun Moyin.
Her eyes narrowed dangerously, and then she muttered a few words in her heart.
The soul floated out and flew quickly towards Jun Moyin, who was about to get on the horse. With a whoosh, she forced herself in and pushed Jun Moyin's soul out of her body, throwing it towards her own body on the ground.
Everything happened so suddenly that before Jun Moyin even realized what was going on, Yin Xiaoxiao was already driving a tall horse in his capacity to catch up with the generals who were rushing ahead and walked at the front of the team.
"Damn it!" Jun Moyin stamped his feet and almost lost his breath.
This Yin Xiaoxiao really dared to exchange souls with him!
"Xiao Xiao, let's get on the carriage!" Ouyang Mingxuan walked over with a smile on his face.
Jun Moyin was disgusted when he saw the thief smile on Ouyang Mingxuan's face. How could he not know that Ouyang Mingxuan was always making little bad ideas?
At that moment, as Yin Xiaoxiao, he scolded angrily with a straight face: "Go away!"
Humph, since Yin Xiaoxiao was unkind and rode a horse crookedly after getting on top of him, then don't blame him for being unjust and using Yin Xiaoxiao's identity to break up with Ouyang Mingxuan!
"Uh!" Ouyang Mingxuan touched his nose, feeling extremely surprised.
Yin Xiaoxiao yelled at him and told him to go away?Was he hallucinating?
Seeing 'Yin Xiaoxiao' striding away, Ouyang Mingxuan hurriedly caught up and was about to ask 'Yin Xiaoxiao' why he had offended her, when Lei Jingting came over with a mysterious look on his face.
"Hehehe! Xiaoxiao, has the prince made you angry again?" Lei Jingting has always been a serious person, so the mean way he smiled at this moment made Jun Moyin tremble all over.
Have you ever seen someone who looks worse when they smile than when they cry?Lei Jingting is definitely that kind of person, he can guarantee it.
When Ouyang Mingxuan heard Lei Jingting's inquiry and saw that Yin Xiaoxiao didn't respond, he thought to himself that it seemed that that dead man Jun Moyin had offended Yin Xiaoxiao.No wonder 'Yin Xiaoxiao' yelled at him, it must be because she has anger in her heart and nowhere to vent it, right?
Thinking this way, Ouyang Mingxuan felt much more comfortable.Sometimes, being a punching bag for others is a happy thing, right?Especially, that 'other person' is Yin Xiaoxiao!
Jun Moyin remained silent. In the eyes of Ouyang Mingxuan and Lei Jingting, this was an obvious acquiescence to the fact that Yin Xiaoxiao was made angry by Jun Mo.
Lei Jingting stepped forward and whispered mysteriously to Jun Moyin, whose soul was in Yin Xiaoxiao's body: "Xiaoxiao, don't be angry, that Jun Moyin really needs a beating. Not only I can't bear the responsibilities that a man should have, and I still bully you and make you kneel in the Buddhist hall. I just avenged you, so don't be angry!"
Jun Moyin's lips twitched when he heard Lei Jingting's flattering words.When did Lei Jingting become such an insidious villain, speaking ill of others behind their backs and trying to undermine others?
In the midst of doubts, Ouyang Mingxuan grasped the key words in Lei Jingting's words and asked in a low voice: "How did General Lei avenge Xiaoxiao? Tell me!"
Lei Jingting smiled weirdly and replied in a low voice: "I just touched Jun Moyin's horse's hoof. This time Jun Moyin will definitely fall down and eat a mouthful of mud!"
When Ouyang Mingxuan heard this, he laughed on the spot, "Hahaha, General Lei, you are so wicked. I didn't expect that an upright person like you could do such a despicable thing. I admire you!"
Lei Jingting smiled with an innocent face and said, "Haha, who asked Jun Mo to lure that bastard man to win someone's love? He was eating the food in the bowl and looking at the food in the pot. This time I just taught him a small lesson. Even if he has extraordinary martial arts skills, the horse will definitely throw him away if he suddenly falls to his knees. We don’t want him to be seriously injured, but he just needs to be embarrassed and suffer a little pain to make our little Shunshun happy!"
While talking, Lei Jingting and Ouyang Mingxuan looked at each other and smiled, as if they saw the horse that Lei Jingting had manipulated fell. Jun Moyin, even though his martial arts was good, was still slightly injured by the sudden accident. Lying in the carriage, unable to move.
Oh my, I feel so happy just thinking about this possibility!I believe Yin Xiaoxiao will be able to resolve his hatred and be quite happy, right?
"Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with you? Are you so happy that you heard that Jun Moyin is going to be in trouble? Hurry up and get on the carriage. The Queen Mother of Shangguan will be waiting in a hurry!" Lei Jingting and Ouyang Mingxuan smiled. Smiling, he saw 'Yin Xiaoxiao' beside him, his whole body stiffened, his face full of shock, and he looked completely stupid.
The two grown men just thought it was Yin Xiaoxiao who heard that Jun Moyin was going to be in trouble, so they were so happy!
In fact, when Jun Moyin, whose soul was in Yin Xiaoxiao's body, heard Lei Jingting's words, his mind went blank.At this moment, Lei Jingting and Ouyang Mingxuan called and urged him to get on the carriage, and he came back to his senses.
What happened just now?Lei Jingting said that his horse's hooves were tampered with?In other words, his horse will fall after running, and Yin Xiaoxiao, whose soul is in his body, will be thrown off the horse?is that so?
Thinking of all the possibilities, Jun Moyin suddenly forgot that he was carrying Yin Xiaoxiao's identity at the moment.He stared, held Lei Jingting's collar tightly with his slender hands, and reprimanded angrily: "Lei Jingting, you'd better hope that Xiaoxiao is fine, otherwise I won't let you, a despicable villain, go! "
After saying this, Jun Moyin strode to a military general, grabbed the whip from the other general's hand, forced himself onto the horse's back, raised the whip and gave him a hard whip.
"Drive!" Although Jun Moyin's soul is in Yin Xiaoxiao's delicate body, he knows the essentials of riding a horse very well, so he is quite skillful in riding it.The horse roared and galloped quickly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.
Ouyang Mingxuan and Lei Jingting were left standing frozen on the spot, each looking at the other with a horrified, petrified expression.
If Yin Xiaoxiao was concerned about Jun Moyin's safety, scolded Lei Jingting, and mounted a horse to chase Jun Moyin, the two men could only sigh to themselves that Yin Xiaoxiao had indeed fallen in love with Jun Moyin, and then they were speechless. It can be said.
But in fact this is not the case!If they heard correctly, what Yin Xiaoxiao said just now while grabbing Lei Jingting's neck and threateningly said——
"Lei Jingting, you'd better hope that Xiaoxiao is okay, otherwise I won't let you, a despicable villain, go!"
(End of this chapter)

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