
Chapter 86 Let the Horse Come Over

Chapter 86 Let the Horse Come Over
Ouyang Mingxuan echoed: "That's right! It seems that someone sincerely wants to embarrass you, little one. Maybe tonight is just a small show of force, and there is a bigger conspiracy behind it!"
Ouyang Mingxuan was sure that Jin Lian'er's maid was targeting Yin Xiaoxiao. He just wanted to use this incident to remind Yin Xiaoxiao to be careful and not to let anyone plot against her.
Yin Xiaoxiao heard Ouyang Mingxuan's advice and sneered, "Haha, is there any bigger conspiracy? Then come here! As a person like me, the last thing I'm afraid of is someone making trouble for me. Because... …”
After pausing, Yin Xiaoxiao looked at Jin Lian'er and Qiu Lu who were walking in front, and added in a stern voice: "Because I will eat anything, but I won't suffer any loss!"
Seeing Yin Xiaoxiao say this, Ouyang Mingxuan felt slightly at ease, "That's great!"
We walked all the way to the backyard of the summer resort, where rows of rooms were closely connected.Someone stepped forward to arrange everyone's living arrangements in an orderly manner. The Queen Mother Shangguan was old and liked to recite Buddha's name, so she lived with Princess Jun Ruoxue in a wing adjacent to the Buddhist hall.
Ouyang Mingxuan and Jun Moshao were next to the Shangguan Queen Mother's wing, responsible for protecting the safety of the Queen Mother and the princess.
Emperor Jun Moyan, Queen Jin Miaoer, and Imperial Concubine Chen Qing were young and vigorous, and they must have sex with men and women, so they lived in a wing slightly away from the Buddhist hall.Lei Jingting lived next door to Jun Moyan with another military attache who did not have a family and was also responsible for the king's safety.
Next in line was Jun Moyin's wing, but the person who arranged the accommodation assigned this upper room to a civil servant.
"What's going on? Isn't this room where Prince Lian lives?" After all, Jin Lian'er and Jun Moyin had been staying here to escape the summer for a few years, and they were used to living in this room.Now that I see the person being arranged, I am very suspicious.
The person in charge of arranging the room responded to Jin Lian'er in a low voice: "Princess, this is what the prince told me. The prince said that he took a concubine this year, so he changed to a large room with four beds."
This slave is telling the truth!
It turned out that after Jun Mo Yin hugged Zhen Yuyan and got off his horse outside the villa, he saw Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan walking together and whispering something in the distance. He felt a little uncomfortable, so he called his bodyguard Zheng Yan and ordered him to inform him. The person who arranges accommodation should arrange a large room for him, preferably one with four beds.
In this way, Yin Xiaoxiao is right under his nose, and Ouyang Mingxuan can't even think of being courteous to Yin Xiaoxiao behind his back!
Jin Lian'er didn't know what Jun Moyin had in mind. When she heard the servant in charge of arranging the room say this, her face immediately became angry.
What's going on?A small concubine should live together with the concubines of other ministers, right?Now you actually want to live in the same room as your wife's side room?Is this a slap in the face of her princess?
Just when he was about to reprimand, Jun Moyin came forward holding Zhen Yuyan's hand.
"What's wrong?" Jun Mo asked coldly, with a hint of impatience in his tone.Aren’t you tired after a day’s journey?Why are everyone standing there stupidly?
When Jin Lian'er saw Jun Mo Ying coming, how could she dare to get angry?Since the servant who arranged the room said it was Jun Moyin's wish, it must have been decided by Jun Moyin.Even if she was angry at this moment, she could not change Jun Moyin's mind. On the contrary, it would only make Jun Moyin unhappy.
Forget it, there is already the annoying Zhen Yuyan, so there is only one more Yin Xiaoxiao.She could bear this anger for the time being!
The servant in charge of arranging the room saw Jun Moyin and responded respectfully: "Your Majesty, I have arranged a large room for you in the north. Please come with me!"
Jun Moyin nodded, hugging Zhen Yuyan and followed the slave.
Zhen Yuyan frowned, a hint of displeasure flashed in her eyes.Jun Moyin actually wanted to take an unworthy concubine into his room and live together?Oh, is he really attracted to Yin Xiaoxiao?
"Yin Xiaoxiao!" While thinking, Jun Moyin shouted loudly.
Yin Xiaoxiao was hiding in the crowd, waiting for her to be assigned a room.As soon as he heard Jun Moyin's shout, he immediately jumped out of the crowd.
"What are you doing standing still? Why don't you catch up quickly!" Jun Moyin frowned and looked at Yin Xiaoxiao, and finally gave an order.
Yin Xiaoxiao looked at Jun Moyin coquettishly, and it took him a while to understand what he meant. He trotted forward and responded in a low voice - "Oh!"
In fact, Yin Xiaoxiao disdained to live with Jun Moyin and two other scorpion beauties with human faces and animal hearts, but she thought that she would definitely get good treatment by living and drinking with them, so she followed without hesitation.
The north wing is indeed large enough. As soon as you enter the door, you can see three large beds in the outer room.There is a bed next to the wall on the left, a bed next to the wall on the right, and a bed across the window.The bead curtain is opened, and the inner room is even more unique.
A large double bed, anyone with a discerning eye will know what is going on.Yin Xiaoxiao looked at the large bed that could be rolled over at will, and secretly murmured at the slutty nature of ancient people.
Your sister, you can guess it by just using your toes.The three beds outside were prepared for her, Jin Lian'er, and Zhen Yuyan, while the ones in the inner room were prepared for Jun Moyin.As long as Jun Moyin wanted to do something bad, he could just curl his fingers, and then the woman sleeping in the outer room could come into the inner room to serve him.
Is that right?Haha, this design is really well-intentioned.But I really want to ask, is it possible to do something bad with just a bead curtain and people sleeping outside can hear it?
While Yin Xiaoxin was thinking about difficult issues in his mind, Jun Moyin had already closed the door to the outer room.
He said: "It's too late today, so I'll just sleep like this! There is a hot spring in the back mountain, let's take a bath tomorrow!"
These words were addressed to Yin Xiaoxiao, because she was the only one who had never been to the Summer Resort.
Yin Xiaoxiao curled her lips and did not respond.
However, Zhen Yuyan in the carriage spoke weakly, and whispered in a soft voice: "Well, Your Majesty, I am so tired! My waist hurts from riding in the carriage!"
Jun Moyin heard this and asked with concern: "Really? Then sit down quickly and let me rub it for you."
"Ugh!" Yin Xiaoxiao felt disgusted in her heart, and she felt like goosebumps were falling to the ground all over her body.
These two people are truly unprecedented, the only pair of the best man and woman in heaven and earth!One can be pretentious, and the other likes the other to be pretentious.
Watching Zhen Yuyan and Jun Moyin walk into the inner room in a grand manner. When they passed through the bead curtain, they could clearly see Zhen Yuyan turning back to Yin Xiaoxiao with a treacherous and victorious smile, as if she was showing off something.
Yin Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and cursed in his heart: You're crazy, what's there to show off!
The next day dawned, the wind was gentle and the sun was bright, and there was no cloud in the sky!
After breakfast, the summer resort was bustling with activity.Everyone may come out to breathe fresh air, or walk around to relax, it is very pleasant!
After breakfast, Jun Moyin was pulled outside by Zhen Yuyan to get some fresh air. Qiu Lu came to serve Jin Lian'er. The master and servant talked about the scenery at the summer resort and the hot springs in the back mountain.
Yin Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up as she listened, "it's great to soak in the hot spring!"After lunch, she must go to the back mountain to take a dip to relieve her fatigue.
Just as I was thinking about it, a call came from outside the door: "Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao, are you there?"
Yin Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows and stood up and looked out the window, only to see Ouyang Mingxuan standing outside coolly waving his feather fan.
"Tch, you're a cool guy!" Yin Xiaoxiao muttered in a low voice and strode out of the wing.
As soon as he went out, Yin Xiaoxiao curled his lips and asked, "Why are you here? Aren't you responsible for protecting the safety of the Queen Mother and Princess Ruoxue?"
Ouyang Mingxuan said with a smile: "Oh, the fifth prince is here, so there is nothing wrong with me. Isn't that right? I thought that our sister must be the kind of unlucky child that my uncle doesn't care for and my grandma doesn't love. She is also the third child. This is my first time to come to this summer resort, so Baba’s here to accompany you to familiarize yourself with the environment!”
He knew that Jun Moyin would definitely be with Zhen Yuyan, and he guessed it!
When Yin Xiaoxiao heard what Ouyang Mingxuan said, her face drooped, "You are the unlucky child, and your whole family is unlucky!"
Ouyang Mingxuan only smiled and did not argue with Yin Xiaoxiao.
"Hey, I'll take you around for a walk, are you going? If you don't want to go, I'll leave!" Ouyang Mingxuan touched Yin Xiaoxiao with his feather fan and urged him in a low voice.
Yin Xiaoxiao looked back at the master and servant Jin Lian'er who were looking out of the room. Without thinking, he nodded and said, "Go! I didn't say not to go!"
Ouyang Mingxuan raised his lips, and the sparkle of his smile appeared.You know that Yin Xiaoxiao is restless and will definitely not want to stay in the room and be bored!
"Let's go, let's take you around the villa first!" Ouyang Mingxuan greeted and took the lead.
Yin Xiaoxiao followed his footsteps closely, and the two of them began to stroll around the huge summer resort.
The backyard of the summer resort is a wing room, used for living.There is a garden in the front yard, a gazebo, a pond and a pontoon, everything you need.There are koi carps and lotus flowers in the pond, which make people feel happy and contented just by looking at them.
"Wow, this place is so nice! It's a great place to cultivate your mind and nature!" Yin Xiaoxiao's eyes were very busy, looking around and making comments from time to time.
Ouyang Mingxuan smiled and continued: "You like it? How about I find a mountain tomorrow and build a small summer resort according to the structure here for you to cultivate your mind and character?"
Yin Xiaoxiao touched his nose and ignored Ouyang Mingxuan's crazy words.
In the large wing to the north of the Summer Resort, Jin Lian'er watched Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan leave with a strange smile on her lips.
Haha, Yin Xiaoxiao, Yin Xiaoxiao, why don’t you look like a lady and be reserved at all?If a man is looking for you, you will just follow him and run away, regardless of his identity, let alone whether he will be criticized?
Since you don't know how to keep yourself clean, wouldn't it be very merciless if I don't help you?
"Qiu Lu, come here!" Jin Lian'er hooked her fingers and motioned for Qiu Lu to come forward.
Qiu Lu leaned forward and Jin Lian'er whispered.
Finally, he raised his head and said: "Go!"
Qiu Lu pursed her lips, responded and strode out of the side room.
After a while, Qiu Lu came back, and Queen Jin Miaoer came with her.This Jin Miao'er can be regarded as Jin Lian'er's think tank and strategist. As long as Jin Lian'er needs anything, she will definitely help her wholeheartedly!
"Sister, you're here!" Jin Lian'er saw Jin Miao'er and stood up to greet her.
Jin Miao'er said 'hmm' and motioned Jin Lian'er to sit down, "My sisters, there is no need to be polite!"
Jin Lian'er nodded and sat back on the bed.
She asked in a low voice: "Sister, have you brought what my sister wants?"
(End of this chapter)

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