
Chapter 91 Holding Hands

Chapter 91 Holding Hands
"What are you doing here with all the people stuck like wood?" While the ministers were watching the show with a wait-and-see attitude, a cold voice rose from the ground.
Everyone turned to follow the sound and saw Jun Moyin holding Zhen Yuyan's bare hand and striding towards the crowd.Looking at it from a distance, Jun Mo Yin is charming and charming, and Zhen Yuyan is as beautiful as a flower. The two of them are holding hands, loving each other, making others envious!
Jin Lian'er glared at Zhen Yuyan fiercely, and secretly sneered at Zhen Yuyan that she was a little vixen.She even thought evilly in her heart that after Yin Xiaoxiao was ruined, she might as well design Zhen Yuyan like this!Hahaha……
When the ministers and family members saw Jun Moyin coming, they hurriedly came forward to greet him respectfully.
Jun Moyin waved his hands impatiently and asked coldly: "I ask you, why are you standing outside the Buddhist hall like fools?"
Just as the ministers were about to reply, earth-shattering shouts of ecstasy came from the Buddhist hall again!
Jun Moyin's eyes widened in astonishment, staring at the door of the Buddhist hall.Yes, this sound came from inside the Buddhist hall!In broad daylight, there are people who wantonly commit such perfunctory things in the Buddhist hall?
"Where is the Emperor? Where is the Queen Mother? Who is inside?" Jun Moyin was confused for a moment and asked coldly.
The ministers shook their heads and replied honestly: "Your Majesty, the Emperor and the Queen Mother are probably not here. As for who is inside, I don't know yet!"
Hearing this, Jun Moyin's expression became even colder, "The Emperor and the Queen Mother are not here? How could they not be here? Where are the guards? Are they all dead? Didn't you see who entered the Buddhist hall?"
A minister replied in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, the Emperor and the Queen Mother are not in the room, and naturally the guards guarding them are not here either!"
As he said this, he began to despise Jun Moyin for his stupidity.Are the emperor and the queen mother ordinary people?Wherever you go, are you not protected by a group of people?They are no longer in the room, so of course there won't be guards guarding the door!
At this time, Jin Lian'er stood up from the crowd and continued gently: "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother and the Emperor went to the mountain to soak in the hot springs. They must be back soon!"
Hearing this, Jun Moyin raised his eyebrows and said, "Did you go to the hot spring? Which hot spring are you soaking in at noon?"
Jin Lian'er blinked her beautiful eyes, shook her head and said: "I don't know, I guess the Queen Mother thought there were too many people soaking in the hot springs in the afternoon and was noisy, so she went to the back mountain in advance!"
"Oh! Ah! Hmm!" As he spoke, the sound of ghosts roaring and screaming came from the Buddhist hall again, as if they were trying their best to vent something.
Everyone present was blushing, and they all speculated in their hearts about who could be so violent and do such an embarrassing thing in the Buddhist hall.
Zhen Yuyan looked at Jin Lian'er across from her with a critical eye, and she became aware when she saw the treacherous and strange expression in the other person's eyes.
Could it be that the woman in the Buddhist hall is Yin Xiaoxiao?Judging from Jin Lian'er's confident look, it must be that way, right?
Thinking that the woman in the Buddhist hall would be that vixen Yin Xiaoxiao, Zhen Yuyan's eyes were filled with pride.Haha, she underestimated Jin Lian'er's ability, and she actually designed Yin Xiaoxiao to be so miserable in a short period of time!
Turning her head and looking at Jun Moyin with a cold face next to her, Zhen Yuyan began to look forward to the other person's reaction when she saw Yin Xiaoxiao pretending to be with a man.
Jun Moyin looked at the Buddhist hall cautiously at this moment, ignoring the light in the eyes of Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan.
"Come here, open the door. I want to see who is so bold to do such a shady thing in the holy place of the Buddhist temple in broad daylight!" Jun Moyin waved his hand and motioned for his personal guards Ye Zhen and Zheng Yan to step forward and push him away. The door of the Buddhist temple.
Ye Zhen and Zheng Yan heard Jun Moyin's instructions and quickly strode forward.
When the two of them approached the Buddhist hall step by step and were about to open the door of the Buddhist hall under the gaze of everyone, a suspicious voice came -
"Hey, what kind of wind is blowing? Why have you all come to the Buddhist hall? Do you want to imitate this old woman from the Ai family, eat fast, chant Buddha's name, burn incense and pay homage every day?" The person who spoke was exactly that. The Queen Mother of Shangguan returned from taking a hot spring bath in the back mountain.
The ministers and Jun Moyin looked over and saw at least dozens of guards surrounding the Emperor Jun Moyan, Queen Jin Miaoer, Imperial Concubine Chen Qing, Shangguan Queen Mother, Princess Ruoxue, Xiaoyao Wang Jun Moshao, and General Lei Jingting strode over.
Everyone bowed down one after another. The Empress Dowager Shangguan had just finished taking a bath. Her whole body felt refreshed and she was naturally in a good mood.
She smiled very kindly and greeted warmly: "Get up, everyone! Didn't the Ai family say that you don't have to adhere to those red tapes outside?"
Jun Moyan also agreed, "What the Queen Mother said makes sense. Dear ladies, please stand up and answer! Just now the Queen Mother asked you what you were doing standing in front of the Buddhist hall, why didn't you say anything?"
Seeing this, Jun Moyan was in a very good mood.
Seeing this situation, the ministers were even more ashamed, and none of them dared to answer casually.The Empress Dowager Shangguan and the Emperor were in a very good mood at this moment. That was because they didn't know about the 'fierce fighting' going on in the Buddhist hall.If they knew that unethical and unethical things were going on inside, I'm afraid... I'm afraid they'd be furious!
"Hey, are all of them mute? Brother Three Emperors, tell me, which song is this song?" Jun Moyan looked at Jun Moyin and asked pleasantly.
Jun Moyin glanced at the Buddhist hall with its doors and windows closed, and frowned.
Taking a step forward, he opened his lips and said, "Your Majesty, this..."
Just as he was about to explain it to Jun Moyan in a tactful way, another earth-shattering sound came from the Buddhist hall.
The ministers and Jun Moyin had been listening for a while, so they were no longer interested in the sound.But when Jun Moyan, Shangguan Queen Mother and others heard the bursts of shouts coming from the Buddhist hall, they were all stunned.
Some were dumbfounded, some were dumbfounded, some were blushing, or some were frowning in deep thought.The young Princess Jun Ruoxue was blushing with embarrassment and almost slipped into the cracks in the ground.Even though she is only a half-year-old child, she has never eaten pork but has seen pigs running, and she clearly understands the meaning of this sound.
"What's going on? Aijia...Aijia, are you hallucinating? You, did you hear any strange sounds?" Shangguan Queen Mother was completely confused and asked in surprise.
Jin Miaoer blushed and replied: "Queen Mother, you are not hearing hallucinations! Well, there are indeed strange sounds in the Buddhist hall, very much like... very much like..."
Well, it’s hard for Jin Miaoer to talk about it!But I was very happy in my heart, my sister really did a great job!
Shangguan Queen Mother suddenly woke up when she heard Jin Miao'er's words.Her eyes were filled with anger, and she gritted her teeth and shouted: "Who is seeking death? How dare you do such shameful and dirty things in a holy place like the Buddhist hall? Oh, I'm so angry at Ai's family, so angry at Ai's family. Home!”
As the Shangguan Queen Mother spoke, she really trembled all over and almost fell to the ground.Fortunately, Prince Xiaoyao Mo Shao who was following her had quick eyesight and quick hands, and stepped forward in time to firmly support the Queen Mother Shangguan.
Jun Moyan's handsome face also darkened.
"Still dumbfounded? Hurry up and open the door to see who is so bold as to commit an act of mischief in the holy land of the Buddhist temple in broad daylight?" Jun Moyan roared angrily.
The guards behind him immediately took the order and stepped forward, but at this time, someone rushed to the door of the Buddhist hall one step ahead of the guards, and kicked open the door of the Buddhist hall with his foot.
Okay!No one knows how strong this kick was, but the two doors were kicked to pieces.Looking at the messy and broken appearance of the door panel, everyone speculated that the door was locked from the inside, which was why it was kicked into such a broken state.
The person who kicked down the door was none other than the dandy Zhongnan Hou Ouyang Mingxuan!
He maintained the complicated and independent posture of the golden rooster, staring at the spring light in the Buddhist hall with dumbfounded eyes.
Yin Xiaoxiao jumped forward and exclaimed: "Wow!"
After a brief exclamation, Yin Xiaoxiao immediately covered his face and pulled Ouyang Mingxuan away from the main entrance of the Buddhist hall, looking shameless in front of others.
As soon as everyone saw Yin Xiaoxiao's expression, they secretly guessed that the other party must have seen an unsightly scene.
Seeing Ouyang Mingxuan's shocked expression, Jun Moyan frowned and asked, "Ouyang Aiqing, can you see who is inside?"
Ouyang Mingxuan shook his head, "Well, to answer the question to the Emperor, I didn't... didn't see it clearly. Just now Wei Chen kicked the door of the Buddhist hall with too much force and broke the door of the Buddhist hall. Please punish me!"
Jun Moyan waved his hand. At this time, not to mention that Ouyang Mingxuan kicked down the door. Even if he kicked down the Buddhist hall, he would not punish him!Compared to the audacious couple in the Buddhist hall, there is no one or thing that can make Jun Moyan more angry.
"Come here, catch the couple inside!" Jun Moyan ordered with a heartbroken voice. He wanted to see who was tired of living and dared to do shady things in the Buddhist hall in broad daylight.
A guard was ordered to step into the Buddhist hall.Among the ministers, it is inevitable that there will be people with evil intentions or evil people who will look into the Buddhist hall, trying to see some beautiful scenes...
(End of this chapter)

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