
Chapter 93 5 Body Casting

Chapter 93
Yin Xiaoxiao was speechless at the unfriendly attention from so many eyes. She curled her lips and admired Qiu Lu's ability to bite her back.
Is there a kind of person who doesn't leave a good impression on others even when he's about to die? He doesn't shed tears before seeing the coffin?This Qiu Lu is simply a stupid wooden lump.When Jin Lian'er loaded the gun, she fired it, no matter who the bullet was aimed at.Is she so sure that the bullet won't hit her back?
Jin Miao'er learned about her sister Jin Lian'er's new plan, and interrupted at the right time: "Qiu Lu, what do you mean? Are you saying that Mrs. Yin set you up? Are you sure?"
Yin Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and was speechless.Tsk tsk, okay!This requires the sisters to work together to deal with her!
Qiu Lu raised her head and glanced at Yin Xiaoxiao, with a trace of inexplicable hatred flashing in her eyes. Her lips trembled and she said firmly: "Yes, I am sure! Your Majesty, the Queen Mother, and the Empress, please make the decision for me!"
Qiu Lu's words of affirmation can be said to have stirred up a thousand waves with one stone!
The ministers and family members all looked at Yin Xiaoxiao with various doubts. Even Jun Moyan and Jun Moyin looked at Yin Xiaoxiao with strange eyes.
Finally, it was Shangguan Queen Mother who spoke first and asked Yin Xiaoxiao: "Little girl, this matter involves you, don't you have nothing to say?"
The tone was neither rebuke nor anger, on the contrary, it was calm and calm!
Yin Xiaoxiao raised her lips slightly and showed a smile to the Queen Mother Shangguan.The other party believed that she had not done such a thing and gave her a chance to explain!Yin Xiaoxiao felt very ashamed and embarrassed for her trust in the Empress Dowager Shangguan!
I want to say, Mrs. Queen Mother, the Yin family has betrayed your trust. This matter is really our design!
However, it’s okay to express this kind of thing in your heart, but you can never say it with your mouth!
Pursing her lips, Yin Xiaoxiao stepped forward with a faint smile, knelt down and bowed to the Queen Mother of Shangguan, and responded softly: "The Queen Mother, originally I had nothing to say. But Qiu Lu's every word is precious, overtly and secretly. The finger is pointed at me, slandering me for having designed something to frame her, so if I don’t stand up and cleanse myself of such sinful and inexplicable accusations, then I’ll really be letting others take advantage of me!”
What I said before is very formal, and there is gentleness and reason between the lines.But the last sentence, "Let others poop on your head," was such a vulgar word that it made everyone present laugh!
Look, she's a concubine who doesn't deserve to be on the stage. She can even say the word "poop" when she opens her mouth. Tsk tsk!
Ouyang Mingxuan spread out his folding fan to cover his smiling mouth.This Yin Xiaoxiao is a living treasure. Do you want to laugh him to death or something?When he heard what she said before, Ouyang Mingxuan was shocked. This little girl has some knowledge!But the last sentence still exposed the other party’s vulgar nature, hahaha!
The Empress Dowager Shangguan was originally suffocating in her heart. The Buddhist hall, which she regarded as a holy place, had been defiled. How could she not be angry?However, Yin Xiaoxiao's very different words made him laugh out loud.
"You girl, please pay attention to the situation. What are you talking about? How come it's called 'letting others ride on your head and act arrogantly' and become such an unpleasant word!" Shangguan Queen Mother pretended to be serious. Correct it.
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded immediately, "Yes! What the Queen Mother said is that although I am a concubine who cannot be put on the stage, we are the concubine of Prince Lian, the third prince who was given the title of King of Heroes by the people of Qi, so we are a noble concubine. ! How can we allow a despicable little maid to tarnish our character, right?"
When Jun Moyin heard Yin Xiaoxiao's words, he felt inexplicably excited.Uh-huh, this damn woman still knows how to praise him at such a critical moment to show that she is very helpful!
Jin Miao'er and Jin Lian'er narrowed their eyes as they watched Yin Xiaoxiao use her sharp tongue to deceive the Queen Mother Shangguan, desperately trying to change the subject.
Jin Miao'er reminded her quietly: "Mrs. Yin keeps saying that no one can taint your character, but until now, you haven't said anything convincing to explain that this matter is not your fault." Why!"
As soon as he said this, everyone looked at Yin Xiaoxiao with strange eyes again.
Yin Xiaoxiao touched her nose, okay!Today, she has become a small animal in the zoo and is on display for everyone to watch for free.What the hell!
Rolling his eyes angrily, Yin Xiaoxiao strode forward, glanced at Qiu Lu, then looked with disdain, and then looked at Liu Yi.
"Liu Weiwei, right?" Yin Xiaoxiao asked.
Liu Yi didn't expect Yin Xiaoxiao to ask him something, so he nodded honestly.
Yin Xiaoxiao continued to ask: "Did you just say that you were drugged and thrown into the Buddhist hall?"
When Jin Lian'er saw that Yin Xiaoxiao did not explain, but asked about Liu Yi's words, she was afraid that what Liu Yi said would be wrong, so she raised her voice and asked Yin Xiaoxiao: "Mrs. Yin, you should answer the Queen Mother's questions properly now, and Aren’t you asking about Guard Liu?”
Yin Xiaoxiao shook his head, "No! What my sister said is wrong. Qiu Lu kept suspecting that I framed her. But in fact, I have never done anything like that, so this is not asking Liu Shiwei. , see if there is any misunderstanding!"
After a pause, he turned back to look at the Empress Dowager Shangguan, "Empress Dowager, can I ask the client a few questions?"
The Empress Dowager Shangguan responded: "If asking a few questions can prove your innocence, how can the Ai family not allow it?"
Yin Xiaoxiao thanked her, looked at Liu Yi, and said with a strange smile: "Liu Weiwei, please answer the question I just asked!"
This Yin Xiaoxiao's title changed very quickly. He first called himself concubine to the Queen Mother, but then turned around and started to think of himself as my wife. He was really a master who used chicken feathers as arrows.
When Liu Yi saw that the Shangguan Queen Mother was nodding in response to Yin Xiaoxiao's question, Liu Yi could only nod. At this time, it would be right to follow the wishes of the masters!
"That's right, someone did tie up his subordinate Wu Hua Da with medicine and throw him into the Buddhist hall." He answered simply.
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded and asked, "What next?"
Liu Yi looked embarrassed and responded in a low voice: "Then...then...the subordinate was poisoned and couldn't restrain his emotions, so he violated Miss Qiulu who was thrown into the Buddhist hall together!"
Yin Xiaoxiao was surprised and said: "Liu Weiwei is so powerful! He can still violate Miss Qiulu even after being tied up by Wuhua Da. Is the rope made of paper?"
Liu Yi was speechless. The rope...well, he should never lift the rope. Later, he was lost in the mind of Ecstasy. How could he know how to untie the rope?
When Yin Xiaoxiao saw that Liu Yi was silent, she sneered and said, "Haha, why didn't Guard Liu say anything? Did Miss Qiulu help you untie the rope and let you violate her?"
"Of course not!" Liu Yi reacted quickly this time and rushed to speak out.
After thinking about it, he reluctantly gave a reasonable explanation: "It should be... it should be that the subordinate broke away from the rope after being poisoned..."
Yin Xiaoxiao understood, "That's it!"
Turning his head, he looked at the two Ouchi guards who had entered the Buddhist hall to catch people, "You two guys just entered, did you see any ropes on the ground?"
The two guards shook their heads, "No!"
Yin Xiaoxiao greeted quickly: "Then go find her quickly, otherwise how can I prove my innocence?"
The two guards were stunned, but they actually obeyed and obeyed.
Yin Xiaoxiao stopped talking from then on and stood contentedly with his hands folded across his chest, waiting for the guards to find the rope.
After a while, the two guards came out of the Buddhist hall and reported respectfully: "I have searched everywhere in the Buddhist hall, but there is no rope!"
"Impossible! I was tied in with a rope." Liu Yi insisted.
Yin Xiaoxiao let out a long sigh, stretched out his hand and hit Liu Yi on the forehead, "Liu Wei, wake up! Stop dreaming in broad daylight. You keep saying that you were drugged, tied up and thrown in The Buddhist hall. But what about the rope? Okay, let’s not talk about the rope for now, let’s just talk about how I, a little girl with no strength in tying a chicken, can tie you up?”
Liu Yi gritted his teeth and said falsely in a low voice: "Well, Mrs. Yin doesn't have to do everything herself. She can definitely find someone to help."
"Yes, the relationship between Mrs. Yin and the young Marquis is extraordinary. Who knows if they have found helpers to frame us?" Qiu Lu on the side pulled Ouyang Mingxuan in with a ruthless move.
Jun Moyin glanced at Ouyang Mingxuan subconsciously, but saw that the other person had a calm face, neither angry nor angry, and he seemed to be very disapproving of Qiu Lu's accusation.
Yin Xiaoxiao was already smiling crazily at this time, "Hahaha! Qiu Lu, what you said seems to make sense! But are you sure that the little Marquis can beat the Ouchi guards with his three-legged cat skills? "
"This..." Well, Qiu Lu was not sure.Who doesn't know that Ouyang Mingxuan doesn't have any real skills except for the Qinggong skill of escaping?
Of course, except for Jun Moyan, who knew Ouyang Mingxuan was secretive and had great real abilities.Not to mention dealing with an imperial guard, even one against ten with bare hands, that's no problem.
He looked at Ouyang Mingxuan more suspiciously, as if he was examining whether he had any involvement in this matter.Ouyang Mingxuan noticed Jun Moyan's probing gaze, and he met the other person's gaze with a calm expression on his face, showing that he was upright and not afraid of the shadow.
At this moment, Jun Moyan was a little confused.Logically speaking, Ouyang Mingxuan should not be involved in such boring things, right?Judging from his guilty look, it probably had nothing to do with him.
With this thought in his mind, he withdrew his gaze and focused it on Yin Xiaoxiao again.
Just listen to Yin Xiaoxiao tilting her little head and asking Qiu Lu, "What is this? What you said is completely nonsense! Also, according to what you just said, I went out with medicine on me. , the purpose is to know that I will collide with you today, and then use it to frame you?"
Qiu Lu is also a master with keen reflexes. When she heard Yin Xiaoxiao's words, she immediately snorted and said, "Maybe the lady brought that medicine for the prince!"
She secretly laughed in her heart, it was Yin Xiaoxiao who changed the subject herself, don't blame her for being so unforgiving when she took advantage of her!
(End of this chapter)

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