
Chapter 97

Chapter 97
Yin Xiaoxiao stood next to the hot spring pool, where there was a small tent for people to change clothes.
"Your Majesty, I will help you change your clothes!" Zhen Yuyan never gave others a chance to get close to Jun Moyin.Jin Lian'er and Yin Xiaoxiao, she will not give them a chance!
Jun Moyin nodded, as if he was used to being served and dressed by Zhen Yuyan.
After a while, when the two people came out, Jun Moyin was naked from the waist up, with only a white bath towel tied around his waist.Zhen Yuyan, who came out with him, wore a white towel around her chest and waist, covering her important parts.
The two people held hands, stepped into the hot spring pool, and then sat in the warm water.
Looking up, Jun Moyin urged Yin Xiaoxiao, who was standing stupidly on the shore: "Why are you still stunned? Go take off your clothes and come down!"
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded repeatedly, "Oh, come right away!"
Darling, she thought people in ancient times bathed in hot springs naked!It turned out not to be the case, it scared her to death.
Together with Jin Lian'er, they entered the tent, took off their clothes, and put on a white bath towel to hide their shame.After that, the two came out and stepped into the hot spring pool one after another.
"Well, it's so comfortable!" Yin Xiaoxiao sighed as soon as he sat in the hot spring pool.
She raised her flawless white jade arms, smacked her lips and said with emotion: "Tsk tsk, there is a blue sky and white clouds above my head, the sun is shining, there are green grass all around, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. With this environment, this level, oh, I am not a multi-millionaire. Or a nouveau riche, you can’t afford it!”
Hearing this, Jun Moyin raised his eyebrows, a little curious, but deliberately pretended to be indifferent and asked coldly: "What is a nouveau riche?"
A group of noisy crows flew over Yin Xiaoxiao's head, okay!She shouldn't have said such avant-garde words in front of a group of ancient people.But, people are asking, how should she answer?
Yin Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, squinted her eyes and smiled strangely. She pointed at Jun Moyin, Jin Lian'er, and Zhen Yuyan, and then replied with a sincere face: "Nouveau riche means those who are like the prince, princess, sister and side. Concubine, you are such a talented and beautiful young man and woman! What I mean is that only talented men and beautiful women like you are worthy of enjoying such pleasant and comfortable things as hot spring bathing. Concubine, you have such a low status. , you don’t deserve to enjoy such high-level treatment at all!”
Hum hum, you can wear it a thousand times, but you can’t wear it even if you flatter me!As long as someone likes it, Yin Xiaoxiao will shoot it!While being satisfied with the other person's vanity, watching the other person feel complacent because of her lies and get carried away in all kinds of ways, that is also a great visual experience!Hahaha……
Sure enough, upon hearing Yin Xiaoxiao's self-effacing remarks, Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan both had a look of pride on their faces, and their backs straightened a bit.
But Jun Mo looked at the weird smile on Yin Xiaoxiao's face with suspicious eyes, and he didn't believe from the bottom of his heart that the nouveau riche in the other party's words meant men with talents and women with good looks.
Yin Xiaoxiao didn't care when she saw Jun Moyin staring at her suspiciously.Hehe, as long as she doesn't tell the truth, no one will know what it means to be a nouveau riche!
Closing her eyes and leaning against the wall of the hot spring pool, Yin Xiaoxiao relaxed and enjoyed the soaking and moisturizing of the warm water.I just feel that the pores all over my body are relaxing. The feeling of relaxing my whole body is so comfortable!
She was humming a tune silently in her heart when a sound of water made her open her eyes curiously.
But Jun Moyin stood up and strode towards the shore.
Jun Moyin cannot soak in the hot spring water for a long time, otherwise he will feel dizzy and vomiting.It's been like this since childhood!Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan both knew that Jun Moyin had this problem, so they followed Jun Moyin out when they saw him coming ashore.
But Yin Xiaoxiao didn't know that Jun Moyin had this problem, so he asked immediately——
"My lord, what are you doing? Do you need to urinate urgently?" Yin Xiaoxiao thought that this must be the case.But after asking this question, his eyes turned to Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan.Could it be that the prince is in a hurry to urinate, and so are the two women?
When Jun Moyin heard Yin Xiaoxiao's straightforward mention of the word 'urinary urgency', three black lines were drawn across his forehead, and he responded in a cold voice: "You are the one who is in urgent need of urination! I have finished taking a bath and am ready to change clothes and go down the mountain. Isn’t it okay?”
Hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes fiercely, "My lord, are you kidding me? You've just been soaking for a while and you're going to go out?"
Jun Moyin gritted his teeth. This vulgar Yin Xiaoxiao had just said that he had an urgent need to urinate, and now he was talking about the disgusting word 'fart'. It was really enough...
Gritting his teeth even more, Jun Moyin ordered Yin Xiaoxiao angrily: "Stop soaking, come out! Go down the mountain!"
When Yin Xiaoxiao heard what Jun Moyin said, he became anxious on the spot, "I don't! I've just soaked in the water, and why does the prince ask me to go out? I won't go out, and I won't go down the mountain. I want to soak in enough!"
"You!" Jun Mo led forward, as if he was about to jump into the hot spring pool and catch Yin Xiaoxiao ashore.
Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan saw this and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.
Zhen Yuyan comforted her softly: "My lord, don't be like this! My sister came to the summer resort to soak in the hot springs for the first time, and she's curious. Just let her soak in it for a while and enjoy it!"
When saying this, Zhen Yuyan blinked at Jin Lian'er.She was obviously telling the other party that she could get rid of the prince and create a chance for Jin Lian'er to be alone with Yin Xiaoxiao.
Jin Lian'er frowned suspiciously. There were people everywhere in this poor place. She couldn't attack Yin Xiaoxiao at all. Did Zhen Yuyan create a bullshit opportunity for her?
Zhen Yuyan glanced outside the fence, and then pulled down the bath towel on her body as if unintentionally, giving Jin Lian'er an in-depth reminder.
Jin Lian'er's eyes lit up and she seemed to have thought of something. She blinked at Zhen Yuyan and agreed to persuade Jun Mo and said, "Yes, your lord, my concubine is right. If your lord is worried, then I will stay with you." Little sister!"
Jun Moyin glanced at Yin Xiaoxiao who was determined not to go ashore in the pond, then at Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan, and finally told Jin Lian'er helplessly: "In half an hour, I want you to take Xiaoxiao with you. Go back. If something goes wrong..."
"No, you can rest assured, Your Majesty, I will bring you a lively little sister soon!" Jin Lian'er pursed her lips, looking confident.
But his eyes narrowed, and a bit of sinister and treacherous light quickly flashed through his eyes.
It's a pity that Jun Moyin couldn't see it!
However, Yin Xiaoxiao captured Jin Lian'er's expression very accurately!
I couldn't help but sneer silently in my heart. Could it be that this woman didn't want to learn a lesson, so she still wanted to have a few tricks with her?Tsk tsk!
After Jun Moyin heard Jin Lian'er's sworn assurance, he nodded and changed clothes with Zhen Yuyan and left.Yin Xiaoxiao, who was worried, could feel more at ease when he had someone with him.
Before leaving, Jun Moyin repeatedly told Yin Xiaoxiao to be more honest and calm.
Yin Xiaoxiao waved her hands impatiently and responded one by one, hoping in her heart that the other party would get out of here quickly and get out of her sight without stopping.
Your sister!This huge hot spring pool is hers alone, how cool it is!It can be used horizontally, vertically, sitting or lying down, and it can also be used to stab men!
After Jun Moyin and Zhen Yuyan walked away, Yin Xiaoxiao submerged his whole body into the water comfortably, leaving only his little head on the water.
She waved to Jin Lian'er who was standing on the shore and said with a smile: "Sister, come down!"
Jin Lian'er gouged out her eyes, turned around and went into the tent to change clothes.
Yin Xiaoxiao curled her lips and rolled her eyes at the sky.She wanted to see what dirty tricks Jin Lian'er would use on her later, hum...
At the Summer Resort, after Jun Moyin and Zhen Yuyan came back, they went to the Queen Mother of Shangguan to pay their respects, and then were left to play mahjong (mahjong) with the Queen Mother.In this era, horse cranes are a good thing, and they are the only pastime for the palace nobles to pass the time.
"Come on, come on, Prince Lian, you're here at the right time. Your Majesty, Mo Shao, the three of you, let's play a few rounds with the Ai family!" Seeing that there were many people, the Queen Mother of Shangguan immediately greeted her enthusiastically.
Jun Moyin glanced at Zhen Yuyan beside him and hesitated.Zhen Yuyan immediately smiled sensibly and said: "Your Majesty, thanks to the Queen Mother's love, please play with the Queen Mother for a while! I am watching from the side!"
As far as Zhen Yuyan is concerned, no matter what Jun Moyin does, she doesn't care as long as he's not with Yin Xiaoxiao.
As a result, the accompanying maids brought horse hanging tags, and Shangguan Queen Mother, Jun Moyan, Jun Moyin, and Jun Moshao sat around the table and started playing with interest.Jin Miao'er, Zhen Yuyan and Princess Ruoxue were sitting on the side eating and watching silently.
In the room next to Queen Mother Shangguan, Ouyang Mingxuan was taking a sweet nap when he suddenly heard a harsh crackling sound coming from the next room.
Along with the crackling sound, someone shouted from time to time——
"Eighty thousand!"
"Bang! Five ropes!"
"Seven barrels!"
Ouyang Mingxuan opened his eyes and stared blankly at the bed board.I bet there's a horse-drawn competition going on in the next room?How could something like this happen without him?
Standing up, Ouyang Mingxuan simply cleaned himself up and strode towards the next room.
Just as she walked to the door, she heard Jin Miao'er ask: "Prince Lian, where is sister Lian'er?"
Before Jun Moyin could answer, Zhen Yuyan spoke first: "Queen, the princess is taking a bath with Mrs. Yin in the back mountain! You should know that this is the first time Mrs. Yin has come to the summer resort, and she is not familiar with anything. But she insisted on soaking in the hot spring pool for a while. Our prince was worried, so the princess sister offered to stay and take care of Mrs. Yin! "
This sounds okay, but how well does Jin Miaoer know her sister?How could Jin Lian'er be so considerate of others?Turning her eyes, she already guessed that Jin Lian'er must be trying to show Yin Xiaoxiao some color.
There was a little displeasure in her heart, not because she disagreed with Jin Lian'er's treatment of Yin Xiaoxiao.But the incident of Liu Yi and Qiu Lu having sex in the Buddhist hall had just happened. If Jin Lian'er caused something else to happen, she would really be left with nothing to lose.
Outside the door, Ouyang Mingxuan heard the conversation between Zhen Yuyanshen and Jin Miaoer, and the corners of his lips curved strangely.Yin Xiaoxiao went to the back mountain to take a hot spring?Then he...
Touching his nose, Ouyang Mingxuan turned around and left gracefully.For him, compared with Yin Xiaoxiao, Yin Xiaoxiao is more important!Hoho...
"Where are you going, little Marquis?" Ouyang Mingxuan just took a step forward when Lei Jingting came over.
Ouyang Mingxuan raised his eyebrows and responded with a smile: "Oh, I am going to the back mountain to soak in the hot springs! General Lei, do you want to go with us?"
He knew in his heart that Lei Jingting had already gone there with the emperor, the queen mother and others in the morning, so he asked pretendingly.
(End of this chapter)

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