Chapter 125 Buddha Relic
Especially at night, my dreams were full of blood, and I felt as if I was soaked in a pool of blood.

This scares me.

But I didn't tell her these thoughts and feelings. Firstly, I was afraid of scaring her. Secondly, her relationship with Wu Bufan is now very good. I was afraid that if she told Wu Bufan these things, she would have to trouble them to come over again. , I already owe them too much.

So when I had such thoughts, I kept reflecting on myself.Hope it will be of some use, but it has no effect.

I couldn't control myself at all. Several times, I took the knife in my hand and walked to the door of Feng Hua's house.

If it weren't for the amulet Bai Yuzhen gave me to warm my chest, it would be easy for me to rush in.

Maybe this is what Ye Zeyi said to me that too much Yin Qi will affect me.

So how do I digest it?

I think about it whenever I'm awake, but I never think about it.

On this day, Feng Hua discovered a mahogany box while cleaning the house.

"Dongdong, I remember you used to put this mahogany box under your pillow. What is it?"

I suddenly remembered that this was what Wang Daxian promised me when he asked me to help, something that he said could increase my probability of surviving the calamity of life and death.Later, when the school moved to another campus, I put it away and forgot to take it out.

I took the mahogany box and felt that it seemed heavier than before.I thought about it and decided to call Wang Daxian to ask what the things inside were and how to use them.

So I answered her phone, and Wang Daxian was surprised that I could call her.

We haven’t contacted each other for a long time. I chatted with Wang Daxian for a long time.

"Aunt Wang, how do I use the thing you gave me at that time? What does it do?"

"Is the time coming?" Wang Daxian asked.

I hummed, "It should be soon. I don't feel comfortable anywhere now. I don't know what to do."

Wang Daxian sighed, "That's the Buddha's relic. It's a good thing, but it has no connection with me. I couldn't force it, but when you came to me, I saw that it was glowing with Buddha light. I guessed that you must have a connection with it. I will forward it to you."

The Buddha's relics are the highest-quality holy objects that no one can even ask for.

It is said in the "Golden Light Sutra": "The relics are cultivated by precepts, concentration, and wisdom. They are very difficult to obtain and are the highest field of blessings." "The relics are the source of the immeasurable six paramitas." It. It symbolizes "the immortality of the teachings" and is very efficacious and precious, so it is a sacred object of Buddhism.

"Then how can I use this relic to increase the probability of my survival?" I continued to ask.

Wang Daxian laughed loudly, "How did I know? I just said that casually at the time. I didn't say that. Can you help me?"

Good guy, this is a trick on me!But I am really grateful to her for giving me such a good thing. Not everyone will have this kind of willingness.

After chatting with Wang Daxian for a few more words, I hung up the phone.I carefully opened the mahogany box. Inside was a beige, translucent, irregular small stone. But after I stared at it for a few seconds, the scene in front of me changed. The small stone actually shone with colorful light, and I was vaguely aware of it. It was a shocking feeling to see a solemn Buddha statue in front of me.

This is not the first time I have opened this mahogany box, but I feel that today is different from usual.

I thought about it and took it in my hand.When he wanted to look more closely, the relic suddenly disappeared in his palm.

It's as if it never happened.

What's going on?Before I didn't know it was the Buddha's relic, I had never experienced this situation while holding it.

I was shocked and searched around on the bed, but no matter how I searched, the relic just disappeared. "Oops, does this sacred object know that I know its value, and has any objection to me wrapping it in red cloth before taking a bath, changing clothes, and burning incense?" I muttered to myself.

I feel so regretful.

"Dongdong, lunch is ready, do you want to eat?" Feng Hua came over cautiously, holding the food in his hand.

I hugged her with a sad face and said, "Huahua, I regret it. I seem to have made a mistake."

I could feel her body shaking suddenly when I hugged her. I pushed myself up and looked at her, "What's wrong? Am I so scary?"

Feng Hua's eyes turned red, "Dongdong, you, are you back?"

I was stunned by what she said, and seemed to realize what she meant, "You're back. Do you want to go out for a walk?"

Feng Hua nodded suddenly, "Okay, okay, you haven't been out for more than ten days."

I got dressed and went out with Feng Hua. Because I had been in the house for too long, and the curtains had been closed all the time, and I hadn't seen the sun for a long time, I was really not used to it.

I covered my eyes with my hands and looked up at the sky.

A few scattered clouds are reflected in the clear blue sky, and everything around seems full of vitality. It's so good to be alive.

"Dongdong, are you feeling well? Do you need some rest?" Feng Hua carefully supported me and asked.

I shook my head, "No, I'm fine."

I did feel better, I felt full of strength, and my irritable mood was relieved a lot.Perhaps, the Buddha's relic was absorbed by me?

That's what I think for now.

Feng Hua and I stayed outside for a long time, and we didn't go home until the sun was going down.

On the way, I discovered that I was indeed different from before.Now that the yin pupil is with me, I have an out-and-out yin and yang eye. Even without Xianjia and Ye Zeyi, I can still see creatures in another world.

As soon as the sun goes down, most of the ghosts wandering around the world come out.

As soon as I walked past, there were only ghosts on the road.They were densely packed and of different shapes and colors, and many of them would pass right through my body.

I understand Feng Hua very much now, and even feel sorry for Feng Hua. How did she face these ghosts with different images in the first place?Half of them are hideous and terrifying.

"Dongdong, are you okay?" Feng Hua asked.

I know she is worried about me because she has endured these hardships.

"Of course, don't worry, I'm not afraid of anything and have no taboos." I put my arm around her shoulders and smiled.

When I got home, as soon as I entered the door, I found a few more people following me.

I just pretended I didn't see them, thinking that they would have left after enough trouble.

But I didn't expect them to be so clingy. As soon as I opened the refrigerator, I saw a ghost curled up inside, making fun of me.

I ignored it, reached for a bottle of Coke and closed the refrigerator door again.

When I was taking a shower, a female ghost came in and stood under the shower with me. She imitated how I washed and made faces at me from time to time!
Ghosts are so leisurely, so leisurely?I suppressed the helplessness in my heart and continued to act like I didn’t see it!
(End of this chapter)

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