I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 189 Visiting the Patient

Chapter 189 Visiting the Patient
"Are you two..." I asked tentatively.

"He is my brother, and my mother is his aunt." Qi Xiaolei answered.

It turns out that she is really a biological sister.

But the way she looked at me, I knew she had misunderstood, so I quickly explained, "Hello, Xiaolei, I am her recognized sister. I'm not the sister-in-law you mentioned. He has a girlfriend, don't you know?"

Qi Xiaolei looked embarrassed, "I don't know, my second brother hasn't contacted me for a long time."

"It's okay. He has something to do today. He will definitely come to see you tomorrow. You can ask him carefully then." I said.

Qi Xiaolei shook his head, with a bitter look on his face.

I was a little puzzled. Wu Bufan only talked about his aunt at that time and did not mention this sister.I didn't dare to say anything more, but since Wu Bufan asked me to come and see her, I was thinking about her.

I pointed at the man with tubes all over his body and said, "The person on the bed is..."

Qi Xiaolei turned to look at the man lying on the bed, with a faint smile on his lips, but deep sadness in his eyes, "My boyfriend Xia Weisong."

I walked to the bed and looked at Xia Weisong on the bed. He was on a ventilator, his eyes were closed, his eye sockets were sunken, and there were light bruises. There were many bruises and redness on his face, and his head and body were still wrapped in bandages.

"How did he get hurt?" I asked softly.

This man's situation is really not optimistic, because while I was watching closely, I saw that his internal organs were injured to varying degrees, and his soul was not with him.

Qi Xiaolei lowered his head and murmured, "We went out to play half a month ago and encountered a car accident. He was trying to protect me..." Before he could finish, Qi Xiaolei began to sob.

"Why is he so serious?" I asked seriously.

Logically speaking, in a car accident, both people would be injured.

Qi Xiaolei burst into tears, "I got off the car at the service area to rest. Who knew that a car suddenly got off the highway. The car didn't even think of slowing down and came towards me. I was so frightened that I couldn't move. , Weisong discovered it at that time and pushed me away. Originally, he just fell to the ground, but for some reason, the driver of the car fell back and hit him... If, if not If he had been sent to the hospital in time, his life might not have been saved."

I have some impressions of what she said. It was broadcast on the news some time ago.At that time, it hit two people, one was killed and the other was seriously injured.

"Were there two people who were hit at that time?" I asked.

Qi Xiaolei nodded, "Yes, it was two people, Wei Song and I, and his brother. But his brother disappeared on the spot."

I felt very heavy and sat with Qi Xiaolei for a while, during which she told me a lot. Perhaps because she wanted to talk to someone too much, she told me a lot about her and Xia Weisong.After listening to their feelings, I have to say that if this incident had not happened, Qi Xiaolei would have been a very happy person.

"By the way, little sister, is it really the second brother who asked you to come see me?" Qi Xiaolei asked, with deep expectation in his tone.

I nodded firmly, "Of course, otherwise how would I know your name."

Qi Xiaolei had a smile on his face, "He is always like this, always giving silently. In fact, no one of us has ever blamed him."

"What happened back then?" I asked. "Since he recognizes you as his sister, it means that you have a good relationship. In fact, the second brother has always had a knot in his heart. He always felt that my mother, his aunt, was killed by him."

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"My second brother has been living in my house since his parents died. My mother is very good to him, and he is very good to me, but he is always unsociable. My father doesn't particularly like him. He always feels that there are too many of him in the house. , it was very expensive to feed him through school, so the second brother went out to work to make money as soon as he graduated from high school.”

Qi Xiaolei continued, "But even though the second brother often supplemented the family income, my father still hated him. Especially after drinking, he would vent his dissatisfaction by beating and scolding his mother. Once, the second brother had a conflict with his father and beat his father. If it breaks, he will run away."

It turns out that Wu Bufan ran away. I always thought that although he looked carefree, he was very open-minded and had a great personality. I didn't expect him to be so rebellious.

"and then?"

"My mother kept looking for him afterwards, fearing that he was in danger outside, but she never found him. Later, she was found to be terminally ill. She never saw him again until she died. On the day of the funeral, I saw him, and he He just watched from a distance. Before he left, he said sorry to me. It was all his fault that my aunt lived such a miserable life. It was also his incompetence that failed to help my aunt survive. "

After hearing this, I realized that Wu Bufan was really suffering. It turned out that he still had guilt in his heart.

"What happened next?" I continued.

Qi Xiaolei sighed, "Later, he would send money home every month. It was because of the money he gave me that I went to college, graduated, found a good job, and found a man who was very good to me. Friend, it’s just that I’ve never seen my second brother again.”

"He still misses you very much." I said.

Qi Xiaolei smiled sweetly and nodded fiercely, "I know, from the moment he asked you to come, I knew that he would always be there. Little sister, the second brother is really a good person, if..."

When I heard that the momentum was wrong, I quickly changed the topic, "Indeed, he is really a good brother and is very good to me and my boyfriend."

When Qi Xiaolei heard this, he closed his mouth and looked at Xia Weisong lying on the bed with a smile, his eyes filled with tenderness wherever he went.

"What did the doctor say? Is it possible to wake up?"

Qi Xiaolei held Xia Weisong's hand and put it on his face, "The doctor said the hope is slim, but we have to believe in miracles after all, right?"

Sunshine of mind and persistent belief are very important, just like quantum entanglement. As long as you believe that something will happen, then it will definitely happen.If you are always afraid of something happening, then it is likely that it will happen because you always think about it.

So in normal times, we must believe in hope, be persistent in our hearts, and have a sunny mentality.Only then can things develop in a good direction.

"Yes, I believe in miracles." I comforted.But in fact, I know that Xia Weisong will never come back. His soul has been away from the body for many days, and I can no longer see the slightest concern between the body and the soul.

After chatting with her for a few more words, I said goodbye to her and prepared to walk out.

As a result, as soon as I walked to the door, an inexplicable feeling came over me, and then goosebumps appeared on my body. I glanced around habitually and found a dark figure flashing next to the hospital bed.

(End of this chapter)

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