I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 205 Judgment of Fate

I found that Judge Cui's eyes fell on me from time to time, and his cold face also changed a few expressions, but I, a mortal, failed to realize it.

After a while, Ye Zeyi walked out of the hall and said, "Judge Cui just authorized me to inform you about this matter. In fact, Tang Huairen's life was not over yet, because he sacrificed his life to save Qi Xiaolei and Xia Weisong, and gained the merit of being a good person, but his body was already gone. No, Judge Cui originally asked him to stay in the underworld as an errand. Tang Huairen learned of Xia Weisong's last wish on the way here, so he asked Ming Huanyang to borrow Xia Weisong's body to accompany Qi Xiaolei for the rest of his life. Tang Huairen gave up a great future, which can be regarded as indifferent to fame and fortune. Emphasis on love and righteousness. Judge Cui was grateful for his sincerity, so he allowed Tang Huairen to return to the sun. Only then did the ghost mission lead and deliver the soul that day. Tang Huairen was able to quickly fuse his soul and body after getting the judge's permission. ."

As soon as Ye Ze said this, Wu Bufan and I figured out the cause and effect here.

"Maybe this is another kind of fulfillment." I said.

Although I knew that Xia Weisong's body was Tang Huairen, this time I didn't resist it, but was a little moved.

"Being able to work as an errand in the underworld is considered a small god status. Tang Huairen gave up and chose to return to the sun to help Xia Weisong fulfill his last wish and take care of Qi Xiaolei. It shows that he is a very good character, so I feel relieved." Wu Bufan also said, Not against it.

I leaned against Ye Zeyi, feeling the warmth of this moment.

Although this story is a tragedy, it is also full of passion.

This ending may be the best ending.

"Brother, since the judge agreed to return the sun, let's just pretend we don't know and don't worry about it. What do you think?" I asked tentatively.

Wu Bufan showed his signature smile, showing two dimples, "Yes, don't worry about it anymore, this is fate and also cause and effect. Let's go home."

"You guys haven't gone to the Punishment Department yet, don't you want to take a look?" Ye Zeyi asked, looking at me and Wu Bufan with interest.

"Department of Punishing Evil?" I was really interested and asked, "Who is the chief officer of the Department of Punishing Evil?"

"Guess first, this name is very familiar to you." Ye Zeyi even pretended to be a little more cautious.

I thought for a moment, a familiar name, who could it be?Lao Hei Lao Bai is definitely not the case.

Could it be...

A name flashed through my mind, "Could it be Lord Zhong Kui?"

Ye Zeyi knocked my head appreciatively, "My Dongbao is really smart. Yes, the head of the Punishment Department is the one you often call Zhong Kui."

"I want to go see it." I almost jumped up.

"Okay. I'll satisfy you." Ye Zeyi said dotingly, leading me back.

He stopped until he saw a familiar sight.

"The Evil Punishment Department is over here." Ye Ze pointed out.

When I took a look, wasn't this the side with the knives on both sides?
"What...the knives on both sides mean?" I asked.

"This is the first punishment." Ye Zeyi walked up calmly.

He walked very slowly, and his expression didn't change at all.But for some reason, I felt like he was enduring some kind of pain.

I hesitated and followed him up.

The moment I took the first step, I felt a dark wind blowing through my body, cutting my skin like a sharp blade.

I didn't expect that this road would be so difficult and painful, so I suddenly cried out, "Ah..."

Every inch of skin on the body hurts, as if it had been delayed.My feet gave way and I knelt on the ground.Why is this happening?

At this moment, the left and right arms were grabbed by someone respectively, and the whole person was pulled up.

"What's wrong? Girl?" It was Wu Bufan who asked.

I was in so much pain that I struggled to speak. I finally managed to squeeze out a few words, "It hurts. Don't you... hurt?"

Wu Bufan felt it and said, "It's okay. Although I can feel it, it's not obvious. It's like being bitten by a mosquito."

I was confused and turned to look at Ye Zeyi, "What is going on?"

Ye Ze pursed his lips and said, "Let's go there first."

Although he didn't say the reason, I saw shock and confusion in his eyes.

Because I was in too much pain, I couldn't pass by myself, so the two of them carried me to the end of the road and passed the door.

The palace behind the door was different from what I had seen before. It was entirely black without any unusual color.

The entire palace looked extremely cold. The window in the middle palace looked like a huge mouth, seeming to swallow up all the darkness, and it was so dark that it was bottomless.

There are many ghosts sitting on both sides, but most of them are handcuffed and shackled.From time to time, there would be cries and howls of pain coming from the temple.The Yin Chai here all looked fierce and stood around the palace with weapons in their hands.

"This... is indeed the Secretary of Punishment for Evil." I had just recovered a little, and leaned in Ye Zeyi's arms exhausted, asking, "What happened just now?"

"The ghosts who come to the Evil Punishment Department need to pass the first hurdle." Ye Zeyi hesitated and then said, "The more evil a ghost does, the greater the pain it will have to endure when walking on this road."

I panicked and immediately searched in my mind. I haven't done anything bad in my life.Because I lived in a temple since childhood, I ate much less meat than others.

"What...what heinous thing did I do?" I asked with a sad face.

Ye Ze shook his head, "I don't know."

"What about you? You have suffered a lot, right?" I asked worriedly.

When Ye Ze looked at me, I saw surprise.

"I have done a lot of wrong things in the past." Ye Zeyi replied, and then looked at a black door in front of him, "Dong Bao, can you go in with me and have a look, do you want to go?"

"I want to go too, is it possible?" Before I could answer, Wu Bufan asked.


Wu Bufan also understood the situation, shrugged, stepped back, and began to look at the surrounding environment.

I struggled for a while, but I was actually quite scared. After all, it hurt so much that I wanted to die.

"Tell me first, what does this punishment department do?" I was a little nervous.

"All the ghosts who come to the Evil Punishment Department will be truly judged after passing through the path just now. They first need to be reflected in front of the evil mirror to show good and evil and distinguish between good and bad. All the evil ghosts who did evil during their lifetimes will be judged by Zhong Kui, the chief officer of the Punishment Department, sentenced him according to the "four no's and four no's" principles of King Yama. The four no's were disloyalty, unfilial piety, disloyalty, and disbelief; the four no's were rude, unjust, uncorrupt, and shameless. , minor crimes are punished lightly, serious crimes are severely punished, and then they are sent to the execution platform and sent to the eighteenth level of hell. Wait, return to the world of the sun."

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