I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 218 Find Feng Hua

As soon as I heard that there was a way to solve the problem, the elder sister seemed to have grasped at straws and quickly asked me what to do.

I took out a piece of writing from my pocket and shook my body. I used the pen I carried with me. Xianjia guided me with a trace of spiritual thought and wrote some runes that no one present could understand. Then I After shaking all over again and returning to normal, I handed the application form to the elder sister.

"Go back to the temple, burn this inscription, and then ask for a bronze statue of a dog to be placed in the northwest corner of your home. This will ensure the peace of your home, harmony between your husband and wife, and smooth career. You should be kind to him in the future. Living beings, you must not repeat the karma of killing, do more good deeds, and make up for the mistakes you have made." I repeatedly warned the elder sister.

If the eldest sister was a treasure, she carefully put away the memorandum.

When everyone saw it, they were all amazed and praised me for my profound spiritual conduct despite my young age.

The Northeastern aunt was also having fun with the group, and then she glared at me and looked out the window.

I stood up and sat across from this northeastern aunt, looked at her and asked, "Auntie, is your age this year?"

"Ah...I, I'm already 60, haha, why, you have to give me a fortune, haha, I don't count, I don't believe this." This Northeastern aunt had a look of rejection.

"You don't believe it, then you still want me to settle it for that eldest sister?" I said with a smile.

"I'm curious too. Just because I don't believe it doesn't mean others don't believe it. Just forget it. It's considered a good deed." The Northeastern aunt hurriedly tried to smooth things over for herself.

I stared hard at that Northeastern aunt and thought, this kind of person is the most annoying. She cares about matters that have nothing to do with herself. She doesn't take it too seriously when watching the excitement, and never considers other people's feelings.

Inadvertently, I noticed that this northeastern aunt’s temples were dimly lit, and I was afraid that she would suffer a disaster in the near future.

I stood up and walked towards her, pinched her quickly with my fingers, and as I walked past, I tried to press her waist.

Suddenly my hand was blocked by a force in the air. I frowned slightly and looked sideways, and it was Hu Tianhong.

She stared at me solemnly, her eyes very unhappy.

I retracted my hand and walked straight back to my car.

"Dongdong, what did you want to do just now?" Hu Tianhong followed up and asked.

I was already unhappy, and her aggressive look made me even more unhappy, "It's okay, I can't stand a villain like her. She's going to be in trouble anyway, I'm just helping her to cope with it quickly."

"Dongdong, you have gone astray." Hu Tianhong said with a serious face, "Interfering with cause and effect, and using your own likes and dislikes to achieve temporary pleasure, you will be punished."

When I heard what she said, I felt funny in my heart. Isn’t what we usually do interfering with cause and effect?Isn’t it because of your likes and dislikes that you usually resolve?What is good and what is evil?Where does the definition come from?
I looked at Hu Tianhong and said with a smile, "What is good and evil? What do we do that is not interfering with cause and effect? ​​Do you teach me a lesson? It is I who lead you, not you who lead me. You don't have the right to decide me. Views of good and evil!”

"Li Dongdong." Hu Tianhong stomped her feet angrily. I didn't bother to look at her, so I turned around and left.

Feeling irritable, I returned to my seat. At this time, the elder sister I had just helped came over and forcefully handed me two hundred yuan bills.

Probably because he was afraid that I wouldn't want it, he quickly said thank you to me and left.

I looked at the eldest sister's back and smiled slightly, and the original haze was swept away.I can feel her gratitude.This feeling is gratifying!
In a blink of an eye, the train announced that Seoul Station had arrived. Wu Bufan and I packed our things and got off the train.Because we were in a hurry, we didn’t even bother wandering around Seoul City, so we quickly found the bus terminal and took a bus to Hongshan County.

Just after arriving in Hongshan County, Feng Hua's phone finally got through.Looking at Wu Bufan's relaxed expression, I knew that his worries had finally come to an end.

"Huahua's mobile phone has just been charged. The family is now at the Hongshan County People's Hospital. We will go there now." Wu Bufan hung up the phone and said.

Then we took a taxi and went there.

When they arrived at the hospital, Feng Hua was sitting on a seat outside the ward, and there was a man sitting next to her.

The man was about 50 years old, not too tall, and had dark skin. He looked roughly similar to her.

I have met this man once. He was her father at the school that sent Feng Hua to her when she was a freshman.At this moment, Feng Hua turned his head and happened to see us.

"Feng Hua." I waved and called.

Feng Hua also stood up and ran over immediately. Although he hadn't seen her for a few days, his face was already so thin that the tip of his shell could be seen, and his eyes were a little red.

"Why are you here?" she asked, grabbing my hand.

Before I could answer, she was snatched away by Wu Bufan and held in his arms, "Don't let me find you in the future, I'm worried to death."

Feng Hua's hand did not hug him, but held it tightly, as if she was restraining something. Her eyes were red, and she hesitated for a moment before pushing Wu Bufan away.

"Let me introduce you. This is my dad. Dad, this is my roommate, Li Dongdong. This is her brother, Wu Bufan."

"Hello, Uncle Feng." I greeted politely.

Wu Bufan bowed respectfully, "Hello, Uncle Feng."

Feng Hua's father looked very loving when he saw me, but his eyes when looking at Wu Bufan were a little wary.

"Huahua, how is Auntie?" Wu Bufan asked softly.

"It's okay." Feng Hua said, "He is out of danger. He was sent to the hospital in time and there will be no sequelae."

"Young man, how old are you?" Father Feng came over at this time and asked.

Wu Bufan immediately stood at attention and replied nervously, "I am 30 this year."

"You're not young anymore." Father Feng continued to ask, "What do you do?"

"Open a small shop by yourself." Wu Bufan replied.

"What store?"

Wu Bufan hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth several times without saying anything.

I answered, "He runs a Buddhist shop and sells Buddhist supplies."

Hearing this, Feng's father's face darkened, but he did not show dissatisfaction and asked, "What major did you major in university?"

"I never went to college, and I started working right after I graduated from high school." Wu Bufan became more and more discouraged as he talked, and his breath became unsteady.

Father Feng took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth. Probably because he was in the hospital, he didn't light it and just kept holding it, "What do your parents do?"

"My parents are gone." Wu Bufan replied.

Father Feng sighed, "Hey, he is a hard-luck child. Unlike my Huahua family, although my family is poor, we have never let her suffer anything."

When I heard it, it was an obvious rejection of the relationship between the two people.

I can hear it, and so can Wu Bufan.

His expression was slightly strange, but he quickly returned to normal, "Indeed, Feng Hua was raised well by you. She is a kind-hearted girl with upright views."

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