"Where did you come from, baby? It's your turn to make irresponsible remarks about things in our village." The old man in the lead, who must be the village chief, shouted sharply at Wu Bufan.

Wu Bufan found a seat closest to Feng Hua and sat down casually, "Who am I? You don't remember? I am Mr. Yin Yang who works in her family."

"What? A gentleman who works here wants to interfere in the affairs of our village?" the village chief snorted and said disdainfully.

Wu Bufan glanced at him with his eagle-like eyes, "Your name is Wang Changjiu, are you an Ox? Your son's name is Wang Wande."

I saw the village chief frown, his face change, and he said nothing.

"The old man of the Feng family is not at peace with his departure. The first seven days have not passed yet, and you have made it so difficult for his orphans and widows. Be careful that he will come back to you, which will be bad luck. After all, he is a foreigner." Wu Bufan was very serious when he said he has a nose and eyes.

Several people around me looked at each other, because the voice was too low and I couldn't hear clearly.But if Wu Bufan guessed from then on, I could guess what they were discussing.

They didn't understand what outbound call meant.

"The so-called foreign call is what we say in the north. You in the south may call it heavy mourning. The pronunciation is chong, which means two or more. It's just that this funeral will not occur inside the Feng family's home, but outside the home. To put it more bluntly, , Mr. Feng still wants to take one or two more members of his maternal family away. After all, he died violently and with great resentment, and the day of his death was not very auspicious." Wu Bufan explained, and then he sighed heavily, looking very embarrassed. He said, "I'm trying my best to control the old man's anger. But if you make things difficult for his family, there's no way he won't be angry."

After he finished speaking, everyone in the room looked at me, and I looked at you, with their own little thoughts in their eyes.

When I saw this, I jumped out and said, "Master Wu, why are you here? I've been looking for you everywhere. I don't know why, but I was at Feng's house just now, and I always felt a chill behind me, so I ran out to look for you. .”

Wu Bufan glanced at me and said in a pretentious manner, "Well, the first seven days have not passed and Feng Yi's ghost has not left, so naturally it will be colder at home."

"It's true, Master Wu, you think I should go back with you and Huahua. I'm really a little scared. I felt like there was someone behind me wherever I walked at home, and my hair was getting on my head." I shrugged my shoulders and scanned the Sweeping his arms, his eyes kept scanning around, looking scared, he leaned towards Wu Bufan again, "Hey...why does it feel so cold in this room? The feeling of someone staring at me is still so strong. .”

Wu Bufan smiled and pointed to a dark corner on the right side of the house, "Girl, you are right, there is indeed a ghost in the house, right there, staring at us!"

I jumped up in shock, ran behind Wu Bufan, and asked in a trembling voice, "Where is it? Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

Wu Bufan laughed loudly, "You can't see normal. If everyone can see ghosts, the world will be in chaos. But don't be afraid, girl. I'm here and I can't hurt you. It's just that you are weak and a girl. So I am more sensitive to these things. I will draw a peace charm for you later and help you break it again, so you will not encounter this problem again in the future."

"Sure, thank you so much Master Wu, but will it be expensive?" I hesitated and asked.

Wu Bufan nodded, "It will indeed be more expensive. After all, it is to help you change your life and prevent disasters, and you have to bear the consequences."

I lowered my head, looking embarrassed.

Wu Bufan continued, "But you and Feng Hua are friends. I just finished doing some work for her family, so I can give you a friendly price. Don't worry, I know you are a student and have no money. I have professional ethics."

"Thank you, Master Wu." I was so grateful that I could see my big teeth when I smiled.

At this time, Feng Hua, who had been silent until now, suddenly interrupted, his eyes red, "Is the ghost in the corner you are talking about my father Feng Yi?"

Wu Bufan looked at him, sighed and nodded, "Yes, he can't worry about you, so he has always been by your side. If your family is not doing well, he will not leave."

Speaking of this, Feng Hua covered his face and burst into tears.Seeing that the situation was like this, I wanted to continue the show.

The village chief suddenly shouted, "It's just a small thing, but Feng Yiruo really hasn't left. Let him come to me at night. I want to see how much trouble a dead man can cause."

I opened my mouth to retort, but Wu Bufan beat me to it, "You can't say that. There are gods three feet above your head. Village Chief Wang. Only by accumulating virtue and doing good deeds can you live a long life without illness or disaster. Today I won't do it." Excuse me for disturbing you, Miss Feng Hua is very excited, we are taking her away."

After that, Wu Bufan and I carried Feng Hua and walked out of the village chief's house.

Feng Hua still kept crying, and I knew she was feeling miserable.

"Huahua, actually, Uncle Feng is not there." I said, "Uncle Feng has actually left and been reincarnated. He is quite good."

Feng Hua looked at me, "Really?"

I nodded, "I was just acting to scare them. After all, you know I'm not afraid of ghosts."

After listening to my words, Feng Hua became more emotionally stable.

When she got home, she looked at Wu Bufan who had been silent, said thank you and went back to the house.

I also went back to the house.

Just as I was about to close the door, Wu Bufan slipped in deftly.

I was startled, and when I saw it was him, I joked, "Brother, you came into my house so late, aren't you afraid that my old man will deal with you?"

"Sister, I'm so happy that you're normal." Wu Bufan said, "Your old man also knows that I have no evil intentions or courage. But today, these scary words have been spoken out. How do you think Wang Changjiu's family will deal with it? Although they are a family They are not all that good, but asking the Xian family to help scare people, no, it is against morality!"

"Yeah." I nodded, "That's true, but I've already sent all the ghosts."

Wu Bufan looked at me dumbfounded, and I raised my hand to touch my forehead, "You don't have a fever, sister, are you sure you are back? It doesn't look like you can do this."

I shrugged, "Of course, okay, I'm going to bed. My old man Li will take care of this matter. If you don't go to bed quickly, you may not be able to sleep tonight. Go, go, go."

Wu Bufan looked confused and looked back at me every three steps. I waved my hand and told him to remember to close the door when he went out.

After he left, the room fell silent.

I looked calmly at the mass of black air in the corner, and soon several human figures appeared.

"Dongdong, what do you think of these?" It was Old Man Li who appeared in front of me with several local ghosts.

I glanced at them and saw that the deaths of several people were quite tragic, and their resentment was quite strong, so I nodded, "Okay, you decide."

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