I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 231 Retribution Comes Too Suddenly

Then Wang Wande probably realized what he was doing. He stood up and looked at her condescendingly, "You can kill us as you like, and you won't get a penny."

Feng Hua suddenly sneered, and a chill burst out from his eyes, "Okay! One life is worth one life. We don't want money, but we can take your lives!"

Wang Wande took a step back, seemingly frightened by Feng Hua's momentum.

The two people's eyes were facing each other. If eyes could kill, Feng Hua could definitely kill them with a thousand cuts at this moment.

I saw that Feng Hua's anger was rising sharply and was almost uncontrollable, so I hurried over to support Feng Hua, put my hand on her arm, and said to Wang Changjiu and Wang Wande, "This is your own choice. You guys I’m busy, Master Wu probably can’t help.”

"Want to help or not!" Wang Wande shouted, "Who do you think you are? I use you to think highly of you!"

Wu Bufan's face gradually turned cold and he muttered a few words. Two balls of fire suddenly appeared in the pockets of Wang Changjiu and Wang Wande's clothes, and the flames turned orange-blue.

Upon seeing this, the two people quickly took off their clothes and patted them.

But miraculously, the fire was extinguished in just a moment.

They rummaged around and found the peace charm Wu Bufan had given them that morning.

"In that case, please go back. The peace talisman has been taken back. The rest depends on your own fate." Wu Bufan issued an eviction order.

Wang Changjiu and Wang Wande angrily picked up their clothes and left.

Feng Hua clenched her fists, her body still trembling slightly, and the hatred in her eyes almost overwhelmed her, "I don't need the money, but they must pay the price, and Wang Wande must die."

I held her hand and said, "Huahua, I know you are angry, but you have to control your emotions. Brother Bu Fan and I will help you solve this matter. Don't go too extreme."

Feng Hua took a deep breath, said thank you and entered the room.

Wu Bufan and I looked at each other and said, "Keep an eye on her. Anger will make her lose her sense of proportion. Don't really do anything bad."

"Don't worry, I believe her." Wu Bufan patted me on the shoulder, "You have to believe her too."

"Come on, brother, let's each calculate the trend after this incident." I glanced at Wu Bufan provocatively.

"Who is afraid of whom?" Wu Bufan said unconvinced.

In the end, the two of us calculated separately and came to the same result.

"I think it's three days." Wu Bufan said, "He will come to us within three days. This can be done."

I smiled and said, "It's only three days for me, but something will happen to Wang Wande tomorrow."

Sure enough, something happened to Wang Wande the next day.

At that time, we were worshiping at the place where Feng Yi's accident occurred. There were many people coming and going around, and from time to time, people came to persuade Feng Hua not to be too sad.

Feng Hua responded one by one. At this time, the harvester working not far away attracted her attention.

That was the culprit who killed her father.

"Why don't bad guys get retribution?" Feng Hua murmured, and the sadness in her voice could be heard.

"Yes, there will be." Wu Bufan whispered.

Feng Hua smiled, "That's why dad left because he got his retribution. What about Wang Wande? Where is his retribution?"

"They will come too," Wu Bufan said. "I hope this day will come soon." Feng Hua said with a wry smile.

At this time, a young man we had never seen before suddenly ran over and said anxiously, "Master Wu, please go to the village chief's house and have a look. Something happened!"

Wu Bufan and I looked at each other, but before we could say anything, Feng Hua took over and said, "I can't go. Master Wu is going back to the county tonight. The car has been found and he will leave soon."

After saying that, he took us both and walked back.

He walked to the door of his house and closed the door. "If they knock on the door later, you won't be allowed to open it for half an hour." Feng Hua said stubbornly, which was quite cute.

Wu Bufan and I nodded obediently, and then told her, "Don't worry, he won't be able to come tonight. But no matter what day he comes, we promise not to open the door for half an hour."

Feng Hua nodded with satisfaction. By 9 o'clock in the evening, Wang Changjiu and the others did not come.

At dusk on the third day, the door of Feng Hua's house rang.

In order to keep our promise, Wu Bufan and I didn't dare to say anything for half an hour.

Just after half an hour, Feng Hua walked to the door, signaled us to be silent and opened the door.

However, she did not let Wang Changjiu in immediately. Instead, she blocked the door and said, "Village Chief Wang, I am alone at home. What do you mean by knocking on the door this late at night?"

"Girl Feng, where is Wu Shenxian? Let me in." Wang Changjiu said with a cry.

"He's gone." Feng Hua said coldly, "Village Chief Wang, I told you that now I don't want the money, I want you and your son's life."

Wang Changjiu knelt on the ground with a plop, "Girl Feng, we were wrong. We were wrong. Tell Feng Yi that we will give you whatever money you want."

"It's too late." Feng Hua sneered, "It's too late, just wait for retribution."

Feng Hua turned around and was about to close the door. Wang Changjiu hugged her thigh and said, "Feng Hua, please, please give me Master Wu's contact information and ask him to help save my son. Wande, Wande now..."

When Wu Bufan and I saw that the time was right, he immediately took out the packed suitcase, opened the door and took me out.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he made a sign of surprise, "You guys..."

Feng Hua threw Wang Changjiu away and said disgustedly, "I knew you were about to leave, so I wanted to help block it so as not to delay your return. Unexpectedly, we bumped into each other."

After saying that, she turned around and went back to the house.

When Wang Changjiu saw Wu Bufan, he felt as if he had seen a savior. His head was still wrapped with gauze, so he hugged Wu Bufan's thigh, crying with snot and tears, and mumbling "save". Save his son, save his son.

Wu Bufan glanced at his luggage and then at Wang Changjiu, "Village Chief Wang, please get up quickly. I'm in a hurry to catch the train. You also know that it's hard to buy tickets. I can't take care of your family's affairs. After all, you I also made harsh words, so you don’t need to worry about me. I’m not good at anything, I just have a good memory and a good face!”

Wang Chang didn't speak for a long time, then he cried and hugged Wu Bufan's thigh tightly, saying nothing and not letting go.

"I can't help you with your son's matter. After all, this is your own choice, and once the punishment begins, it will be difficult to end." Wu Bufan continued to say awkwardly.

"Wu Shenxian, you are the only one who can save my son." Wang Changjiu sobbed, "Really, this time, I really paid for it, I'm not stingy anymore. Nothing is more important than my life."

Wang Changjiu repeatedly promised that this time he would accept his fate and not pay any money, and the compensation would not be less.

Wu Bufan then relaxed and said, "Tell me what happened to Wang Wande and what's going on now."

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