I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 237 Exploration in the Dark

I have to say that the village is really dark at night.

Because there are very few people using electricity here, and many still use candles, kerosene lamps, etc., so at this time, everyone has gone to bed, and all the houses are dark.

There was only a bright moon hanging high in the night sky, covering Xizhai at night with a layer of silver sand.

I tilted my head and looked at the scenery outside, a little obsessed. Everything here is impossible to see in the city.

The stars in the sky are like sparkling diamonds, scattered on the endless black sky.Occasionally, you can see meteors streaking across the night sky, creating shining trails of light, like fireworks in the sky.

The wooden houses on both sides of the stockade look particularly primitive under the moonlight. The scene in front of you is like a painting, quiet, peaceful, and full of mystery.

"The night here is so beautiful." I sighed.

"Nowadays, most cities are lined with high-rise buildings and brightly lit. It is true that such natural scenery is rare." Ye Ze said.

"If possible in the future, let's find a place like this to settle down. We can surround a small yard, grow some vegetables, raise some poultry, and work when the sun rises and rest when the sun sets." I tilted my head and looked at Ye Zeyi, full of longing. said.

"Okay." Ye Ze hugged me and said, "It's all up to you. But are you sure you can endure the days without lights, mobile phones, computers, and the Internet?"

He hit a painful point, "Lao Ye, you..." Before I could finish my words, I suddenly saw a dark figure flashing outside the hospital.

His speed was so fast that I wasn't sure if I was dazzled.

But there was a scream of animals outside, and I concluded that someone had indeed passed by.

I stood up immediately and said, "There's someone outside."

Ye Ze stopped me and said, "Don't go out, remember their warning."

But I smiled, "Lao Ye, you should be cautious. Others can go out, why can't I?"

After that, I opened the door and rushed out.

I want to see what happens when I go out after 7 o'clock.I also want to see what the black shadow was just now.

The black shadow in front of me kept moving very fast. I even ran at a speed of [-] meters before I could barely see an afterimage of him.

I just felt the cold wind on both sides blowing past my ears, and the leaves rustled.There was no time to think about where he was at this moment, so he had no choice but to chase forward.

I chased him for about ten minutes, but I still lost him.I stood there and looked around, only to realize that I had entered a dense forest.

I have seen the horror of dense forests. Fortunately, I carry the sachet given by Mr. Miao with me, so I am not afraid of those insects and ants, but the forest at night is still a bit scary.

"Ah..." A heartbreaking cry came.

I heard the sound and ran after him. Less than 500 meters away from me, there was this man dressed in black lying.

He was now lying on the ground with his intestines and stomach broken.

And not far in front of him, I saw a creature I had never seen before.Because there are many tall trees in the dense forest, and it is night, the moonlight is scarce, and it is blocked by the forest, so the visibility is very low.

If it weren't for my Yin Pu, I'm afraid it would be difficult to walk here.I looked at it up and down through my dark eyes. It was very huge, about as high as three stories high, but most of its body was hidden in the dense forest, so I couldn't see its full picture.

But I can feel that its body seems to be very soft.Probably sensing my gaze, it turned its head and glanced at me.

Its eyes were terrifying. It seemed to be seen through for that second, which made me unable to move. It was a pair of green eyes.

In just an instant, it closed its eyes and disappeared into the dense forest again.

Did it let me go?
Seeing that the crisis was over, I quickly stepped forward to check on this man.

But before he could reach him, a group of ants suddenly rushed out of the dense forest. The ants seemed to have been trained and surrounded him in a very orderly manner. Within a few minutes, they dispersed in an orderly manner. Go without any nostalgia for other places.

After they left, except for a few bones and clothes, there was no blood on the ground!
The whole person just disappeared.

I took a step back in shock. Even if I had seen some scary scenes before, they were just ghosts and ghosts. Once you see them too much, you will get used to them.

But the scene in front of me really shocked me with the real creatures that I could touch.

In just the blink of an eye, a person is swept away by these little creatures.

"Dongbao." Ye Zeyi's call brought me back from my thoughts, "Don't be afraid, it's gone."

"What's that?" I asked.

"Man-eating ants." Ye Zeyi answered.

"That's the one I'm talking about? It's that... big guy." I was so shocked that I stuttered when I spoke.

Ye Ze shook his head, "I don't know, there are many worlds in this world. What I know is that it is not a human species."

"Species that do not belong to the human world are in the human world." I murmured, "Isn't this going to cause chaos?"

"No, I don't belong to the species of the human world." Ye Zeyi replied, "Because humans belong to the upper three realms, and humans in the upper three realms are the least able to protect themselves. There is a peaceful agreement in all worlds. , is to jointly maintain the peace of the human world, so there will be many species from other worlds coming to the human world to maintain peace."

I understood, and then I moved forward cautiously, looking at the white bones on the ground and the shriveled clothes scattered on them.

"He is from Xizhai. It seems that not going out after 7pm is a warning, not a threat." I recalled Aunt Arlin's instructions.

I picked up another branch from the side and flipped it over. There was a package under the clothes. After opening it, there were several pieces of close-fitting clothing and gold and silver jewelry, as well as coins that had been eaten by man-eating ants. I put the gold and silver jewelry I picked it up and thought about taking it back and asking people in the village tomorrow if they recognized it. Maybe they could find out the identity of the deceased.

"Is he trying to escape?" I asked, looking at Ye Zi.

"Yes." Ye Zeyi replied.

"It seems that things are more terrifying than we imagined." I looked solemnly at the direction the creature was leaving. "The people in the village would rather risk their lives to escape at night than stay here. There must be something more terrifying. Something is going to happen.”

Ye Ze was silent, but I saw that his expression was also very solemn.

"Lao Ye, let's go back." After saying that, I looked at the surrounding environment and looked at him with a smile on my face, "Um, do you still know the road? You just ran too fast and didn't look at the road."

Ye Ze looked at me and replied helplessly: "I don't know either."

"How could it be? You are such a god, how could you not go back?" I was so surprised that I was almost speechless. "Are you kidding me? This is not fun at all. I will be angry." (End of Chapter) )

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