I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 241: Meet and Listen

"Okay, but you have to be mentally prepared to see him. Meeting him means there will be no more secrets." Ye Ze looked at me with a deep look in his eyes and said something like advice.
"Don't worry, I don't have any secrets that I'm afraid others will know. On the contrary, I still want to know many secrets!" I said frankly.

Later, Ye Zeyi took me to a place I had never seen before, where it looked like a light curtain.It's rare in this underworld. He led me and stepped in.

The surrounding scene slowed down for an instant, and the next second, a mountain range appeared.

Ye Zeyi led me forward and soon came to a forest surrounded by dense trees and clear streams.

"Is this still the underworld?" I was shocked by the scenery in front of me. I always thought that the underworld was either black or white. I didn't expect that there is such a paradise, with green forests, gurgling streams, and occasionally I can hear a few sounds. Birds chirp.

"It's a place of cultivation in the underworld." Ye Zeyi replied, "It's called Ditinglin. It can be regarded as the only pure land in the underworld."

Hearing this, there was actually a ripple in my heart. The further I walked toward the center of the forest, the deeper this feeling became.

After a while, I saw an ancient temple. Around the temple, there was a circle of carefully carved statues of Tingting. They looked at every visitor with solemn and profound eyes.

"Stop whoever comes!" A deep and deep voice sounded.

"Are you the Great God of Listening?" I asked respectfully.

"Exactly, the Bodhisattva is not at home today and will not receive visitors." The voice sounded again.

I knelt respectfully at the door and said, "Listen carefully, Master, I have something to ask you for help today. Please let me in."

"Let's go, I can't help you." The rich voice came again, followed by a strong force of intimidation that pushed me out.

"Why can't I help?" I suddenly became stubborn, and there was a trace of unwillingness to admit defeat in my heart.

"You have abandoned what you insist on, how can you have the dignity to come back?" His words made me confused.

"I don't understand what you are talking about, but I have never given up my persistence." I gritted my teeth and resisted the overwhelming pressure, refusing to take a step back.

"Let's go!" Suddenly there was a low roar, and before I could react, a whirlwind swept me out.

I thought I would fall heavily to the ground, but fortunately Ye Ze quickly hugged me with a quick glance.

Only then did I realize that the wind had swept me back to the edge of the forest.

I looked at Ye Zeyi inexplicably, "Is this a weird temper? It's not a weird temper, it's... capable people all have a bit of a temper. Yes, that's true, so you have to pay close attention to the thatched cottage."

I cleaned up the dust on my body, took a deep breath, "Let's go, keep going!"

Then I climbed up again with difficulty. I found that this time the climb was more strenuous than last time, as if there was an invisible force blocking me.

"Old Ye, why does this mountain road feel more rugged than before? The trees around here are also showing their teeth and claws." I said breathlessly.

Ye Zeyi supported me by his side, looking like he was struggling, "Well, he doesn't want you to go back."

"If he doesn't want me to go back, why won't I go back? He underestimates me. I have to go back." I gritted my teeth, climbed up with my hands and feet, and finally saw the ancient temple in front of me again.

The scenery in front of the ancient temple has changed. It is no longer what it was just now. Instead, there are several ferocious-looking beasts standing in front of the door. "What is in front of this temple?" I asked out of breath.

"Stop your fierce guardian beast!" Ye Zeyi became serious, with a little anger in his tone.

"Can this protector be a ferocious beast?" I was surprised. I always thought that there would be no ferocious beasts in Buddhist holy places.

"The so-called Buddha Dharma is boundless and teaches all things in the world. Let alone ferocious beasts, even hungry ghosts. As long as they sincerely convert, Buddhism will still have a place for them. Therefore, the ferocious beasts that protect the Dharma also have fate and good fortune." Ye Zeyi Explain it to me.

"If that's the case, then they must be able to handle this matter. After all, so many lives are involved. Lao Ye, I'm going up." I felt confident and stepped forward step by step.

Those ferocious beasts just stood there and looked down at me. When they saw me coming up, they seemed to show me a disdainful smile.

Sure enough, the moment I stepped up the last step, I smelled a foul smell, and then a roaring wind swept me out again.

"F*ck... let me know in advance!" Before I could finish my words, my whole body had already been thrown out.


I just felt that I was flying in front, and Ye Zeyi was chasing after me.

I don’t know how long it took, but I fell heavily from mid-air.

Fortunately, he chased me fast enough and I fell into his arms again.

I lay in his arms for a long time, and finally patted my little heart, "It's too scary, Lao Ye, if you hadn't caught this, I guess I wouldn't have to go back, and we could be a ghost couple here. We are husband and wife.”

"Stop talking nonsense, do you still want to ask?" Ye Zeyi looked at me distressedly, "How about I think of other ways to find out?"

"There is a better way. You have used it a long time ago." I stood up and patted the dust on my body. "It's okay. I can still persist. I agreed to visit the thatched cottage three times. This is only the second time. How can I just give up? Ye, in your eyes, have I always been someone who gives up so easily?"

There was a slight flash of light in Ye Ze's eyes, he raised the corners of his mouth and said with a faint smile, "You have never been a person who compromises on fate."

"That's right, let's go, I want to see how long he can be arrogant. If it doesn't work to visit the thatched cottage three times, I will visit the temple five times."

"Ouch..." As soon as I took a step out, I was blocked by an invisible wall in front of me, which happened to hit me on the forehead. "When did there become an extra wall?"

Ye Ze touched it, and a golden halo suddenly appeared in front of him. The aperture was not big, but it stopped us both.

"Ting Ting, you have gone too far this time!" Ye Zeyi became angry and put his hands behind his back, and his whole body floated in the air.

"Ye Zeyi, I've given you a lot of respect. Don't you know why she became like this?" A rich voice sounded, "This is what she deserves. If she doesn't get it, it will be your sin." But it’s even bigger.”

I looked up and saw Ye Zeyi clenching his fists, and quickly called him down, "Old Ye, come down, hurry up, I have an idea."

Ye Ze shook his hands one by one and landed next to me again, with a calm look on his face and eyes full of regret, "Old Ye, don't be sad. I heard what he just said. I don't blame you. No matter what you have done to me, I don’t blame you, after all, I made all the choices myself, didn’t I?”

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