I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 244 A dense cloud of insects

I agree with Miao Amei’s idea. After all, many bugs are very perverted. If you try it with powerful bugs from the beginning, you might not know that those bugs will quickly evolve into more powerful bugs. It’s better to experiment a little bit. Better.

"By the way, Li Dongdong." A Mei said again, "I want to go down the mountain. I have hidden all the protozoa of those Gu worms." After saying that, she walked down the mountain. I was about to stop Miao A Mei. He turned around and said, "Don't worry about me. As a saint, I can escape every divine punishment because of the worms in my body. If this is an insect plague, I will be fine."

Ah Mei has changed from her previous willful and coquettish appearance and has become more mature.Qin Zhuang, who had been acting as a transparent person next to him, also said at this moment, "I will go with you."

I was worried and wanted to stop him, but A Mei nodded, "Don't worry about him, the bugs in his body are even more poisonous."

Just like that, I saw them going down the mountain.

After a while, Mr. Miao and Miao Qinghe also came out, and most of the people in the village followed them.

The security around the cave became three levels inside and three levels outside.

At this time, looking into the village from a distance, it was gradually shrouded in a layer of black mist, and something seemed to be moving on the ground, like black waves.It seems that my speculation has come true, and the punishment from heaven has indeed begun.

It was getting dark soon, and everyone went into the cave to rest before A Mei and Qin Zhuang came back.

While tossing and turning, I thought of the second tip.

I sat up, thinking, and opened the brocade bag beside the candle.

There were only two words written on it: Snow Demon.

Han Yuer?Why is the second thing related to her?

Probably seeing me in a daze, Ye Zeyi came over, took a look, and smiled fondly, "Dong Bao, you are really a little lucky star. Nothing that goes into your body is wasted."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Although there are many snow demons, the snow demon Han Yu'er is very powerful. After you merge with her, you have already felt the changes in your body. You are not afraid of the cold, and you can actually use the snow demon's Use the power to release the power of ice and snow to resolve the insect plague in Xizhai. After all, tropical insects are afraid of the cold." Ye Ze said with a smile, "I didn't expect that Tingting's solution was actually this, and plagues usually appear in After a major disaster, many viruses will be born because corpses are everywhere. But with the freezing of ice and snow, many viruses cannot survive, and the corpses will also slow down the decay. It is indeed a good method, which means that you and others cannot do it. .”

Hearing this, I was very happy. This method is indeed very effective, but why does Han Yu'er, a snow demon, have this ability?Also, according to the advice given to me by the Great God, an ice dragon will appear. When will he appear?

"Master Di Ting also gave me a piece of advice at that time, saying that an ice dragon would appear and asked me not to hurt him. He was destined to me." I told Ye Ze about this.

Ye Ze thought for a while, "Is he the person you met during that heavy snowfall?"

I thought of that face that could overwhelm all living beings in the heavy snow, and I thought of him not telling me his name for a long time. Could he be the ice dragon?
"Maybe it really is him." I answered.

"If it is really that ice dragon, maybe before you subdue him, he will not only be unable to help you, but will even hurt you." Ye Zeyi said with a serious expression. "But don't worry, as long as I am here, I will always be by your side. There is no Gu God's barrier at the moment, I will definitely be able to protect you." Ye Zeyi finished speaking and held my hand.

"Don't worry, Lao Ye, I also have a certain ability to protect myself. I am still a little different now." I said while nestling in Ye Zeyi's arms.

Suddenly, a panicked cry came from the entrance of the cave.

I ran out quickly and saw several strong men outside crawling back in fear.

I knew immediately that something was wrong.

"What happened?" I grabbed a villager and asked.

"Tu, the land eats people. Earth... the land eats people..." he shouted in horror.I rushed over immediately and saw that 50 meters in front of me, the originally dark land seemed to be alive, constantly squirming, and everything it went was swallowed up.

I quickly retreated, but several villagers in front of me who were inquiring about the news were buried in the black waves.

"Save me... save me..."


The heart-wrenching cry for help reached his ears, but it only stopped for a moment.

I took a closer look and saw that the land was eating people. It was clearly insects eating people.

Moreover, the insect was moving extremely fast. The few steps I took back were quickly submerged by the huge wave.

Densely packed black bugs are migrating towards this end in large numbers.

"Don't panic, everyone, stay back." I shouted loudly, turning to look at Ye Zeyi next to me, "What should I do now? It's freezing now, so I definitely won't rush. I don't know how to operate it yet. I can use fire. no?"

Before Ye Zeyi could speak, Ah Bao next to him suddenly said, "Okay, those bugs are afraid of fire, so they can attack with fire."

It seems that he thought I was asking him, after all, they couldn't see Ye Zeyi.

I nodded, this is the only way now.I immediately returned to the cave and asked everyone to prepare ten torches.The others waited in the cave. After all, this was only the first wave of divine punishment, and supplies still needed to be kept.

The effect of the fire attack was very good, and the insects slowly faded away because they were afraid of the fire.

On the fading land, there are still the bones of the villagers who just disappeared.

That night, no one dared to take it lightly, for fear that these insects would come out of any crack.

Until the dawn gradually shines on the horizon, hope rises again in the dark world.The sunshine is warm and bright, dyeing the world with a golden color, illuminating every inch of the land and giving people hope.

"It's dawn." Abao looked at the sun in front of him tiredly, and suddenly stood up, "It's dawn, it's dawn."

I also rubbed my eyes and yawned, "I'm going to take a rest."

After saying that, my eyes went dark, and I went to Ye Mansion.

I don’t know how long it took, but I had enough sleep.I found that Ye Zeyi was guarding me at the moment, "Are you feeling better?"

"How long have I been asleep?" I feel refreshed.

"One hour." Ye Zeyi replied.

"How is that possible? How can I sleep so well in just one hour?" I said in disbelief.

"Because you are in Ye Mansion." Ye Ze picked me up and let me lean on his arms, "One hour of your sleep here is equivalent to ten hours outside."

"Oh, I managed to escape the first night." I breathed a sigh of relief, "I never thought that this heavenly punishment could be so disgusting. Lao Ye, this is the first time I have seen so many bugs. They are so densely packed. I have trypophobia. It’s all a crime.”

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