I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 257 Out of the Netherworld

"It's okay, Lao Ye. Now that you're awake, let's go, okay?" I said cautiously, put him on my shoulders, and was about to leave while holding him up.

At this time, Meng Jiuniang said, "Meng Po soup has not been drunk yet, and I want to leave here. Where do you think I am?"

"Meng Jiuniang." Ye Zeyi's voice was still a little weak and said, "I won the bet we made just now. My request is to let her go and send her to a small road later, instead of going to the reincarnation office to handle reincarnation matters."

"I can't make the decision in this matter." Meng Jiuniang snorted coldly, "If this matter comes to light, you and I can't be involved. Although we made a bet, I can't block my own future."

"Meng Jiuniang, isn't it because of that man that you stay here?" Ye Zeyi's words shocked me a little. I had a gossipy heart and started to listen.

"You're talking nonsense!" Meng Jiuniang said sternly, "Stop arranging me here."

"I promise you, I will help you find him." Ye Ze said, "You have been waiting for him for 1000 years and he has never appeared. Aren't you curious where he went?"

Meng Jiuniang stopped what she was doing, stood there blankly looking at the shimmering red river water in front of her, and murmured, "It's been 1000 years, even if you are reincarnated, this is the only way to go. Why, I have never seen it before Pass him."

"Is the deal done?" Ye Zeyi asked.

Meng Jiuniang was silent for a long time, "Okay. I'll send her away."

Then she took me off the bridge. Strangely enough, when Meng Jiuniang led me, the whole bridge felt different from before. I walked very briskly, and I didn't want to forget anything as much as I did just now.

Walking to the end of the bridge is a large hall, with several big characters written on it: Reincarnation Office.

There is no guard handle at the door, and the door is also a carved black wooden door, which looks very heavy.

Standing in front of the gate, I looked at Meng Jiuniang hesitantly.She pulled me and walked past the flowers on the side in a flash.

There seemed to be no road in the flower bush, but when she pulled me through it, I saw a tree-lined path behind the flower bush. The path was very dark and I didn't know where it led.

"I can't leave here for too long, so I can only send you here." Meng Jiuniang said, then looked at Ye Zeyi, "Remember to do what you promised me."

Ye Zeyi replied calmly, "Of course, you can go to the third brick in front of the pavilion where you are, put your hand on it, and you will know the answer."

Hearing this, I suddenly realized that I suddenly thought of the allusion.

Before I could say anything, Ye Zeyi pulled me away.I looked back at Meng Jiuniang, whose face was already full of tears. At this moment, she seemed to be relieved, but she seemed to be sinking even more.

"Transformed into a stone bridge?" I asked after walking for a long time.

"Yes." Ye Zeyi replied, "After his death, he turned into a stone bridge and waited for her to pass by."

"And she waited for 1000 years to see him." I felt a little sad, "This is a poignant love story, but Lao Ye, how do you know about this?"

"I drank Meng Po Soup here for three years. In the past three years, I always walked across the stone bridge again and again, and slowly I got the feeling." Ye Zeyi replied, "This time, I have solved the problem of Meng Jiuniang. I hope she can think more about herself in the future."

"What will happen if her obsession ends?" I asked.

At this time, Ao Zhan, who had been silent next to her, said, "When the obsession is gone, there is no need to stay, and she can be reincarnated."

"I said she wouldn't." I answered seriously, "I think she would negotiate terms to give her lover a chance to reincarnate."

After I finished speaking, the three of us were silent.

At this time, another hall appeared in front.

This hall is very majestic. The overall color is black. It is as high as ten floors. The bottom floor is the largest in area and gets smaller as you go up, just like a pagoda.Moreover, there are guard handles on each floor. There are only two words written on the plaque of this hall, "Netherworld."

"This is the Nether Palace!" I screamed secretly, why did I end up here after walking around!
Ye Zeyi and Ao Zhan also looked very serious, as if they were ready to fight at any time.

At this time, the black door opened, and a very delicate-looking woman came out, "Please Li Dongdong."

Before I could say anything, I felt a light touch under my feet, and my whole body was sucked in.

I turned back to look at the two people behind me, but they were controlled by Yin soldiers who didn't know where they came from.

"Lao Ye, Ao Zhan!" I shouted their names, and the next second I appeared in a very empty space.

The walls in this space are not made of wood, but various partitions cut out of stone. Various small statues are placed there, including Buddha statues and Rakshasa statues.

In the middle is a lotus platform, but the lotus platform is empty, there is no one on it, and there is no image.

I looked around the space, mentally planning my next move.Suddenly, a voice broke the silence.

"Li Dongdong."

I turned around and saw a man in a black robe, with a delicate mask on his face, only revealing a pair of dark eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked warily, "Where is this? How did I get here?"

"You don't have to be nervous. If you want, you can call me the black-robed messenger." The black-robed messenger said with a smile, "This is the inner space of the Nether Palace. You were summoned by me."

"Summoning?" I asked doubtfully, "I didn't do anything? Why did you summon me?"

"It's not important." The black-robed messenger said, "You just need to know that you have come here, and your life no longer belongs to you."

I felt a sense of fear that I had never felt before, an overwhelming sense of suffocating restraint.

"You seem to have forgotten your identity." The black-robed messenger walked up to me and lifted my chin with his fingers.

"You're so presumptuous!" I don't know where I got the courage from, I yelled sternly, feeling an overbearing feeling that could not be questioned or disobeyed.

The black-robed messenger's hand shook slightly, took it back, turned his back and said, "You should be curious about your identity, and the identity of your ghost husband."

"Why, you know everything?" I asked.

"Hahaha" the black-robed messenger turned around.

"Then you will tell me?" I asked.

"After you finish what you have to do, you will come back. At that time, I will naturally tell you everything."

When I listened to his words, I didn't feel any excitement in my heart. Instead, I felt a little upset, as if I had a premonition that something was going to happen.

I calmed down and said, "Then how do I go back?"

The black-robed messenger said, "When you go out, you will encounter a path. Follow the white lanterns and you will see the way back."

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