Chapter 83
Mang Tianhua was simple and direct, "How do I know? If I give it away, I will just send it away."

There was no other way, so I found Hu Tianhong, who taught me a method.

So I told the eldest sister next door.

Let her carry the child on her back and get a ceramic bowl filled with glutinous rice. Then, I said to the old man, "Look, this child is still so young and doesn't understand anything. He accidentally stepped on your money. I Ask her parents to apologize to you and give you some more? Do you think that’s okay?”

The old man turned his head away and said, "No, this is different. It just won't work." I saw that this old man was really stubborn.

"What do you want?" I asked patiently.

The old man was speechless for a moment.

I burst out laughing and said, "Okay, if you want money, you need money. If you don't like it, just say, what are you doing all this for?"

If the old man wasn't a ghost, I believe his face would be red and white now.

"Who said, who said I am too little, I tell you. You can't even try to conquer me with force. Even if I am driven away by you today, I can still come tomorrow, and I can still come the day after tomorrow, unless, unless you destroy me Me." He glanced at the python smallpox next to me guiltily.

"Look at you, you are a little old man. Can I kill you? My old fairy can't afford this cause and effect. So, I asked her mother to burn you some more, ten more than the ones I stepped on before. Do you think it would be okay to give you twice as much paper money?" I persuaded him nicely, knowing that he wanted money and everything would be easier to talk to.

"I can't." The old man's eyes flickered and he said harshly.

I saw that he was losing his face and wanted to emphasize that he was not the kind of person who only cares about money. I sighed, "That's okay. In this case, I'll call my old Monument King to come and let him tell you."

"Haha, it's useless to call anyone. What can your old Monument King do? Tell me your name, and I'll see who he is?" the old man said disdainfully.

"Li Zhengguo." I signed up directly.

This ghost old man was already pale, but his face became even paler after hearing this, "Is your old monument king Li Zhengguo? That bandit leader?"

"Yes, he was a bandit leader during his lifetime." I nodded.

The ghost old man immediately smiled and said, "Why don't you just burn it for me ten times? I agree. If you agree for a hundred times, you ask her mother to send me away, burn it for me, and I promise to leave without looking back."

When I saw that he agreed, I was extremely happy.

I quickly asked Mang Tianhua, how should I give this thing?
Scatter some in each room in the house, while apologizing and chanting, all the way to the door of the unit outside, then draw a circle, sprinkle the remaining glutinous rice in the circle, and put the paper money to be burned in the circle The inside was burned, and when it was finally finished, the bowl was smashed.Don't say anything else except apologizing throughout the whole process.

The eldest sister next door was actually very scared, but after she glanced at the child behind her, she told me that she was ready.

She is bold and smart.

Soon all the action in the room was completed.

She continued to walk out with the bowl, and I saw that the old man really followed her out.

It wasn't until she reached the corner on the first floor that the girl suddenly spoke, "Mom, aunt, that old grandpa is at the top of the stairs looking at us and smiling."

When I saw it, the old man was indeed standing at the top of the stairs smiling. It seemed that it was true that the child's eyes were pure and could see things.

The eldest sister next door seemed to be frightened by the child's words. Her arms kept shaking, and even the rice in the porcelain bowl in her hand kept beating in the bowl because of the shaking.

She glanced at me and I gave her a determined look.

She continued to scatter rice and walked out.When I walked to the door of the unit, the old man followed me out, but I looked at him as if he was not ready to leave just like that.

Sure enough, when the elder sister next door was lighting paper money, the lighter could not light up.

"Mom, grandpa is blowing the lighter's fire over there!" the girl said.

This time, the eldest sister next door almost had a nervous breakdown, and the lighter in her hand fell to the ground with a plop.

She knelt down and picked it up several times but failed to find it.

This time I couldn't bear it anymore and stepped forward and said, "I promised to burn you money and send you away, why are you still doing this? If you do this again, I will ask my old King Bei to take you back."

"No, no, don't call the bandit leader. Aren't I doing you a favor? If I were sent away so easily, how much money would you get? I, I was just joking with her." The old man immediately said explained.

In fact, the other world is similar to our world. It has its own rules and humanities.So, people always ask me, where do people go after they die?
I often tell them that death is not the end, but the beginning of another spiritual journey.

After the physical body has experienced the seven sufferings, the soul, the world of consciousness, can be sublimated, open the door to another world, and continue to understand the mysteries of the universe.

Therefore, we must be humble and cautious, and always have an attitude of awe.Learn more, think more, do more good deeds and good deeds.The presence of gods three feet above our heads tells us that there is another high-dimensional civilization pulling us in this world.

If we cannot regulate our behavior, then they will definitely tell us what the truth of life is.

"Yeah." I didn't explain too much, and I didn't say another word.

The old ghost man walked into the circle obediently.

I picked up the lighter and handed it to the already panicked sister next door, "Sister, please order it this time. He agreed to leave."

The elder sister next door looked at me gratefully and immediately lit the burning paper money. Then the paper money swirled up in the air. I knew that this old man had taken the money and left.

Sure enough, after the paper money was burned, the girl's fever subsided, and she murmured, "Mom, grandpa is gone."

This matter is considered a perfect solution.

After I got home, the lady next door tried to give me another 100 yuan no matter what. I refused in every possible way, but finally accepted it.

As soon as I returned to the house, Feng Hua ran out wearing slippers and looked me up and down. I saw that she was not sleeping, so I knew that she had been worried about me. "How is it? Is it solved?"

"Solved." I nodded. "It's a small matter. You have to be careful when you enter the seventh month of the lunar calendar."

Feng Hua nodded, "In the past, in the seventh month of the lunar calendar, I would see ghosts all over the streets during the day. Fortunately, they didn't bother me. But now, I can't see any ghosts."

I saw her happy look and held her hand, "I will help you find a way."

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Feng Hua smiled in relief, "Look, now that I have you and the amulet, I can't see anything. I'm very safe."

"Yeah." I shook her hand hard, "Let's go to bed! Staying up late is not good for your health."

Then I took off my coat and went to bed to get ready for bed.

As a result, as soon as I lay on the bed and closed my eyes, the door rang again.

(End of this chapter)

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