half demon glass

Chapter 811 I have a plan

Chapter 811 I have a plan

Although I was surprised, I didn't dare to believe Qian Xianjing's words too much.

After all, in my eyes, he always faces southern Xinjiang.

Southern Xinjiang is far away from here. Perhaps I was afraid that being too ostentatious would attract others' attention. It would have taken a week to take me back to Southern Xinjiang. Qian Xianjing took me in the countryside with a group of secret pavilion waiters. I drove on the small road for more than half a month.

If Feng Jiuqing found out that I was taken away at the first time, he would directly suspect Nanjiang.

He flew directly in the air to reach the important people in southern Xinjiang. He arrived at southern Xinjiang in as little as three days.

Now I can only pray that Feng Jiuqing does not rush into the southern border immediately, otherwise he will be in vain, and I am afraid that he will fall into Yun Tianjue's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

As I expected, after returning to southern Xinjiang, everywhere I looked was filled with a joyous atmosphere. Not only was it covered with red carpets and the words "happy", even my boudoir was newly decorated.

What's even more amazing is that Qian Xianjing's things were also moved into the room that was supposed to belong to me.

In order to establish his authority, Yuntian Jue prepared a soaked whip on the day I came back and tortured me in public, asking me to kneel in front of my ancestors to apologize and atone for my sins.

If I hadn't thought about my wedding to Qian Xianjing in a few days, I might have been whipped to death by his long whip.

Qian Xianjing never missed any opportunity to express herself. She prepared medicine for my injuries early, and when I was punished to kneel down, she quietly took me back from the ancestral hall to my room to rest.

But this place has been tampered with, and so many things that don't belong to me have been put in it. It's no longer a place that belongs to me.

Instead of staying here, I would rather be locked up in the ancestral hall.

Although I suffered some physical pain when I was captured and brought back to southern Xinjiang, there was one thing that made me feel most fortunate.

That is...

Southern Xinjiang has not received any news about Feng Jiuqing.

In other words, he either hasn't found this place yet, or he has already arrived and has not acted rashly before ensuring that he can directly take me away.


He didn't even think about looking for me.

Either way, I was prepared for the worst.

Knowing that I was taken back to southern Xinjiang, the person who felt the most unhappy was undoubtedly my good sister Yun Moyi.

She came to my palace more than once and wanted to come in and take a look at me, but she was stopped by the guards outside. In a hurry, she looked for Qian Xianjing and Qian Xianling.

In the end, even Yun Mochen, who she had the least dealing with, she put down her face and asked him for help, but she still couldn't come in.

Xu really wanted to give me some advice and get me to leave southern Xinjiang, so she secretly bribed the maid who brought me tea and water every day and handed me a small note.

There is not much handwriting on it, just one sentence: "Sister, what happened before was my fault. I shouldn't have harmed you with Qian Xianling, but I know better than anyone else how much you don't want to marry brother Xianjing. I also know that he is not your good son-in-law."

"If you still want to escape from your marriage, I have a plan to help you..."

Her plan was written in scattered pieces. She just wanted me to find a way to meet her once I became interested.

But ever since she hurt me, she no longer has any trust in me.

Even if I escape from marriage and leave Southern Xinjiang, she will benefit the most, but I still feel that based on her character, she will not be so kind...

(End of this chapter)

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