There is a world of cultivating immortals in my box

Chapter 14 Practice the technique, Qingmu Immortal Technique!

Chapter 14 Practice the technique, Qingmu Immortal Technique!

Jiang Xuan originally only regarded this landscaping box as a gadget to pass time, but as he continued to discover the secrets of the landscaping box, his mind suddenly became more active.

"I put things in reality into it, and they turned into various spiritual objects; what if I took out the things inside?"

"Can it still maintain the characteristics of a spiritual creature?"

Jiang Xuan was eager to try.

What is in this box is from the world of immortality. There are all kinds of strange things. If you take anything out and put it in the real world, it will be an incredible magical object!

Flying into the sky and escaping from the earth, breathing water and spitting fire, being indestructible, and even becoming immortal are all possible!
But the most important thing is... you can make money!
Gold is hard currency everywhere, and there are mortals in the world of immortality, so it is impossible not to have gold.

For immortal cultivators, there is no difference between gold and dung; but for ordinary people like Jiang Xuan, this is the key to achieving wealth and freedom!

The landscaping box is a huge gold mine!

As for going to work?What a fart!
Without saying a word, Jiang Xuan took out his cell phone and called his boss.

"Hello, Xiao Chen? I'm Jiang Xuan."

"What did you call me? Jiang Xuan, have you lost your mind?"

"Get out of here, uncle. I call you Xiao Chen to give you face. Are you happy if I call you Old Bideng? You bald man, I have been unhappy with you for a long time!"

"I ****, Jiang Xuan, you ****! Get over here right now! Otherwise, you won't get your salary next month!"

Listening to the angry scolding from the other side, Jiang Xuan slowly lit up a cigarette, took a puff and said contemptuously: "Huh, salary? I'm calling you today to formally inform you, sir, my wings are stiff and you are fired!" Get out of here right now!"

"Damn bald!"

After scolding his boss, Jiang Xuan rejected the other party's request to share his location, hung up the phone with a clear mind and threw the phone aside.

So happy, so happy.

The anger of being forced to work overtime, having wages deducted, and being scolded after joining the company for more than a year was all vented in that phone call.

Jiang Xuanshen now only feels comfortable all over his body and his thoughts are clear.

Then he opened the lid of the landscaping box and said to Qin Yanran: "Sect Master Qin, do you have any gold? If so, give me some, the more the better. I can give you spiritual liquid and spiritual wine, as well as medicinal herbs. Everything.”

Gold is valuable to him.

With gold, he has money, which he can use to buy more and better materials and herbs to put in the box.

In this way, Qin Yanran's sect can grow stronger and more gold can be collected for him, which is perfect!

Qin Yanran was obviously stunned when she heard that Jiang Xuan wanted gold.

Things like gold are the most useless thing for their immortal cultivators. What does the Lord God want with this?
But she quickly came to her senses and bowed: "Just call me Yanran, Lord God. Of course there is gold."

"As for giving spiritual things, there is no need. Lord God, you are as kind as a mountain to our Qingyun Sect. A few yellow and white things are nothing."

"Lord God, please wait a moment, I will go get it now."

Although the Qingyun Sect is a sect that cultivates immortality, the disciples cannot live without food before the foundation period and need to eat mortal food, so there is a lot of money in the treasure house to go down the mountain to buy.

Qin Yanran left for a while and then came back.

She opened the storage bag, and a large amount of gold and silver poured out of it, and soon piled up into a hill in the open space next to the pond.

It's about the same height as Qin Yanran, and half of the landscaping box is filled with it.

"so much?!"

Jiang Xuan's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

With so much gold brought into the real world, I dare not say that he will have financial freedom, but at least it will be enough for him to earn in ten years!

Without hesitation, Jiang Xuan reached out directly for the pile of gold. However, when he took the gold out of the landscaping box with great anticipation, the gold in his hand quickly became smaller.Eventually it became a dot the size of a fingernail in his palm.

"What's going on? Why has it become smaller?"

"Where's my gold!"

Jiang Xuan looked at the pile of golden sand in his hand that was as small as dust and only as big as a fingernail. He was stunned.

Apparently there are so many in the box!

Why did it become so small when I took it out?

After a brief moment of shock, Jiang Xuan suddenly realized that he had made a mistake.

The reason why he saw so much gold just now was because he enlarged the area of ​​the landscaping box, and everything was enlarged many times in proportion.

For example, the size of Qin Yanran in the landscaping box is less than one centimeter, but when enlarged, it becomes the size of a figure.

But her original size remains unchanged!
Still less than a centimeter!

He only zooms in to see more clearly!

That's why the pile of gold will become smaller when he takes it out.

The gold in his palm now does not exceed 8 grams at most, which is only about 4000 to [-] yuan based on the current price of gold.

After thinking about this clearly, Jiang Xuan fell silent.

He lit a cigarette again, took a deep breath, and began to think about whether it was too late to apologize to his boss.

At this time, Qin Yanran in the box spoke again.

"Lord God, isn't this gold enough?"

"If it's not enough, I will send you down the mountain tomorrow to the Mortal Dynasty to exchange for some gold, silver, and silk."

Jiang Xuan looked down and saw Qin Yanran's beautiful and sincere face. He couldn't help but sigh, and put out the cigarette butt in his hand, his eyes gradually becoming firmer.

"This is the end of the matter, I can't control that much."

"If I continue to work in that dog company, I will lose at least ten years of my life. If I resign, I will resign. What's the big deal?"

Jiang Xuan put down his worries, took a plastic cup from the side and poured all the golden sand in his hand, and stopped thinking about it.

He then said to Qin Yanran: "We will talk about the gold later. There is one more thing I need you to do."

"Lord God, please give me your instructions!"

"Give me your Qingyun Sect's best cultivation technique."

The idea of ​​obtaining gold from the box to achieve financial freedom has been proven to be unfeasible, and Jiang Xuan plans to try other ways.

That is - practice!
The items in the box are small to him, but the skills and cultivation knowledge are not. If you learn it, you will learn it!
If he could embark on the path of cultivation and become an omnipotent immortal who could fly in the sky and escape from the earth, what would money mean to him?
Just cheat and become the male protagonist of urban novels, and reach the pinnacle of your life!
Jiang Xuan's requests and ideas always surprise Qin Yanran.

First the gold, then the Qingyun Sect's cultivation techniques... What use are these things to a being like Lord God?
But since it is the request of Lord God, no matter how weird it is, Qin Yanran will comply.

She patted the storage bag on her waist, and a blue jade slip appeared in her hand. Then she held it with both hands and said to Jiang Xuan: "Lord God, this is the highest cultivation method of our Qingyun Sect, called Qingmu Xian." Jue."

"This technique was found in an ancient monk's cave by our Qingyun Sect ancestor when he was young. It is said to be a top-level immortal technique that leads directly to the Mahayana."

"But this technique currently only has half a volume, and can only be practiced to the Void Refining stage."

Qin Yanran introduced this practice to Jiang Xuan truthfully.

(End of this chapter)

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