There is a world of cultivating immortals in my box

Chapter 20 Jiang Xuan: I am the capitalist?

Chapter 20 Jiang Xuan: I am the capitalist?
Faced with Lord Tianshen, Qin Yanran naturally knew everything.

She quickly reported on all the big and small things that had happened in the past month, the most important of which was naturally the merger of the two cases.

"...Currently, the Blood Cloud Sect and the Qingyun Sect have merged. Most of the Blood Cloud Sect's disciples have joined the Qingyun Sect, and six peaks have been established to allocate functions."

"In addition, all the resources and land of the Blood Cloud Sect will also be included in our Qingyun Sect."

After listening to Qin Yanran's report, Jiang Xuan was thoughtful.

He probably found the reason why the map in the landscaping box became larger.

Before the two sects were merged, the map range displayed in the landscaping box was converted to Qingyun Mountain and the surrounding area of ​​[-] miles, which was also the sphere of influence of the Qingyun Sect.

But now that the two sects have merged, the Blood Cloud Sect has been merged into the Qingyun Sect. The Qingyun Sect's sphere of influence has expanded more than five times almost instantly, which is completely consistent with the expanded map of the landscaping box.

In other words, the size of the landscaping box map completely depends on the sphere of influence of the Qingyun Sect!

"If the entire continent is Qingyun Sect, wouldn't the map of the landscaping box cover a whole continent?"

"I bet this is still a growth-oriented sandbox."

Jiang Xuan thought secretly in his heart, feeling that this landscaping box was even more awesome. One box covered a continent, which was shocking just thinking about it.

If it reaches that point, then he will really be the god of the box world. This also reminds him of the scene at the end of the movie "Men in Black" - the vast galaxy is just played by an alien creature. A marble.

The world of immortality that Qin Yanran lives in exists in this landscaping box.

What about the world he lives in?
Could it be that they are living in the boxes of other more advanced creatures?

Inexplicably, Jiang Xuan felt a little shuddered.

But he quickly pushed these thoughts out of his mind.

"I think these are all false. Only when I become stronger can I have the ability to explore the truth of this world."

"Now I still want to think about how to rely on the landscaping box to become stronger."

Jiang Xuan's fighting spirit rekindled in his heart.

If a person dies or a bird looks up to the sky, he will not die for tens of millions of years. He disdains and is unwilling to do unfounded things. He is born with a free and easy character.

After adjusting his mentality, Jiang Xuan continued to look at Qin Yanran and Liu Tianxing and said, "You have done a good job. We will develop the sect well in the future and strive to develop the Qingyun Sect into the largest sect in the mainland."

"In the future, I will provide you with a large amount of spiritual fruits, spiritual liquids, materials for forging magic weapons, and medicinal materials. Don't be stingy. They will all be used by the disciples in the sect."

He has now officially started cultivating immortality. Cultivation requires resources. At present, the easiest way for him to obtain cultivation resources is through boxes.

The stronger the Qingyun Sect, the greater the coverage area of ​​the landscaping box.

It would be faster and easier to collect training resources for him.

So Jiang Xuan didn't mind helping.

Anyway, whatever spirit liquid, spirit fruit, materials and medicinal materials in the box are all easily obtainable for him. In this case, what if he can provide more?
He has nothing to lose.

Although Jiang Xuan thought so, Qin Yanran, Liu Tianxing and all the disciples of the Qingyun Sect were extremely happy when they heard it!
Lord God will fully support the development of their Qingyun Sect!

And will give you all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures!
"Sure enough, merging the Blood Cloud Sect into the Qingyun Sect is an extremely correct decision! I made the right bet this time!"

Liu Tianxing lowered his head, but his eyes could not hide the joy and he was excited.

The reason why he chose to merge the sect was that the Qingyun Sect had the blessing of the gods. He didn't expect that he would have such an unexpected blessing now!
Qin Yanran's thoughts on the side were much simpler. In response to Lord God's entrustment and expectations, she felt infinite fighting spirit in her heart and said sternly: "We will live up to Lord God's expectations!"

"come on."

Jiang Xuan is very satisfied with Qin Yanran's work attitude.

What boss doesn’t like such workers?Alas, as expected, the boy who slayed the dragon eventually became the evil dragon.

Just when Jiang Xuan lamented that the world was unpredictable and he had become a capitalist, he suddenly saw Qin Yanran taking off the storage bag from her waist and offering it with both hands.

"Lord God, this is the gold that this junior has collected over the past month. I have never had the opportunity to give it to you. Please accept this meager offering."

Qin Yanran's words and expression were extremely sincere.

She saw last time that Lord Tianshen likes gold very much. There are several large gold mines within the Qingyun Sect, but they have been too lazy to mine them. After all, gold has no effect on monks.

But Lord God liked it, so she ordered her disciples to mine a large amount of it.


Hearing these two words, Jiang Xuan's eyes lit up, he reached out to Qin Yanran, and carefully pinched out the storage bag with his nails.

He really fell in love with this beautiful little man more and more.

Something will happen.

No matter how much it is, it is still an income for him who is currently unemployed and cultivating immortality at home!

Immortals also need to eat, okay?

After accepting the gold, Jiang Xuan felt much happier and praised: "You are serious and you did a good job."

"But there is one more thing. You go and make a copy of your sect's spells that are suitable for the Qi refining period, as well as books on common knowledge of cultivating immortals, and give them to me."

"Lord God, wait a moment."

Qin Yanran agreed without thinking, got up and flew to the Scripture Collection Pavilion.

Liu Tianxing was a little confused. After hesitating for a moment, he mustered up the courage to ask carefully: "Master Tianshen, what do you want these for..."

"I recently traveled to the mainland and found a good cultivation embryo, but the methods I have here are all advanced cultivation methods, which are not suitable for him."

Jiang Xuan gave a random reason.

It can't be said that he wants to use it, right?
Liu Tianxing suddenly realized this, and at the same time he couldn't help but feel extremely envious of that "cultivation embryo".

What an opportunity to be favored and trained by Lord God!
But he didn't know that the lucky man was right in front of him.

Seeing that Qin Yanran would have to come back for a while, Jiang Xuan thought about it and felt that he had taken so many things and it would be too unreasonable not to give anything in return.

So he said: "You guys wait."

After saying that, he retracted his head and closed the lid of the box.

Jiang Xuan went to search in the refrigerator and found a few apples and a bottle of Baisui Mountain mineral water.

This is something that is known to turn into a treasure if put in it.

"I'm so poor. I have to go out and buy some precious medicinal materials and fruits. Otherwise, I, the god of heaven, will lose my status too much."

"What you suck is blood, and what you feed them is soil."

Jiang Xuan shook his head, feeling that he was really a black-hearted capitalist.

He returned to the box, found two glasses, poured the mineral water into it, and put it in the box; then he put two apples in.

Well, this is the treasure given by God!
 It's not on the shelves yet. I need recommendations to increase exposure, so the update is a bit slow. After [-] words, I will update three chapters every day.

  Asking for various tickets and rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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