There is a world of cultivating immortals in my box

Chapter 38 Dragon Tiger Mountain, Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 38 Dragon Tiger Mountain, Tianshi Mansion

As Jiang Xuan finished speaking, a sudden change occurred!

The box that was originally one meter long and half a meter high suddenly shrank, half the size than before!
Jiang Xuan was immediately shocked by this sudden change.

“This box is voice-activated?!”

Jiang Xuan was stunned. He just said it casually. He didn't expect that the box would really become smaller. How dare it have such a function?
Ruyi landscaping box?
After a brief moment of shock, Jiang Xuan continued: "Smaller?"

The size of the landscaping box has been reduced by half again.


The box shrank again.


In this way, Jiang Xuan stopped after shrinking the landscaping box to the size of his thumb, which seemed to be the limit of shrinking the landscaping box.

In addition, he also tried to make the box larger.

But it is a pity that this box cannot grow infinitely like the golden hoop. At most, it is one meter long and half a meter high at the beginning.

However, this is enough.

Jiang Xuan looked at the small landscaping box in the palm of his hand, and after sighing inwardly at its magic, he went to rummage through the box and found a pendant.

This pendant was given to Jiang Xuan by his ex when they were in love in college.

It has a square shape and is hollow inside, where small photos can be placed.

There are still photos of the two of them together, but they have broken up long ago.

Jiang Xuan directly pulled out the photos inside without even looking at them, and then put the shrunken box inside. The size was just right.

"Yes, make the best use of everything."

Jiang Xuan put on the pendant and was very satisfied.

In this way, he can go to Longhu Mountain to participate in the Luotian Festival with peace of mind.


Longhu Mountain is located in Jiang Province and is a famous Taoist mountain.

There are various major schools in Taoism, but the most famous and influential ones are Quanzhen and Zhengyi.

And Longhu Mountain is the ancestral home of Zhengyi Sect.

The founder of the Zhengyi Sect is Zhang Daoling, who is also the first Celestial Master in history. It is said that he refined the golden elixir and elixirs to become dragons and tigers, and that he received visions from the sky and ascended to the sky during the day. This is why Longhu Mountain was named, and the Celestial Master's Mansion has existed since then. .

In fact, not many people originally knew about the reputation of Longhu Mountain and Tianshi Mansion. However, with the rise of modern Internet and various entertainment cultures, novels and animations have repeatedly mentioned this place.

Especially the popular domestic animation "Under One Person" a few years ago, it almost deified Longhu Mountain and Tianshi Mansion.

Jiang Xuan also learned this through reading anime novels.

Originally he just watched it for fun, but since he embarked on the path of cultivation, he has had great longing for Longhu Mountain and Tianshi Mansion.

He feels that animations and novels may not all be fictional.

Whether it is Longhu Mountain or Tianshi Mansion, there is definitely another side that is unknown to everyone, and there must be a circle of extraordinary people in this world that he doesn't know about!
Therefore, this Luotian Dajiao is his best opportunity to get in touch with this circle!
There are three famous scenic spots on Longhu Mountain.

They are Tianshi Mansion, Zhengyiguan, and Taishang Qing Palace.

The most famous among them is Tianshi Mansion.

Since the Luotian Dajiao is about to take place, there are now a lot of tourists coming and going from the mountain in an endless stream. Among them, occasionally you can see Taoist priests wearing blue robes.

Jiang Xuan came by car as soon as he got off the plane.

Although he was very tiring along the way, he didn't feel tired at all now. His physical fitness was too strong.

After he arrived outside the mountain gate, he took out his mobile phone and contacted the Taoist priest named "Eighth Level Strong Wind".

Jiang Xuan: Taoist priest, I have arrived at the mountain gate. Where are you?Level [-] strong wind: Wait a moment, layman, the trail will be coming soon.

So Jiang Xuan waited outside the mountain gate.

It is now September, the beginning of autumn has passed, and the autumn tiger has begun to exert its strength. It is now noon, and the sun is scorching above our heads.

Jiang Xuan stood in the sun, but he didn't feel the heat at all.

Those who practice Taoism have long been protected from cold and heat.

Almost half an hour later, a middle-aged Taoist priest wearing a blue robe and a Taoist crown walked down the mountain.

After seeing Jiang Xuan, he stepped forward and saluted and said, "Jiang Xuan, I've been waiting for a long time."

He already knew Jiang Xuan's name and reason for coming from a previous conversation on WeChat. He had also seen his photo, so he recognized him at a glance.

Jiang Xuan looked at the middle-aged Taoist priest and felt a little surprised.

He didn't expect that someone with such a slutty online name as "Eighth Gale" would actually look so elegant, which was really inconsistent with his online personality.

After gathering these thoughts, Jiang Xuan nodded and said, "Taoist Master Bai, please come down from the mountain to pick me up."

The name of this middle-aged Taoist priest is Bai Lianshan.

When Bai Lianshan heard this, he smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Besides you, there are several laymen who want to visit Longhu Mountain. I have nothing to do, so I just happened to receive them all."

"Jiang is the first one to arrive. The other lay people have not arrived yet. You and Xiaodao need to wait for a while."

Jiang Xuan suddenly realized, no wonder the other party was willing to go down the mountain to pick him up.

He wasn't the only one who dared to receive him.

But Jiang Xuan didn't say anything and waited with Bai Lianshan.

After waiting for another half hour, the remaining few people arrived belatedly.

There were four people later, two men and two women, all young people.

Jiang Xuan's eyes were first attracted by one of the girls. This girl was tall and wearing a white skirt. The hem of the skirt was slightly fluttering in the wind. She had a beautiful and delicate face under a white sun hat, and her hair was draped casually on her shoulders. She is the kind of beauty who attracts attention wherever she goes.

The only flaw is that his eyes are a little cold, and there is an air of keeping strangers away.

Although the other girl is not as good-looking as the woman in the white dress, she is not bad either. She has wheat-colored skin, wears short shorts, has a hot figure, and has two slender and tight legs that are very eye-catching. She is a sporty beauty.

"Huh! It's finally here!"

The long-legged beauty wiped the sweat from her forehead and took a long breath.

Then she looked at Bai Lianshan who was standing in front of the mountain gate, stepped forward and said with a smile, "Are you Taoist Master Bai?"

Bai Lianshan smiled and said, "It's the right path. Thank you for your hard work."

One of the boys with dyed yellow hair heard this and complained: "It's not just hard work, this car can't drive to the mountain gate. We are almost burned to death by the sun along the way!"

"I won't climb up the mountain later, I want to take the cable car!"

As soon as he said this, another fat man next to him said scornfully: "Sister Chu Xin didn't say anything, but you can't do it? Wu Chong, you are too weak."

"Yes, Sister Chu Xin."

The little fat man approached the beauty in the white dress with a flattering look on his face and said.

It's like a dog leg.

When Wu Chong heard this, he glared at him angrily and said, "Weren't you the one who called for a rest on the road just now? Now leave this woolen bag with me! If you have the ability, you can climb the mountain by yourself!"

The little fat man said unconvinced: "Climb! Whoever is afraid of whom!"

Seeing that they were about to quarrel, Jiang Xuan frowned and said, "I said, don't waste time here. Let's fight again when we go up the mountain."

He really couldn't bear the noise of these guys here.

(End of this chapter)

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