There is a world of cultivating immortals in my box

Chapter 50 The Shocked Demon Spirit Ancestor

Chapter 50 The Shocked Demon Spirit Ancestor
The power of the Demon Spirit Ancestor made Liu Tianxing feel heavy.

But when he saw the huge statue standing on Qingyun Mountain, he suddenly felt that he was really worrying too much.

With the blessing of the God of Heaven, what does the Void Refining Period mean?
They're just bigger ants.

Lord God is invincible in the world!

The worries in his heart were gone, and Liu Tianxing felt a lot more relaxed. He cupped his hands to the ancestor of the demon spirit and said: "The sect master is busy with something. If the senior is really in urgent need of a place to practice, the junior can make the decision to arrange a cave for the senior."

His tone was neither humble nor arrogant, and there was no fear on his face.

Liu Tianxing said this because he felt that there was no need to quarrel with the other party over such a trivial matter, and in the end trouble the Lord God to take action.

If you just want to borrow a place to practice, then you can just borrow it.

Maybe he could even make friends with a Void Refining cultivator.

In this way, it is a great help to Qingyun Sect.

The Demon Spirit Ancestor saw Liu Tianxing's reaction in his eyes, noticed his change from surprise to calmness, and felt a little surprised.

Is it possible that there is really a strong person in Qingyun Sect?
"Try it again..."

The Demon Spirit Ancestor's eyes flashed. If it had been in the past, with his cautious character, he would have left long ago and would not have gambled on such a thing.

But now he has no choice. He must find a place to heal. As long as he is sure that there is no strong person in the Qingyun Sect, even if the strong person is just out and away, he will not hesitate to take action!

"Okay, then you go make arrangements!"

"As long as I am satisfied, I won't treat you badly!"

The Demon Spirit Ancestor said pretending to be generous.

Liu Tianxing turned slightly sideways and made a gesture of invitation: "Senior, please move over and sit in the main hall of our sect."

The Demon Spirit Ancestor did not hesitate, restrained the billowing demon clouds, only covered his body under the black clouds, and then fell towards Qingyun Mountain.

As the height continued to decrease, the whole view of Qingyun Mountain came into his sight.

The mountains are high, lush and full of aura.

A majestic waterfall pours down from the top of the mountain, like the Milky Way hanging down for nine days, stirring up countless water splashes and rising spiritual energy;

At the foot of Qingyun Mountain, there are two huge transparent glass cups, which contain crystal liquid that emits colorful light;
Next to the huge glass cup, there is a crystal clear jade mountain more than ten feet high. There are many people on it cutting the mountain with swords, all practicing Qi and building foundations;
In addition, there is a huge Ganoderma-like thing lying next to the jade mountain, exuding an amazing medicinal fragrance, and many people are cutting it...

The scene in front of him directly confused the Demon Spirit Ancestor.

"That waterfall, that it spiritual liquid?!"

"And the Jade Mountain, where is the jade? It's clearly the Lingshi Mountain! The whole mountain is full of Lingshi!"

"Is that Ganoderma lucidum? How could there be such a big Ganoderma lucidum!"

The Demon Spirit Ancestor has lived for more than 4000 years. With his level of cultivation and age, there are not many things that he thinks can shock him.
But he had never seen this scene before!
The Lingye Waterfall, the Lingshi Mountain, the Ganoderma lucidum the size of a thousand-year-old tree...all of this was beyond his imagination!
"What is the origin of this Qingyun Sect?!"

After seeing these things, the first reaction of the Demon Spirit Ancestor was not greed, but shock at the background and origin of this sect!
He was either from a cultivating sect or a wild cultivator. He relied on caution, chance, and ruthlessness to achieve his current level of cultivation. The most important thing is caution!
It was obvious at a glance that the huge glass cup was placed here, not to mention the spiritual liquid waterfall. With his eyes, he could naturally see that it was created by a large water formation.

As for Lingshi Mountain and Ganoderma lucidum, it’s even more impossible for them to grow naturally!
He never believed that a small sect whose disciples generally practiced Qi, built foundations, and had few golden elixirs could be so extravagant!
Calmly retracting his gaze, suppressing the shock in his heart, the Demon Spirit Ancestor landed in Qingyun Mountain with Liu Tianxing.

As soon as it landed, the huge statue caught his eye.The man in the statue is wearing a Taoist robe, looking into the distance, and he seems to have an inexplicable aura of otherworldliness.

"Who is he? Is he your founder?"

The Demon Spirit Ancestor stopped and stared at the statue for a moment before asking Liu Tianxing.

Liu Tianxing looked solemn and said with a slightly fanatical tone: "This is Lord God, the supreme being who protects our Qingyun Sect!"

The Demon Spirit Ancestor was a little confused. He glanced at the statue and then at Liu Tianxing. He sneered in his heart and did not take these words to heart.

I’ve never heard of any kind of obscene fairy wild god.

He only thought that this sect's beliefs were strange. After all, China's continent was so big that there were many beliefs, so it was not surprising.

What he cares about is the heritage and background of this sect.

It's not that he doesn't covet the Lingshi Mountain and Lingye Waterfall he just saw, but his rationality and inherent caution make him want to find out the details of the other party before taking action.

But thinking of this, the Demon Spirit Ancestor felt inexplicably humiliated.

I am a dignified monk in the Void Refining Stage, and would be considered a strong person anywhere in the Chinese mainland. Now I have to be so cautious if I want to kill a small sect to heal my wounds. It is really frustrating.

"Ye Lingtian! Damn you! When I recover from my injuries, I will definitely find an opportunity to crush you to ashes to vent my hatred!"

The Demon Spirit Ancestor felt the pain of the sword energy eroding the wound all the time, and he gritted his teeth with hatred.

Liu Tianxing took the Demon Spirit Ancestor into the sect hall.

"Senior, please wait here."

After asking him to sit down, Liu Tianxing ordered his disciples to serve him tea, and then he left the hall with an apology.

On Shuiyun Peak next to Qingyun Peak.

Qin Yanran has summoned Jin Kuang, Mu Laosan and other Jindan elders to gather here. When they saw Liu Tianxing coming, they all came forward.

"Elder Liu, how is the situation?"

Qin Yanran's expression was solemn and her tone was a little urgent.

Liu Tianxing said with a calm face: "The person who came here is not good. He is a strong man in the realm of refining the void. He said he wanted to temporarily use our Qingyun Mountain to practice and gain enlightenment."

"But according to my observation and analysis, he must have been injured and wanted to find a place to heal."

Liu Tianxing's observation skills are very keen. When he went to intercept the opponent before, he noticed the blood dripping on the ground below, so he concluded this.

"Void Refining Cultivator!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the other party's cultivation level.

In the Northern Territory, the Nascent Soul stage is enough to establish a sect, the God Transformation stage is already considered a strong one, and the Void Refining stage... is enough to run rampant in the Northern Territory!
Qin Yanran suppressed the shock and asked calmly: "Then what is his real purpose and what should we do now?"

"Do we need to ask Lord God to take action?"

The one with the highest cultivation level in Qingyun Sect is Liu Tianxing, who is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

If the other party gets into trouble, the only one who can save them is God!
(End of this chapter)

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