There is a world of cultivating immortals in my box

Chapter 70 The art of refining weapons!

Chapter 70 The art of refining weapons!
In the early morning, there was still heavy fog in the mountains.

No one comes to the back mountain of Longhu Mountain on weekdays, and because it is a famous scenic spot, it has not been developed. Everything is still the most natural.

Jiang Xuan walked with the old master on the bluestone path in the forest, admiring the scenery along the way as he headed to the dojo.

Before, I only focused on climbing mountains to look for immortals, and never calmed down to take a look.

The scenery of Longhu Mountain can be said to be the essence of heaven and earth, with thousands of peaks competing for beauty and thousands of valleys contending for flow.The waterfall flies sideways and the vines hang upside down.When the tiger roars, the wind rises at the mouth of the valley; when the ape cries, the moon falls on the mountainside.Just like indigo dyed into thousands of pieces of jade, and green gauze covering thousands of piles of smoke.

The description I once only saw in books now feels so appropriate.

Walking in such a world, Jiang Xuan felt relaxed both physically and mentally, and the spiritual energy in his body moved more smoothly.

And soon the two of them arrived outside a wooden house in the forest.

This wooden house looks to be a long time old, but there are not many weeds around it. You can tell from a glance that someone comes here to clean it frequently.

Looking back along the wooden house, you can see the cliff not far away, and you can also see the spectacular waterfall flowing down.

"Jian Shi, how is this place?"

The old Heavenly Master took Jiang Xuan to see the environment here and asked him.

Jiang Xuan didn't have any requirements for the place to stay, so he nodded and said, "It's very nice here. I'll thank you, Heavenly Master."

"Okay, I'll ask Lian Shan to send some daily necessities and clothes later. If Jiang Jieji needs anything else, he can also directly send a message to Lian Shan and ask him to help with the purchase."

After the Heavenly Master finished explaining, he left directly.

Jiang Xuan walked into the wooden house and took a look. The furnishings inside were very simple, including a bed, table, two chairs, and no other electrical appliances. It was quite simple.

However, the most basic electricity is still available.

Jiang Xuan casually threw his backpack on the bed, and then took out a small plastic bag from his pocket, which contained more than a dozen crystal clear miniature jade slips.

This is exactly what I got from Li Haodong and Xu Tao.

It contains spells from the Seven Kills Sect, one of the five great Immortal Sects!

"A truly advanced method."

Jiang Xuan looked at these jade slips in the plastic bag and felt very excited. The methods recorded in them must be better than those of Qingyun Sect.

Opening the plastic bag and taking out a jade slip, Jiang Xuan crushed it directly.

Immediately, a stream of information poured into his mind, and he instantly knew the name of this magical power and its cultivation method.

"Supernatural powers shrink the ground to an inch!"

This is a space-type technique, a true immortal magical power, and cannot be compared with low-level techniques such as palm thunder and fire control.

Of course, in the world of cultivating immortals, there is actually no clear distinction between magical powers. Whether they are strong or weak depends entirely on the strength of the monks.

For example, Palm Thunder is a very bad technique.

Generally used by monks in the Qi refining and foundation building stages, they can shoot a thunderbolt that can create a hole in the ground and shatter boulders.

But if a great monk in the Mahayana stage uses it, he can level a thousand-foot-tall mountain to the ground with just one blow!
This is the difference!
The higher the level of monks, the easier it is to practice the method, because what they pursue is no longer the magical power itself, but the essence of the magical power.

That is "Tao", which can also be called...


When Lei Fa has been cultivated to a high level, he has mastered the Avenue of Thunder. At this point, he no longer needs to care about magical powers or not.

Of course, the more powerful the magical power, the stronger it is in the hands of a great monk.

This magical power that shrinks to an inch is used for traveling, chasing enemies, or escaping. It is not easy to practice. It cannot be understood without a certain level of understanding. It also has requirements for realm, at least it must be in the foundation building stage. "If you can't practice this, let's look at the next one."

After seeing the threshold of cultivation, Jiang Xuan felt a little disappointed because he was very interested in this magical power, but he didn't reach the required level.

Jiang Xuan took out another jade slip and crushed it into pieces. Another large amount of information poured into his mind, and this time, it was the "Nine Revolutions of Immortal Killing Technique"!
This is the method commonly practiced by the disciples of the Seven Kills Sect!
Jiang Xuan glanced briefly, then shook his head and gave up.

Although this "Nine Revolutions of Immortal Killing Technique" is a supreme method that can lead directly to the fairyland, it is the avenue of killing and is not suitable for him.

"Why am I building the Avenue of Killing? You have to kill people if you take this road. I guess I will be killed by the state before I reach the completion of my cultivation."

Jiang Xuan curled his lips.

He is one of the five good young people in society who believes in the Sixteen-Character Mantra.

He would not do it if he committed murder, set fire, and committed rape.

The key is cowardice. He doesn't dare risk his own life to challenge the country's laws, at least not until he reaches the stage of becoming a god.

When you reach the stage of becoming a god, you can wander outside the world and step into the void at will.

Even physical destruction cannot kill him completely.

Only at this point can we truly say that we have no rivals on earth.

Even if you still can't fight against thermal weapons, you can just open a space crack and walk in. It's impossible to hit him with current technology.

Therefore, it is impossible to practice the "Nine Transformations of Immortal Killing Technique". In comparison, "Aoki Immortal Technique" is more suitable for him.

Jiang Xuan continued to take out a jade slip and crushed it into pieces.

"Supernatural power: invisibility! The ability to change body shape, breath, and disappear without a trace can only be practiced during the foundation building period."

"Supernatural power, violent blood secret technique! Burn your own essence and blood, and within three sticks of incense, you will greatly increase your own strength, speed, and reaction ability. You can only practice it during the foundation building period."

"Supernatural Power: Stinging Divine Cone! The secret technique of divine consciousness attack can only be practiced during the foundation building period."


Jiang Xuan crushed four or five jade slips in a row. Although the magical powers inside were very exciting to him, the lowest level for practicing these magical powers was the foundation-building stage, and he couldn't practice them at all now!

"damn it!"

Even though Jiang Xuan was in a good mood, he couldn't help but curse.

The foundation-building period is the biggest threshold for cultivating immortality.

Before stepping into Foundation Establishment, I couldn't practice any of the more powerful immortal techniques, which was really speechless.

"It seems that the progress of foundation building must be accelerated."

Jiang Xuan sighed in his heart, and then picked up a jade slip again.

He had crushed seven jade slips at this time. So much information poured into his brain, making him feel dizzy and his eyebrows tingled.

It was obvious that he had reached his limit in accepting the contents of the jade slip today. After all, he had not yet developed his spiritual consciousness and his mental power was still very weak.

"It depends on whether this jade slip can unlock the magical power that I can cultivate. Otherwise, I have to wait until the foundation building stage."

Jiang Xuan rubbed the jade slip in his hand with his fingers and murmured to himself.

Then he directly crushed the jade slip!
Along with the slight swelling and pain in his head, another wave of information poured into his mind, and this time the content in the jade slip made his eyes light up.


(End of this chapter)

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