Douluo: Save Jiang Nannan at the beginning!

Chapter 154 Enemy meets, jealous!

Chapter 154 Enemy meets, jealous!
Chapter 154: Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet!

Creak~ Creak!

Looking at Xu Nianan who suddenly appeared, Dai Huabin gritted his teeth.

In his eyes, flames of hatred burst out.

Since the last time he failed to retaliate against Xu Nian'an, he had been recovering from his injuries at home for half a year.

As soon as he recovered from his injuries and was eager to take revenge, the White Tiger Duke, Dai Hao, his nominal father, suddenly returned to the White Tiger Duke's Mansion, scolded him, and put himself in solitary confinement.

Dai Huabin had no choice but to suppress the anger in his body.

He waited until Shrek Academy started school. Because he had visited the White Tiger Duke's Mansion before when he went to Star Dou Forest, Dai Huabin knew that Xu Nian'an was a student of Shrek Academy.

So I kept thinking about seeking revenge on Xu Nianan and Zhu Lu after entering this academy.

However, on the first day of school, when Dai Huabin saw Zhu Lu, he instantly changed his inner thoughts.

Perhaps, there is more than one way to take revenge. He can get her and throw her away in shame when he is tired of playing with her.

This is real revenge! ! !

But before Dai Huabin could take action, Zhu Lu gave him a cold face, and her enemy, Xu Nianan, also appeared.

And they hugged him openly and openly. Dai Huabin instantly felt that the top of his head was heavy, as if he was wearing something.

"You bastard,... you bastard!!!!"

"Xu Nian'an, go to hell!!!!"

Dai Huabin roared and waved his fist at Xu Nian'an.

Seeing this, Xu Nian'an's lips curved into a smile.

He concentrated his soul power in his right hand, then opened his hand and threw it down heavily.

Snapped! ! !
In an instant, a crisp slap echoed through the classroom, and Dai Huabin was slapped out by Xu Nian'an.


Rubbing his slightly numb right hand, Xu Nian'an shook his head.

"Heh, you have a pretty thick face."

"Dai Huabin, you don't really think that Zhu Lu came to Shrek Academy because of you, do you?"

"I really don't know what kind of face you have. You are just imagining a bloody plot. Let me tell you the truth."

"She did come here for one person, but that person is not you, but..."

In the middle of speaking, Xu Nian'an stopped what he was saying.

Zhu Lu tightened her arms, Zhu Lu's face turned red, and then when Cui Yajie's eyes widened, she pointed her toes and steadied herself.

Click~click~! ! !


"I, Dai Huabin, and you are at odds with each other!"

Although Xu Nian'an didn't finish what he said, his meaning was very obvious.

Dai Huabin's face turned purple with anger, and an unspeakable anger accumulated in his chest. It couldn't come up or go down. It was so frustrating.

Xu Nian'an ignored Dai Huabin's cry, but turned to look at Cui Yajie, then looked at Zhu Lu and said.

"Is this school girl together?"

After hearing Xu Nian'an's words, Zhu Lu's face turned red, she lowered her head and nodded.

Only now did she remember that there were outsiders. Zhu Lu felt that Xu Nian'an's hobby was a bit... I don't know how to put it.

She could clearly feel that Xu Nianan was angry with Dai Huabin.

Actually it is.

Xu Nian'an was just angry with Dai Huabin and liked to see him angry but unable to kill him.

Xu Nian'an turned around and took them out of Shrek Academy and into Shrek City with the privilege of his status.

A year ago, because of Xu Nian'an, the Xuanming Chamber of Commerce and Shrek reached a strategic business partnership, replacing the Dou Ling Empire's market share in Shrek City.

(PS: Shrek's outer courtyard was built because of the three empires, Star Luo Empire, Tianhun Empire, and Dou Ling Empire. Of course, Shrek City was also built, but it was funded by the three empires and managed and operated by Shrek himself.)
Spending tens of millions of gold soul coins, XM Plaza, Times Magazine, six-level signal towers, etc. were built here...

As the center of the continent, Shrek's trade is actually pretty good.

After taking Zhu Lu and Cui Yajie to see the bustling Xuanwu Street, Cui Yajie became completely interested in Xu Nian'an, a man with a mysterious identity, powerful strength, riches of hundreds of millions, and a strong body. ···
After eating and drinking, and taking the two girls to buy some daily necessities for girls, Xu Nian'an sent them back to the girls' dormitory.

Of course, even with his current status, he still cannot go to the female freshman dormitory.

Two years ago, it would have been even more impossible to express love downstairs in the female freshman dormitory.

Xu Nian'an slowly walked towards the gate of Shrek Academy, preparing to go to the soul guidance department to review his recent knowledge of level six soul guidance tools.

Not long after I walked to the door, there was a burst of shouting.

"Grilled fish! Grilled fish! Grilled fish is on sale!"

“It’s delicious and not expensive, the portion is large and filling, the outside is crispy and the inside is tender, it melts in your mouth~!”

Looking at Tang Ya standing in front of the cart, crazily selling grilled fish, the corners of Xu Nian'an's mouth twitched.

"Tang Ya, you are..."

When he came to the grilled fish stall, Xu Nian'an glanced at Tang Ya, covered his face and wanted to remind him, but he didn't know how to speak.

Tang Ya, the head of the Tang Sect, is now a prominent figure in Shrek's outer courtyard.

People who come from the Tang Sect are not only handsome and beautiful, but also strong. They almost monopolize the entire grade group.

A large circle of students had already gathered around, all of whom came because they saw Tang Ya.

"Come on, Elder Xu, let's try the skills of our disciples of the Tang Sect."

Before Xu Nian'an could refuse, Tang Ya immediately grabbed a grilled fish and stuffed it into Xu Nian'an's hand.

"Eat with confidence, this delicious food will definitely satisfy you!"

Hearing this, Xu Nian'an sighed.

"Tang Ya, as the head of the Tang Sect, you should pay attention to your image."

Hearing this, Tang Ya looked at herself up and down in confusion for a while, then tugged at her black silk stockings and tightened her chest, her face filled with confusion.

"Don't I look good now?"


After hearing Tang Ya's words, the male students holding grilled fish swallowed hard.

This... I have nothing to say. I suddenly felt that my grilled fish no longer tasted good.

"Senior Xu!"

Seeing Xu Nian'an arriving, Huo Yuhao quickly called out respectfully.

Xu Nian'an nodded, and then looked at Tang Ya again.

"Why, the Tang Sect doesn't have enough funds?"

Hearing this, Tang Ya nodded awkwardly.

"Recently, I spent a bit too much on buying medicinal materials and training with Nan Nan."

"How about, Elder Xu, for Nannan's sake..."

Tang Ya didn't finish her words, but she kept raising her brows, obviously hinting at something.

Xu Nianan covered his face, flashed his right hand, and a card appeared in his hand.

"One million, don't bring him here to sell fish. I can't afford to embarrass this person. If it's too embarrassing, I will quit the Tang Sect."

Hearing this, Tang Ya nodded quickly. In fact, she came to sell fish, but it was just Tang Ya's whim. The most important thing was that she was greedy.

Now that I have money, I can bake and eat by myself, so why bother?

One million, to Xu Nian'an now, is not money at all. Those who support Tang Ya now are only small sums.

[In the future] she will definitely get her money back a thousand times with interest.

"Xu Nian'an, I want to challenge you, I want to fight your soul, I want to bet with you!!!"

Three times in a row, there were angry shouts, and Dai Huabin, with his blond hair hanging behind his head and a slightly crooked mouth, appeared.

The moment Dai Huabin appeared, Xu Nian'an could clearly feel that Huo Yuhao's body stiffened, and his eyes gradually became brighter, until finally they were bloodshot and full of anger.

That makes an enemy feel extremely jealous when they meet.

(End of this chapter)

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