Chapter 178 Busy~
Chapter 178 Busy~
? ? ? ?
Listening to Beibei's lines, Xu Nian'an was stunned, what the hell? ? ?
Are you reading the script to me?
But looking at the other person, he was fifteen or sixteen years old, with an unshaven look and a weathered face.

It seems that he suffered a lot in the Tianhun Empire.

Xu Nian'an couldn't help but become curious about Beibei's experience in searching for information about Tang Ya in the Tianhun Empire and around Tiandou City.

As for whether the other party would find Tang Ya, Xu Nianan had never thought about this issue. Tang Ya had long been sent to the Holy Spirit Cult by him.

Even if Beibei finds her, so what, Tang Ya already has her heart set on Xu Nian'an and is already in the shape of Xu Nian'an.

He could only get a beating.

"This matter... it's easy to talk about. Let's change the place."

It is impossible to name Beibei the light that illuminates life.

How could Xu Nian'an give Beibei the opportunity to poach him.

Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible.

Inside the pub.

Seeing Beibei expertly ordering wine and then surrounded by beauties, Xu Nian'an and Huo Yuhao couldn't help but frown at the same time.

In the end, he didn't say anything. In the end, Beibei sank under the glass of wine.

Beibei was drunk. Xu Nian'an looked at him. In fact, it only lasted three minutes. He glanced at Huo Yuhao and turned around to leave.

When Huo Yuhao saw this, he immediately followed him.

"What do you think of your senior brother Beibei?"

Huo Yuhao fell silent upon hearing this.

After a long time, he said leisurely.

"Before, he was very good and motivated, but...but after Teacher Xiaoya left, Senior Brother seemed to be a different person."

"It has become decadent and decadent."

Hearing this, Xu Nian'an raised his eyebrows.

"Really, then you mean that as long as Tang Ya comes back, Beibei will get better?"

Huo Yuhao didn't understand, but he still nodded.

"Probably, probably."

Hearing this, Xu Nian'an slowly looked back.

"Xiao Haozi, as a senior here, I have to remind you of something."

"Why should Tang Ya follow Beibei? Tang Ya also has her own life. Beibei is also a person."

"And he did something so sorry to Tang Ya. Under such circumstances, if he wants Tang Ya to come back, aren't you hurting your teacher Tang Ya?"

"Ask yourself, is this Beibei really worthy of your teacher Tang Ya?"

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao's eyes widened instantly.

"Yes... yes, Teacher Tang Ya deserves better. As for senior brother... if you don't cheer up, you will be useless."

Patting Huo Yuhao's shoulder, Xu Nian'an looked at the beautiful figure appearing in the distance and walking slowly.

"Before your own major issues are resolved, Xiao Haozi, I still suggest you not to fall in love."

"A woman will only affect the speed of your cultivation, and will only make you hesitant when making certain decisions."

After saying that, Xu Nian'an hugged Jiang Nannan and left with Huo Yuhao's envious eyes.

"My foster father is right. I still have a blood feud and I can't indulge in women."

In Huo Yuhao's eyes, Xu Nian'an is a legendary successful person. He has achieved achievements that he has never been able to achieve in his life.

Under such circumstances, don’t you even have the right to enjoy it?

He must work harder to cultivate and let his adoptive father find a new wife as soon as possible.

No..., practice to get ahead, gain the strength to take revenge early, take revenge, marry a wife, have a few babies, and make your Huo family famous! ! !

Hugging Jiang Nannan and Xu Nianan, they walked slowly on campus.

"Did...what happened?"

"Why were you leaving in such a hurry before?"

"Has Tang Ya made arrangements?"

Not long after leaving, Jiang Nannan began to ask questions impatiently.

"It's been arranged, but you have to work harder." "Don't fall too far behind Tang Ya."

After pinching Jiang Nannan's small nose, Xu Nianan responded.

" is this possible? My soul power is so many levels higher than Xiaoya's. How can she surpass me?"

"What's more, I have broken through the fourth ring now, and my godmother took me to hunt for the soul ring."

The godmother Jiang Nannan calls is also her teacher, Martial God Douluo Xian Lin'er.

"All right, all right, you're the best."

Xu Nian'an did not talk about where Tang Ya was, because that kind of place was not something Tang Ya could contact now.

Afterwards, Xu Nianan and Jiang Nannan went to the Soul Guidance Department to have dinner together.

Qian Duoduo, Xian Lin'er, Tang Ya and myself.

Under the dinner table, Xian Lin'er kept making small moves towards Xu Nian'an, and Xu Nian'an put these small moves on Jiang Nannan's thigh.

Jiang Nannan's face never turned red.

"Xu Nian'an, you stay in my office tonight, and I will help you supplement your knowledge on level six soul tools overnight."

"The Continental Senior Soul Master Competition is about to begin. If my calculations are correct, you will represent the captain of the reserve team in the competition this time."

"Until then, show off the prestige of Shrek Academy!"

Xian Lin'er gently caressed Xu Nian'an's neck, and Xu Nian'an instantly shuddered.

"I'm sorry, teacher, there is one thing I haven't told you, that is... I have successfully created a level six soul guide."

After hearing Xu Nian'an's words, everyone present raised their heads in shock.

"Nian'an, you won't lie to your master, will you?"

"There is a lot of knowledge about level six soul guides, and your strength is not..."

Before Qian Duoduo could finish speaking, a level 57 soul power burst out from Xu Nianan's body instantly.


"What's going on? How could your soul power increase so much in a short period of time?"

Now not only Qian Duoduo didn't believe it, but Xian Liner also didn't believe it.

"It's just a small chance, it's nothing."

Five soul rings of purple, purple, black, and red flashed, and instantly there was a sound of swallowing.

In the office of the dean of the martial arts department!
"Okay, okay, you got two 10-year soul rings right away. Do you know that even your teacher and I, the ninety-level titled Douluo, don't have a 10-year soul ring."

dong dong dong~!

A knock on the door suddenly sounded, and the two of them froze.

Xu Nian'an's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he immediately seized the opportunity.

"You...bastard, are you crazy? You still won't let me go!"

Seeing Xian Lin'er's shy look, Xu Nian'an smiled.

Do you know this is bad?

Why did you go early?
Outside the door, Qian Duoduo frowned.

"Honey, it's me, Lao Qian?"

"Nian'an, how is the production of the sixth-level soul guide, is it okay?"

In order to avoid errors and failure, even if Xu Nianan broke through the level of the soul guide, it would be made again by Xian Liner.

This is what Xian Lin'er requested, and Xian Lin'er will also use this to award Xu Nian'an a soul master level medal.

"Old Qian...what's the matter?"

"I'm busy, I'll talk to you later."

Qian Duoduo felt something was wrong, but he couldn't find the problem.

He left in a daze.

Because of his inaction, because of his coming and going, and because of Xu Nian'an's nature, Xian Lin'er was bombarded by even more violent storms.

(PS, brothers, please give me some recommendation votes, monthly votes, and comments. What about you guys? I haven’t seen a living person for a long time. What should I do? What should I do? Are there any living people?)
(End of this chapter)

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