Douluo: Save Jiang Nannan at the beginning!

Chapter 195 The Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy is on alert!

Chapter 195 The Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy is on alert!

Chapter 195 The Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy’s vigilance!
"Take them directly to the interior to select the soul guide."

Xu Nian'an just glanced at Xu Nuo, and then said expressionlessly.

"Okay, Your Majesty, Xu Nuo will go immediately."

Not long after, Xu Nuo took Huo Yuhao, Beibei, Caitou Wang Yan and others... onto the dedicated internal elevator.

Directly to a certain floor.

Suddenly, their eyes were blinded by the splendid decorations.

"Here is placed our, integrated soul guide, samples of levels one to six."

Xu Nuo came to the nearest counter. There was a helmet placed in the ice crystal glass cabinet.

In the glass cabinet next to the helmet, there are also necklaces, breastplates, bracelets, gauntlets, trousers, kneepads, and even shoes...

Anyway, from top to bottom, not to mention the pants, even the crotch, the shoes are all specially made, and they are just short of being directly armed to the teeth.

At the end of these lockers, there are two whole bodies, red and blue. In other words, these first-level soul guides are all linked together to form an integrated soul guide.

"(⊙o⊙)Wow... Is this an all-in-one soul guide?"

"This... this is too... too complete, too gorgeous."

"Gudong, I really want it... I really want it. It's so handsome. It's grown directly on my heart."

With Caitou, go directly to the end of the counter on the right.

There is an integrated soul guide armor that is almost exactly the same as the first-level integrated soul guide, except that it has a lot more carvings, runes, and gems.

However, this one-piece soul guide armor is not a red and blue version, but a dazzling golden color.

He Caitou touched his hands through the glass, as if he were touching a peerless beauty, as if the armor was in his hands.

"If...if I'm not wrong, this should be the legendary awakening version, right...?"

Hearing this, Xu Nuo smiled.

"You are really discerning and must be an expert."

"That's right, this is the awakened version of our legend. The wearer has no limitations on cultivation level. The soul guides are interoperable and can form a more advanced defense."

"When safely charged, a first-level awakening integrated soul guide can withstand up to three attacks from a five-ring soul king and a ten-thousand-year soul ring without being destroyed."

Along the way, the eyes of everyone in Shrek became brighter and brighter.

Especially in the area of ​​level five integrated soul guides.

Huo Yuhao's eyes were very bright, and he locked onto the complete version of the five-level integrated soul guide at a glance.

Because I also have one, which Xu Nianan gave to me in order to defeat Dai Yueheng.

However, I have a level [-] soul guide cannon, which is an integrated soul guide for long-range attacks.

In addition to the long-range attack type integrated soul guide, of course there are also close-range weapons (knives, spears, etc....cold weapons are close-range weapons.)
After selecting the soul tools that Wang Yan and others needed to buy, Xu Nuo took Wang Yan's card and roughly swiped it... Wang Yan was stunned.

Because the money they brought this time seemed not enough.

Outrageous, very outrageous.

"You are friends of the prince. Wait, I will ask his opinion first."

After speaking, Xu Nuo called a few maids and took Wang Yan and others to the lounge.

I went to find Xu Nianan alone.

top floor.

Xu Nianan stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, and behind him, several holographic projections appeared.


Looking at the characters in the picture, Xu Nianan murmured to himself.

In the XM building, the auction ended, and Xu Yan walked backstage with a tired face.

Auction in VIP room.

A group of people who were surprised by Xu Nianan were holding soul tools in their hands with doubts on their faces. "Is this the product produced by the three major empires in recent years..."

"It's impossible, it shouldn't be. Logically speaking, they shouldn't have so many soul master reserves to make so many one-piece soul guides."

Ma Rulong looked at the armor in his hand with confusion.

"Haha, they are just some low-level soul guides. What's the fuss about? The highest level of integrated soul guides can be developed is level five. What's there to be wary of?"

A disdainful voice sounded.

Xiao Hongchen glanced at the helmet he had just photographed with disdain on his face.

Indeed, Xiao Hongchen was right.

The production of this one-piece soul guidance device is indeed not difficult. As long as it is dismantled and analyzed carefully and the drawings drawn, any soul master with a high enough level can make it.

It's just a matter of time.

All-in-one soul guides are composed of soul guides of the same level. For example, a set of serious five-level all-in-one soul guides will require ten or even more than a dozen fifth-level soul guides. Only by splicing and assembling the tools can you make such a set.

Usually, making a level [-] soul tool varies from person to person, some people are faster and some people are slower. A compromise method is adopted. Even if one person does not eat or drink, he can make a level [-] soul tool in one day.

If you want to make a set of level five integrated soul guides, you will need a level five soul engineer and it will take about ten days.

Two weeks, two sets a month, and one year without food or water, that’s 24 sets.

Such low yield makes Xiao Hongchen disdain.

"What if these soul guidance tools are not used on soul masters, but on the army?"

At this moment, an old voice sounded.

The leader of the Sun Moon Empire, Mr. Ma, appears.

He picked up a necklace and came to everyone.

"Looking at these soul guides individually, they really don't have any outstanding features. The attached abilities and strength are not very high."

"But let me tell you, this one-piece soul guide has now been mass-produced and has been sold in the three major empires?"

"What if I told you that two and a half years ago, this one-piece soul guidance device was just in its infancy, and we were developing a first-level soul guidance device?"

"What if I also told you that in just two and a half years, he went from mass production of first-level soul guides to fifth-level soul guides, and is expected to release a sixth-level soul guide in the second half of this year?"

In an instant, the pupils of the people present at the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy shrank sharply.

"It's not this one-piece soul guide that's scary."

"The scary thing is that this one-piece soul guide can produce enough energy to meet the needs of the armies of the three major empires."

"The scary thing is that the development speed of this one-piece soul guidance device was only in its infancy two and a half years ago, but now it has become an advanced one among the intermediate soul guidance devices."

"What's even more terrifying is that they are developing and researching at a rapid speed."

In the room on the top floor.

Xu Nianan looked at the holographic projection in front of him with a smile on his lips.

Finally, I started to be wary...

dong dong dong~
"Your Majesty, it seems that the funds brought by the VIPs are not enough. This is their purchase order. Do we need to follow the internal price, or give a discount?"

Hearing this, Xu Nianan casually glanced at the purchase order in his hand.

"Two pieces, a level [-] legendary awakening integrated soul guide, a set of level [-] legendary awakening integrated soul guide, three sets of level [-], and a set of level [-]..."

Good guy, these all-in-one soul guides above can't be purchased without 500 million.

"Internal price? Are they our employees?"

Hearing this, Xu Nuo shook his head.

"Discount..., do you think Shrek Academy is short of money?"

It doesn't matter what Xu Nian'an has to do with him, the money that should be paid cannot be less.

(End of this chapter)

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