Douluo: Save Jiang Nannan at the beginning!

Chapter 214 The evil Ma Xiaotao!

Chapter 214 The evil Ma Xiaotao!

Chapter 214 The evil Ma Xiaotao!
[Due to the insufficient number of participants on both sides, in the first two games of the third round, each side will win one game. 】

[Then in the third round, the reserve members who have not appeared on both sides must be rotated! 】

The final showdown has arrived, but the situation does not seem to be good for Shrek Academy.

Because, in the first and second rounds of the competition, the students of Shrek Academy were injured and poisoned.

There was simply no way to finish the rest of the game.

"No matter what happens, our Shrek Academy will definitely... win!!!"

Ma Xiaotao gritted her teeth tightly together, and finally walked to the competition stage resolutely.

"What's going on? Isn't the last round of the third round a two-two-three strategy? Why did Shrek Academy fall in with someone?"

"Shrek Academy isn't going to give up in the end, is it?"

"No, all my belongings are worth more than those of Shrek Academy."

On the stage, Ma Xiaotao slowly raised her head and looked at Ma Rulong and Xiao Xiafeng from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy opposite, her eyes were cold and emotionless.

"With just the two of them, I can handle it by myself."

"Referee, we voluntarily gave up one of our participating places!"

The patter of rain...
As luck would have it, it started to rain heavily.

"It seems that this competition will be another fierce battle... There must be no more bloodshed."

The referee of this final, Tiansha Touluo, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Game start!!!"

With the order to start the game, Ma Rulong's lips curled into a sneer.

"Haha, Ma Xiaotao, I have prepared a big gift for you today!!!"

"Follow the original plan!"

Xiao Xiafeng turned around and backed away after hearing this.

"Give me two and a half!"

Six yellow, purple, black, and black soul rings flashed, and Ma Rulong gritted his teeth and directly resisted Ma Xiaotao.

Bang Bang Bang ~! ! !

Two and a half minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and the scene was very tense. Ma Rulong was directly pushed to the ground and beaten.

Compared to Ma Xiaotao, Ma Rulong is indeed inferior.

"All right!"

At this moment, Xiao Xiafeng, who had been preparing at the rear, shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Ma Rulong quickly retreated after exchanging blows with Ma Xiaotao.

"You are very strong, and I, Ma Rulong, recognize your strength."

Raising his hand, Ma Rulong wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, a crazy look flashing in his eyes.

"Although you are very strong,...compared to the soul guidance devices of my Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy, you are still far inferior!!!"

On the other side, Xiao Xiafeng pressed the button decisively.

"Go to hell, soul guide turret tactics, explode with all your strength!!!"

"This... this is a level six soul guide!"

"And there are more than ten forts!"

In Shrek Academy, He Caitou was shocked.

"Everyone, look at Ma Rulong, he took out a sword!"

Wang Dong was shocked!

At this moment, a red figure slowly appeared in the sky.

"Is it... starting?"

"Still not caught up?"

The person who appeared above the Shrek Academy team was none other than Xu Nianan.

When Xu Nian'an saw Ma Xiaotao, who was one against two on the competition stage, his face instantly became extremely ugly.

"Everyone, look at the sky!"

Huo Yuhao immediately noticed something was wrong in midair.

I just felt that this breath was familiar, like Xu Nian'an, but I couldn't believe it because of the fiery red wings.

With a roar, the ground shook in front of the Shrek Academy team, and cracks spread rapidly outward.

"Who...who asked her to go up alone?"

As soon as he landed, Xu Nianan began to attack decisively.

"Xu...Xu Nian'an, great, you are finally here."

Seeing Xu Nian'an arriving, Wang Yan stood up immediately and quickly walked to Xu Nian'an.

"Fortunately, fortunately you are here."

"Next, you may be needed to play in the second game of the second, second and third games."

"Winning good results for Shrek Academy in one fell swoop, defeating the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer School..."

Xu Nian'an didn't even look at Wang Yan's extended hand, and slapped Wang Yan's hand away with a cold expression.

"Results... results... Do you only have Shrek Academy's results in your eyes?" "Do you know how dangerous Xiao Tao alone can be to two people from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy?"

"If there is an accident, will you bear the consequences???"

Xu Nian'an's roar resounded throughout the ranks in Shrek Academy.

In an instant, seeing Xu Nian'an arriving, the face of the person approaching with a smile froze.

Turning around, the gunfire on the competition stage continued. Ma Xiaotao's six yellow, purple, and black soul rings flashed crazily, struggling to hold on.

Not far away, Ma Rulong seemed to be calling something.

Fortunately, I caught up, everything came in time, and it was not too late.

"Admit defeat, admit defeat now!"

After hearing Xu Nian'an's words, Wang Yan was stunned.

Admit... admit defeat? ? ? ?

When everyone heard these two words, their bodies trembled.


The next moment, Wang Yan's heart-rending roar sounded.

"Xu Nian'an, are you too self-righteous?"

"It's okay if you don't see anyone for a long time during the competition, but now you have to admit defeat and surrender as soon as you come to the arena."

"Why are you?"

A real noise broke out at Shrek Academy, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Do you know that just because of these two words from your mouth, we have tried our best?"

After speaking, Wang Yan injured Beibei, Dai Yaoheng, Ling Luochen and others.

"In order to reach the finals, do you know what they came back from?"

"You opened your mouth to admit defeat. Why do you have it? Have you ever sought their consent?"

"What's more, Ma Xiaotao asked for one against two."

Speaking of this, Yan Shaozhe's tone began to soften, and he almost said in a pleading tone.

"Believe her, believe her once... okay?"

Xu Nian'an turned around with an expressionless face and came to the competition stage.

"I don't care, I just want the people I want to be well."

After speaking, Xu Nianan slowly raised his hand.

"We recognize the referee..."

Xu Nian'an hasn't finished speaking yet.

His right hands were instantly grasped tightly.

A smell of alcohol came over me.

"Trust Ma Xiaotao this time."

Mr. Xuan also came out, and he stopped Xu Nianan from admitting defeat.

"Elder Xu...Xu Nian'an,...Senior Brother Xu, just trust Senior Ma Xiaotao once!"

The next moment, everyone in Shrek Academy stood up and begged for mercy.

Xu Nian'an turned his head, and at the moment he turned his head, he was on the competition stage.

"Wake up!"

"The Sword of Judgment!!!"

Ma Rulong held a giant sword and swung it hard at Ma Xiaotao.

"He is darkness, condemn heresy!"

On the competition stage, Ma Xiaotao was shocked.

"Hide...can't hide!"

“Bright Approval!!!”

Xu Nian'an opened his mouth when he heard something strange behind him.

"The referee admits defeat!"

On the arena, Tiansha Douluo frowned.

People outside the competition arena have no right to make choices about those inside the competition arena.

"Shrek Academy, your academy admits defeat on your behalf. Do you want to make a choice?"

Before Ma Xiaotao could respond, the next moment, Ma Xiaotao was wrapped in endless power of light.

"Die, die, brothers, I have avenged you!"

Seeing that his attack hit Ma Xiaotao, Ma Rulong was overjoyed and frantically injected soul power.


Ma Xiaotao's shrill scream instantly echoed throughout the audience.

After a while, black breath continued to pour out.

The flames grew stronger and stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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