The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 104 The highest bounty in history

Chapter 104 The highest bounty in history

Ha ha……

When I woke up again, I didn't know when I fainted. I only remembered that I was surrounded by dense jungle and there were only dense mountains in front of me.

I didn't know where this was, but I was very afraid of being caught. I kicked my feet and clawed my way back until my back was leaning against a tree, so I felt a little more at ease.

Did you sleep too much again?
Anyway, the moment I opened my eyes, it was already dark again, and the air around me was getting cooler. At this time, I was made like a mud monkey, covered in dirt.

I'm not afraid of getting dirty, but a few minutes after I woke up, I started coughing.

For a person who doesn't know what kind of injury he has suffered, the moment he starts coughing is the beginning of self-doubt.

I breathed hard to test if I had hurt my lungs;

I swallowed hard, trying to see if it hurt my stomach;
As for those who don’t know how to test it, they can only put it aside for the time being.

But where the hell is the highway? !
Where are the people?
I don’t want to die in the jungle of Southeast Asia!
I stood up slowly, my back almost stooped as I walked forward, and my body swayed as I walked, groping forward in the dark jungle.

My body began to feel cold. I knew it was because I was hungry. After two nights of water, rice and no teething, all my energy was exhausted.

But this mountain still seems endless, and this forest seems to have grown into my eyes...

I can't hide or get around it.

And I know that thinking about the problem in such a complaining way will lead to more and more frustration, adding huge pressure to the already scarred body...

So, I started not to think about these issues.

I have to steady myself.

At this time, the roar of cars outside the mountain made me immediately turn my head to look at the foot of the mountain, where a car was slowly moving forward in the mountains.


A huge searchlight used in the wild was turned on at the back of the car, followed by a rotating lamp head, which shined directly into the mountains.

At that second, everything around me was as bright as day, and I could only hide behind the tree, waiting for something like a searchlight to sweep past me.

"Do you have!"

"I didn't see it!"

"That's not right, it's definitely not right. Judging from the surveillance, that kid must have entered the mountain from this direction. Look carefully."

"Don't worry, battalion deputy, who wouldn't want such a high bounty? That's 500 million!"

"Even if you cut this kid into pieces and make soup, he's not worth 500 million. But after he poisoned Ada and made Ada vomit a mouthful of black blood on the girl on the spot, he was actually able to make Ada empty out. From this, we can see how much Ah Da hates him."

"Lieutenant, where do you think he got the poison?"

"The brother who sent Ada to the hospital said that he used this thing, which has never happened to us since the Mengneng Hospital was built..."

"Has anyone been rescued?"

"We were rescued. Even those who were poisoned together were rescued. However, the two who were most poisoned, A Da and Lao Zhu, both suffered from sequelae."

"The old pig drank wine that day and fell asleep on the bed. He was found too late, which caused the toxins to spread and became a vegetative state."

"Ada was the first to find out that he was poisoned. It was no big deal to send him to the hospital for emergency gastric lavage, but the doctor said that the nerves in his body were damaged and his mouth would be permanently crooked."

They are not dead!

No one died!When I stood behind a tree and listened to the green soldiers who were looking for searchlights talking and hunting me, I heard these words with a panic.

How could they not die?

I've been saving apple seeds for so long, why didn't I poison these bastards to death?
"Come on, keep moving forward. This kid's legs are very fast. We have chased him all the way here but still haven't found him."

"What's the use of having quick legs? He's heading into the mountains. As long as he doesn't see this kid in Lunabana Village ahead, he won't be able to get out even if he can fly."

"Lieutenant, isn't this kid very smart? When people run away, they always run along the road, but this kid ran in the opposite direction, diving into the mountains and never coming out. You said it's okay for him to go into the mountains and run to Menneng Town, as long as Once you enter the mountain, you will encounter a hidden whistle. He didn't, running in the opposite direction, deeper and deeper. Do you think he has learned anything about survival in the wild? "

"Survival in the wild? Huh, this is Southeast Asia. In this forest, beautiful frogs, poisonous snakes with beautiful scales, and even an inconspicuous insect can make him fall down instantly and never get up for the rest of his life."

"Still surviving in the wild..."

"Drive quickly, you!"


The car moved forward slowly, and the huge searchlight swept all the way into the depths of the jungle.

I have seen that searchlight. When our city built the first five-star hotel, it used the searchlight to shine into the sky so that all the people could see that there would be a beam of light shooting straight into the sky after dark.

At that time, I thought it was the idea of ​​the owner, until I later watched Batman...

Just as I was taking steps to get out from behind the tree and continue running for my life, another car drove out in the opposite direction of the car that came just now, that is, in the direction of the mountains!
There is no huge searchlight installed on the rear bucket of this car, but the headlights are constantly shaking in the bumps in the wild without roads.

"Squad leader, where do you think he can go?"

"This guy must have had nothing to eat all day and night, right?"

"How can he hide in the mountains?"

"Can't you hide it?"

"The big boss of the park offered us 100 million and asked us to send out 100 people and ten vehicles to block all traffic arteries. Ada personally offered 500 million and specifically stated that he would take this kid back regardless of life or death."

"In this case, regardless of whether they are from our 729 Park, everyone should have gone into the mountains."

"Right now, I'm afraid that this kid was brought out of the mountains by someone else. If someone else takes away such a large amount of money..."


At night, amid the roar of cars, the sound of firearms and bullets hitting the hall was so clear.

After I watched this car pass by in the mountains and forests, I finally understood my situation.

It seems that running across a wheel on two legs can only happen in history. Only when it is your turn do you understand how difficult it is.

After hitting the tree, I came out and forced myself to walk out. As a result, I walked slower and slower along the way!

In the mountain forest, infantrymen carrying guns were slowly searching in teams of five;

At the foot of the mountain, a Taiwanese military vehicle roared past;

It wasn't until the sky cleared that these green soldiers gathered at the bottom of the valley and were sent out by the green pickup trucks of the Ten Taiwan Army.

After I finally crossed from this dangerous mountain to another mountain, the second I looked back, another group of greenskin soldiers had been transported in by several pickup trucks and began to search the next mountain diagonally opposite.

(End of this chapter)

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