Chapter 108 Sincerity
It's raining again.

This time it wasn't pouring rain, but drizzling light rain.

The rainwater dripped like a bead curtain at the entrance of the cave. In the cave, he and I sat by the campfire and stared at each other.

I was tied up, his life was not in danger;

He has never killed anyone and is trapped by a mental disorder.

Under this restriction, we both closed our mouths at the same time.

He didn't dare to do what I said. It was obvious that the drug lords who occupied this area had left an indelible mark on everyone's hearts. This led to him not daring to carry the orangutan on his back and take away the watch, for fear that I would be raped. After being caught, turn him in and let him suffer revenge.

"Are you always so blatantly angry?"

Finally, I broke the silence.

If he had violated the drug lord's ban and entered an area he should not have entered to hunt chimpanzees, he should have been careful and definitely not set up a bonfire like he did now.

He looked outside the cave.

"The soldiers here are different from other places."

"They don't have the spirit of sacrifice, and no one will stay at their post when it rains."

"What you need to be a soldier here is not glory, but money."

After saying these words, he suddenly turned his head and looked at me: "How else could I come in?"

Yes, if someone can still come in to a blocked place, how dedicated are they?

Hearing this, I nodded.

He asked, "So, you took away my belongings just for money?"

"I thought you were dead."

"Do people often die in the mountains?"

He didn't answer, but his eyes were gradually dimming.

The answer I wanted to know came out of his mouth a long time later: "There are people like you who will be poisoned to death while transporting those things, and then casually abandoned in the mountains."

"There were also some people who were not very obedient. After knowing what they were doing, they showed more resistance and were killed."

"So there are a lot of carrion-eating things here, like lizards and crows."

"It's always been like this here."

"Everyone who has the ability hopes to escape."

I looked into his eyes and asked seriously: "Why don't you run away?"

"Where are you going?"

"My father traded my sister for me to learn the art of making gorilla velvet. It took me a year and a half to learn how to make it independently."

"It took another two years to find an area in the mountains where orangutans gathered."

"Now, I can finally earn [-] U.S. dollars a year from my crafts. Why should I run away?"

"How many?"

I asked in surprise.

"You obviously heard it."

He probably thought I was humiliating him.

In fact, I am shaming everyone who plans to come here and make a lot of money.

A craftsman who relies on making luxury goods such as gorilla velvet takes two years to earn a Rolex. There are still people who believe that there is gold everywhere...

This is no longer a matter of misunderstanding. It should be caused by the fact that people who believe this have always lived in the mud. They feel that every place in the world is better than the area where they live.

Otherwise, are there other reasons?

"Company Commander, there is light on the mountain opposite."

"Shut up! How can there be light in this place? Find a place to shelter from the rain!"

"If you hadn't guaranteed to find the escapee, would we have let this rain trap us in the mountains?"

"It's good now. I haven't found anyone yet. Let the rain..."

I suddenly looked up at the big boy in his early twenties, and saw him looking out of the cave with the same nervous expression.

The next second, he rubbed the soil with his feet and quickly extinguished the bonfire at the entrance of the cave, doing an act that did not have 300 taels of silver in this place! "Company Commander, when the fire went out, we must have heard our voices!"

“Everyone, get off the mountain!!!”

He quickly stood up and took out a syringe from his arms. When he inserted the thing into the orangutan, it didn't take even ten seconds for the orangutan to tilt its head and fall asleep.Immediately afterwards, he unloaded the orangutan and put it back into the bamboo basket.

"stand up!"

He picked up the bamboo basket on his back, pulled me up from the ground, and pulled me from the entrance of the cave directly into the forest against the rain!

"Company Commander, I saw them!!!"

"There are two people in total, one of them is carrying a child on his back, it should be a woman!!"

In the mountain forest, I followed him quickly with my arms tied behind my back. This kid never goes where no one can walk. He goes where the thorns are dense and where the thorns are slippery. It seems that he is used to being chased. He has long since developed the ability to evade tracking.

Along the way, I was tied up and thrown down, and I almost died.

When I fell down again and was helped up, I stared at him and whispered, "Why do you always choose such a difficult place to walk?"

"What's wrong with that? Aren't I walking pretty well?"

He was telling the truth. This guy was jumping up and down in the forest, and there were no trees or bushes that could stop him. I couldn't do it, I didn't have enough energy.

"Hurry, as long as we cross this mountain, we can get rid of them completely."

I kept this kid's words in my mind and regarded them as map markers for areas I was unfamiliar with.

Unexpectedly, the moment he led me over this mountain, I was completely stunned on this rainy night.

I'm standing on the edge of the cliff!

"Go down."

He looked at me with determined eyes.


I asked in disbelief.

"up to you."

The boy turned behind me and used a hatchet to cut open the waistband that bound me. Then he put the bamboo basket on his chest and slid it down little by little along the slope in front of the cliff.

He kept his stature short and got into the groove under the cliff. He held the top of the groove with both hands and moved down on the stone wall that was less than half a meter wide.

I'm your grandma!

Anyway, as long as I don't die in your hands, I can die in any way?

I have a fucking fever and have just recovered. I haven't had any water or rice for a few days, so I just rely on a few broken fruits to satisfy my hunger. What's the difference between taking me away from this place and giving me a knife?
Looking back, I saw the flashlight shaking at the bottom of the mountain. At that second, I gritted my teeth, twisted around and slid down the slope.

With my first step, I almost fell off the [-]-meter cliff. If I hadn't stretched out my hand to hold the cliff above my head, I would have jumped forward and fallen down the cliff.

But when I stood up again, everything was not what I imagined.

It was raining heavily.

As if God was deliberately against me, countless raindrops fell specifically into my eyes.

At that moment, the cold wind on the top of the cliff and the falling rain made it impossible to open your eyes. Every step you took depended on the feeling under your feet. If you were not careful, you would fall from the top of the cliff and become fertilizer for this tropical rain forest.

However, I still followed the downward natural groove and walked down.

I held the outer frame of the cliff above my head with one hand, and pressed against the top of the cliff with the other hand to prevent my body from slipping. I moved my feet almost inch by inch, and actually walked from this long natural tunnel to the other side of the mountain where the mountain road gradually stabilized. , and there is a path going down the mountain right in front of you.

Without him, I would never have found this path.

The reason he was willing to help me was because I cheated on him.

When I followed this road and got rid of the pursuers behind me, I finally asked him gratefully: "What is your name?"

He answered me indifferently with a Burmese sentence, which I didn’t quite understand, and then he translated this Burmese sentence for me: “Sincerity.”



 Let me explain, we are going to take the test next week and have passed the starting point, so we have to completely revise the chapters. All chapters from one hundred and five onwards will be rewritten.

  So, no update today, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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