Chapter 110 Traveler’s Cabin
The two puffs of Bupleurum didn't solve the fever problem, which made me wonder if the shock from jumping off the building had damaged the internal organs, causing inflammation.

However, since I walked out of the cliff where I had to follow the gap to get down, I did not encounter any group of pursuers under his leadership.

We also found a wooden house that was enough to stay in for a short time.

"You take a rest here."

He placed me next to the wooden house, then turned around to cut branches from the surrounding trees. When I looked at him with doubtful eyes, the young man responded in a normal way: "I don't have enough medicine on me. If I don't take care of this, A gorilla will definitely run away when it wakes up."

Along the way, I almost forgot about the orangutan.

"Where is this?"

I asked him a question.

He responded: "A wooden house built by a traveler probably caught up with the 'continuous rain' in the rainy season. The continuous rain here can sometimes last for half a month."

After saying that, he pointed to the wooden house with his hatchet and said, "He is right there. You will know if you ask yourself."

I slowly turned my head and looked into the cabin. I haven't entered the cabin yet since I got here.

When I turned my head, the first thing I saw was a travel bag placed on a wooden board. The package had been opened, and there were a few pieces of paper and some very ordinary clothes scattered on the ground.As I got closer, a rotten stench came over me, and some bugs were crawling on the man's body.

I tentatively reached out to the house, opened the door of the wooden house and picked up the piece of paper that had been discarded. Judging from the torn edges of the paper, it should have been in a notebook before.

When I turned the paper over, I could still make out the rain-soaked words on it...

"Manxiang District, Aareqiu District, no; Diman District, no;"

"The South Kangwu District and the North Park are not available; the Sifangshan Park is not available; the Kangchang Park is not yet completed;"

“Bangyang District…”

"Nagao District..."

"Get the cutting area!"

The Nongqie area was marked with an exclamation mark and was not recorded. However, four of the five major areas below Meng Neng were marked.

I slowly walked into the house and picked up another piece of paper. That piece of paper was also wet by the rain. Some of the words were hard to see clearly, but I could still get a general idea from the content on it.

"My eldest daughter, where are you?!"

"Why are you disobedient!"

"Didn't I tell you that that kid is definitely not a good guy? Why are you still going with him?"

The writing in the lower area was blurred, but looking further down, there was another area that I could still make out clearly.

"Don't be afraid, dad is already here..."

"The gang got in touch with Dad and said they could release him as long as he gave them money."

"Dad doesn't know whether to believe it or not. He can't come up with that much money. I don't think you can come here and owe people millions for no reason."

"What dad can do now is to contact the country to see if we can find a way to save you, and at the same time, while waiting for news, look around here."

"Dad contacted his old comrades. Your Uncle Wei said that this matter is difficult to handle. If we want to rescue you, we must first determine which area you are in, so that we can accurately communicate with the military in that area. , otherwise, it will be a waste of resources for no reason.”

"But the guy who contacted me was a thief. I tentatively asked many times, but I only found out he was in Meneng."

"My eldest daughter, dad will definitely find you and take you back."

The last stroke on this piece of paper was very heavy, as if a great determination had been made, and even the paper was punctured.

I moved forward and picked up another piece of paper. There were blood stains on the paper, but there were no traces of being wet by the rain.

It read: "Son of a bitch!"

"People here are all bastards!!" "They told me that you were in that park. They told me that they had seen you in the photo. They also told me that you were seriously injured because no one paid the ransom. , so no treatment is available.”

"I was so anxious that I followed the locals to the park, but as soon as I crossed the threshold with one leg, I realized something was wrong."

"None of them negotiated a ransom with me, but everyone was staring at me!"

"Even when I used the excuse of 'going out to buy a pack of cigarettes' to try him out, a group of people came to arrest me."

"They may think your dad is a loser, but they don't know that the first thing I do when I get here is buy a gun."

I looked at the next piece of paper eagerly, and then continued reading until I found something that could be connected to this page.

"Daughter, dad may not be able to come back."

"Dad killed someone."

"There are desperadoes among those people who are brave enough to fight!"

"Dad escaped from the town and went into the mountains. They didn't want to let me go, so I had no choice but to shoot him."

"One of them was dead and the other injured, and then they caught up with 'Lian Yin Yu', and dad ran out."

"Don't blame Dad, Dad doesn't want to cause trouble for you..."

After reading this line, I looked at the piece of paper with the heaviest blood stains. There was a pool of blood on that piece of paper, as if it was sprayed on while writing.

There was also a footprint on the bloodstain, which must have been stepped on when someone went through the bag.

At this moment, I turned to look outside the wooden house. He had already set up a wooden frame, but what I was thinking about was what he said to me when we were in the cave: "I thought you were dead!"

I held the pieces of paper and walked towards the travel bag in the house. When I opened the travel bag, I didn't find any documents inside, let alone the 'gun' written in the diary.

At that time, I was about to endure the smell of the corpse and search the pockets of the clothes on the corpse, but I was attracted by the cry of the orangutan at the door. The moment I walked out of the wooden house, I only saw one tied with vines on the wooden frame. Orangutan, wake up.

After the orangutan woke up, he was terrified. The most familiar jungle in front of him was full of strangeness...

And I walked over to the young man who had just carried the orangutan on his shoulders and asked, "Where is his ID?"

Regarding mobile phones, I didn't even ask. For something that can be exchanged for money, it should have been turned into banknotes long ago, or a few very thin banknotes.

He turned towards me and pointed into the grass beside him.

The moment I walked over, a passport that had obviously been watered by rain and could still feel damp when I picked it up was lying in the grass.

When I picked it up, I glanced at it briefly, then shook the water on it with my hand and put it in my pocket.

"What's written on it?" He looked at me and asked.

"You haven't seen it?"

He said without denying it at all: "It's written in Chinese."

"Then what did you say?"

He pointed to his ears: "It's very common here to be able to understand and speak, but not everyone can write, especially in the mountains."

"Also, why do you want his ID?"


I just want a bruised person to see that there are people in the world who care about her when she is free.

But I didn't say it.

After we got there, the mountain road he and I walked began to become more and more gentle, until we saw rows of houses on the slopes of the green hills.

(End of this chapter)

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