Chapter 118 Metaphor
11:00 noon.

I could feel the sun's rays. The cook and the officer were still drinking, and they were already shaking.

However, I did hear some very philosophical words from drunk people.

The cook said that there is a high mountain in the world, and there are two pieces of money hidden on the mountain. One is at the top of the mountain, where people are queuing up; the other is at the foot of the mountain, in the pond.

If you want to get the money at the top of the mountain, you need to queue up, need patience, and put in time and energy. Once you give up halfway, you will have nothing;
The money at the foot of the mountain seems very simple, and there is no queue. However, no one tells you how to get these two amounts of money;
The cook went straight to the bottom of the mountain. He didn't know what kind of magnificent scenery those on the top of the mountain would see after taking the money, nor what risks there would be after taking the money at the bottom of the mountain;
So, he watched the people who went to the pond to get money one after another, and were pushed into the water by the guys behind him. When it was his turn finally, and he took out the money from the pond along the rope, he realized that the water There is a devil hiding inside!

I understood his metaphor. The meaning of this story is that if you make money through normal channels, it may be slow and difficult, but there is no risk, and you will experience the joy of success; but if you want to do messy things, just We have to face intrigues and bloodshed without any restraint.

The officer didn't understand, but he nodded cooperatively, then turned his head and rolled his eyes in disapproval.

In fact, this is what scares me the most. This is called 'not listening to the old man'.

As a young man, the officer felt passionate and fearless, and wanted to challenge the ultra-high rewards in the dark world, completely ignoring the advice around him, while the cook spoke the truth after drinking.

The chef said that he was originally a big boss in the world of Meng Neng with his skills, but his big boss was different from Lao Qiao. He belonged to a "gangster gang" that gathered some ruthless people.

He believed that northern Myanmar was a land of no one and was the source of the craze of desire, so he started a career of making and selling drugs, making some money to show off his power and make noises.

As a result, who knew that when their high-purity products became famous and someone even revealed to him that his products exceeded the sales of Meng Neng Overlord Xiao Happy, he didn't take it seriously, thinking that this Meng Neng Overlord was a big deal. Just bring a few people to start a gun battle with you, who is afraid of whom?
If there wasn't a bit of bloodshed, why would you hire so many wanted criminals who had escaped from the country?
Who would have known that this was not the case at all. His den was raided by green soldiers, who took the lead in taking the psychological advantage under the banner of 'enforcers' and arrested or killed the cook's men one after another.

How did the cook know that selling drugs in the Golden Triangle would lead to arrest by soldiers?

So, he went to jail and was thrown into an iron cage at the small police station in Menneng.

At that time, Lao Qiao gave him two choices. First, he said righteously: "You have to cooperate and tell all your accomplices." Then, he appeared in front of him again at night and asked: "I heard that your high-purity goods Are they all homemade?”

The cook immediately understood why he was not killed like his subordinates during the capture process.

I also know who the so-called Meng Neng Overlord is.

How awesome, this guy doesn't even know whose territory he is on, yet he dares to come up with high-end products to outshine other people's products.

At this point, the cook picked up the wine glass and laughed at himself and cursed bitterly: "With my brain, after knowing the truth, I feel like I deserve to die!"

However, isn’t this the result of moving from an ordinary person to this industry?
You just destroyed your own mental framework and thought you had become a very evil person, but in the eyes of truly evil people, you are just a little white rabbit.

The cook was captured and Lao Qiao was sent to the mountains.

Lao Qiao gave him glory and wealth here, and also sent large sums of money to the country.Lao Qiao even generously allowed the cook's wife and daughter to come here to see him during the holidays.

The only requirement is that you have to come up with high-purity products.

However, the conditions in the mountains were so poor that the cook tried many times and finally only came up with a purity of more than 75%. Lao Qiao felt that he was fooling himself and began to threaten the cook's family.

At that moment, the cook was furious.

He was ready to fight against Lao Qiao, but what method could he use here?
The cook told a green soldier the simple synthesis process of that thing, and the green soldier ran away that night. A week later, the streets and alleys of Meneng were filled with cheap and boring junk.

This will not have any impact on Lao Qiao, but this batch of simple synthetic goods with extremely low purity has affected the market. Those drug addicts often choose low-end goods when they cannot afford high-end goods, which also affects sales.

Old Qiao was so angry that he launched a thunder strike and dispatched armed forces to clean up the drug dealers. It was not until he captured the green soldier who had put on a suit after taking off his military uniform that he showed the entire arrest process to the cook.

The cook can be considered a ruthless person, but he still stared at Lao Qiao and yelled: "If you kill me, you won't be able to bring out the goods to suppress the market; if you threaten me with my family, I will make all your subordinates fucking The mountain of self-reliance!”

The two of them were frozen here.

Later, Lao Qiao helped the chef with many assistants. After stealing his skills, he also tried to process it himself. However, none of those who stole the skills could make products with a purity of 75%. The highest one produced a product with a purity of 56%. .

From then on, Lao Qiao stopped fighting with the cook. He gave him whatever he wanted, even though he still restricted the other party's freedom.

The cook was also afraid of really irritating Lao Qiao, so he gradually became more honest.

However, 75% of Meng Neng's products have swept the entire Golden Triangle, because the chef is also capable. Not only can he produce high purity, but he can also control costs like crazy.

But what Lao Qiao wants is to be crushed. He wants to be the king. To do this, he must obtain a purity that no one else can offer. This is how the argument I have heard started, as if the cook was threatening Lao Qiao. That dispute.

The cook knows that as long as he makes something with a purity of over 90%, and his craftsmanship is learned and copied, he has lost the use value;
Lao Qiao has also tested and found that the purity of the food made by the chef in Meng Neng is above 90%. He currently lacks this trump card that would allow him to dominate the Golden Triangle.

The cook also knew that once he showed even the slightest resistance to the matter of making poison, it would be the beginning of Lao Qiao tearing off his mask and torturing him to extract confessions. Therefore, he only argued with Lao Qiao over anger, not over making poison. 'There is a little bit of sloppiness in it.

Moreover, he also tried to look for opportunities to make a comeback from time to time.

"It's not that I don't want to get good goods for Lao understand, right?" He looked at the officer drunkenly, with a glint of coldness flashing in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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