The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 122 Cry Your Grandma Whistle

Chapter 122 Cry Your Grandma Whistle
During my ten years in prison, I met many elder brothers.

If I were to find common ground among them, I could name a lot, such as: personality charm, aura, humor...

However, I have never seen any elder brother with excellent professional knowledge, just like my boss Huo Sange, he is the biggest blue code in the city, but he can’t make a fortune at all; and I have seen Brother Zhu in the account , he is the biggest loan shark in our city, but he has not even graduated from elementary school and cannot solve equations, let alone settle accounts.

These people are all laymen who lead experts, which made me very doubtful about the authenticity of the old saying that "laymen lead experts and they will definitely rush into the streets".

The same goes for Lao Qiao in front of me.

He is the most powerful drug lord, but Lao Qiao couldn't understand a word of what the cook said about oxidation reactions, reaction equations, and reductive amination. Although he patiently let the other person talk nonsense, I still read from his face. I could see the same confusion as those of the armrest girls.

However, don't think that this kind of people have no advantages. On the contrary, their advantages will make you feel terrible in an instant.

For example, after the chef explained in very professional terms why the purity of the experiments of the past few days could not be improved, Lao Qiao concluded by saying: "What you mean is that when the experimental vessels were cleaned, too much moisture was left in them. , causing water to be absorbed during the crystallization process, ultimately reducing the purity, does this mean?”

The cook is stupid!

In order to show his importance, he had almost said all the professional vocabulary. After Lao Qiao finished listening, he solved the problem in one sentence and concluded: "Then in the future, should all experimental utensils be removed before the experiment?" After the cleaning work is completed and the water is dried, the purity of the finished product can be guaranteed?"

The cook nodded with a confused look on his face.

Lao Qiao added: "Isn't that still your problem?"

The cook immediately responded: "I will change it."

Lao Qiao advised patiently: "If you can't do anything in this world, there are only two reasons. One is that you are not good at it, and the other is that you are not serious."

After saying that, he patted the cook on the shoulder.

He, a person who didn't understand chemistry at all, gave the cook a lesson, and the cook actually accepted it!
If Lao Qiao had only one case that day and night, I would never think that Lao Qiao was so awesome. On the contrary, I would still think that he was too good at showing off.

However, after this night of contact, similar cases abound!

Whether there is a woman or not in a man's banquet, the final topic will fall on women, and it is the same today.

At that time, the cook made an armrest girl cry with one sentence. After he finished playing the gangster, he said: "Don't worry, we will take good care of you later."

But the armrest girl responded with self-pity: "How can anyone care about people like us?"

For a time, all the armrest girls fell into despair about their fate, and one girl even shed tears.

Immediately afterwards, Lao Qiao asked: "Cry your grandma whistle!"

That woman looked like I had seen people who gave up their souls. She was not afraid of death and started a direct conversation with Old Qiao.

She explained everything that happened to a woman after arriving in northern Myanmar.When a woman comes to northern Myanmar and is treated as a commodity by human traffickers, the first step is to let the traffickers ruin her; the second step is to be trafficked; if she is good-looking, she will go directly to the entertainment venue; if she is not good-looking, she will be left behind. In the hands of Erdao dealers.Sorry, your destiny must be pregnancy.

In the beginning, these pregnant girls were sold to some perverts, who always paid a lot of money to have sex with these girls; later, the world changed, and after the Thai Buddha amulets became popular, the practice of raising little ghosts also became popular. Not only can pregnant girls be sold at high prices to perverts, but after those perverts leave, they will also sell the babies in their bellies to those who raise little devils!

Various mages over there are waving their money to buy this kind of babies. Among them, the biggest sales volume is not in their local area, but in China! !

After the industry chain of raising babies was formed, another thing became popular again, and that was adult+++breast+++ breast milk.

The market for this thing in South Korea and Japan is almost crazy, and it has even spread to coastal areas in China, such as Guangdong.

Listening to these words reminded me of the news exposed in China. Many girls not only sell breast milk, but also provide 'feeding' services, which is not 'feeding' children.It's just like what's shown in European and American movies, allowing customers to experience it live.

In other words, after human traffickers have completely extracted all available value from women, they are still discovering new value.

This is the case with the 'Transfer Beads' purchased by the big boss of 729 Park!
Do you think that the connection between women and things like faith and luck is an accident?

It’s the madness of human traffickers driven by profit!
Do you think raising little ghosts is just a matter of pure faith?

wrong again!
This also includes the transfer bead market and the placenta market. One market after another that contains huge interests is operating in an intricate manner.

Once a woman falls into this place, it is like entering a huge meat grinder. Want to escape?You have so much value, how can you escape!
So, if you are good-looking, you won’t have to go through this?
At least not in a short period of time, because in a short period of time those beautiful girls themselves are a money tree. If they shake a little, the fruits will continue to fall.

When you make a mistake, when you pick up a small happiness, when you ruin yourself to the point where you don't have much money to spend, all this will still happen.

And in the end, when your body has reached its limit, your mind has completely collapsed, and you are unable to get rid of your addiction, the meat factory will become your final destination.

The source of all this may be the 'online dating partner' who accompanies you day and night on the other side of the phone, or it may be the clearly marked 'high salary'!

Lao Qiao calmly listened to the words of the girls in front of him, describing the entire northern Burma as a Shura field, without saying a word.

Until everyone's voices fell and all eyes turned to Lao Qiao, he made all the women lower their heads with just one sentence.

"Is it because domestic security is so poor that I sent someone to put a gun to your head and kidnap you?"

This is Lao Qiao's response!
Response to everyone!
What are you thinking when your parents tell you that there are no good people online?Are you thinking, 'You know nothing! ', 'You don't understand the way young people make friends at all! '?
When your friends advise you not to date online, do you immediately show your boredom and think that the person on the other side of the Internet understands you, tolerates you, and is your true love?

The moment you stepped out of the country, did you ever think that the entire country's protection for you would disappear in that moment?Or have you always thought that as soon as the plane lands, you will enter a brand new world, where the difficulties you faced before will disappear and only a smooth road will be left in front of you?
Even if you have no parents or friends, why would you not consider someone you met online? Why should you be so nice to yourself?
Don't think about it: you can't even solve the problems around you, so why go to other places to get rid of the gloom and start to bathe in the sunshine?

Every word Lao Qiao said was very simple, but it was also so cruel, and every word struck him directly in the heart.

I watched those women lower their heads, unable to say a word in rebuttal.

(End of this chapter)

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