Chapter 126 I miss you so much!

Corpses everywhere...

The pungent smell of blood...

The pale boss and the room full of green soldiers with guns...

Everyone looked unnatural, including me squatting in the corner!
Only Lao Qiao is different.

He seemed to finally feel comfortable and let out a long breath.

"Look, you said what you said."

"Well, I'm getting older. I really don't have time to find out who made all the messy ideas one by one. These things are not important to me at all. Anyway, as long as there is anyone who depends on me for survival within my control If people don’t want me to be good, then everyone should not be good to me.”

"You just caught up."

No wonder Lao Qiao did nothing the night he got the news!

No wonder such a big drug lord squatted in the room all night, suffocating like a child when he could decide life or death with just a raise of his hand.

He was thinking about how to make himself more intimidating, so that people would not dare to covet the status of Meng Neng Tu Emperor.

"Early tomorrow morning, Menneng will issue an announcement saying that through investigation and evidence collection, we have identified the drug lords lurking in Menneng, and killed them all during the arrest process."

"Isn't that great?"

"The common people can live and work in peace and contentment, and those of you who do business can also be stable."

Originally, the big boss was still looking at the corpse in a daze. When he heard the words 'everything is stable', he immediately raised his head, looked at Old Qiao and asked, "Where is everything?"

"I have killed all the drug lords. From now on, there will be no more shootings, fights, etc. on the streets of Meneng, and the public security will become better and better. Isn't this all stable?"

The big boss opened his mouth, and I guess he wanted to stick his finger in Lao Qiao's face and ask: "You, the biggest drug lord, are still alive. Who can be safe?"

But he didn't dare, let alone being in a tiger's den, even if he met Lao Qiao on the street without a bodyguard, he wouldn't dare!
He only dared to attack the piggies in the park, and only dared to tie Wenwen to the basketball hoop!

Because those people can't hurt him! !
Because the weak eat the strong!

"Where did I go?"


Lao Qiao remembered it clearly. He even stretched out his hand to pull me up who wanted to squeeze my body into the gap in the wall.

I'm so afraid of him.

This old man didn't have any sinister look at all, he just made people feel scared. When I was pulled up, I turned my shoulder towards him, twisted my chin towards the wall, and kept kicking my feet to hide behind him.

But the big boss had calmed down, and continued while sitting on the blood-stained table: "Human traffickers all have their own cross-border routes. I know there is a boat that sells rights of way for this kind of route, but the price is very expensive..."

"Most domestic inspections are concentrated on the ground and in the water. You can use drones to transport goods at low altitudes into the woods within the border, and then have people pick them up."

Lao Qiao held my arm with one hand and turned back to look at him: "I don't have anyone who knows how to play with high technology."

"After two days of playing with that thing, even a fool can figure it out. There's no need to look for professionals and add unnecessary complications!"

"Well, how about you do this?"

The big boss immediately shook his head: "I won't do it."

He suddenly realized that he refused too simply and explained: "This thing must be protected by force. I am a fraudster. Even the broken pistols in the park were applied for by you. How can I be protected?"

"What if someone robs me while transporting it from Mengneng to the border? What can I do? Kowtow to others and beg them to let me live?"

Lao Qiao smiled and sat back on his chair: "I have an army."

"Then you can't send me there, so why let me go?"

"You want me to have the power to have armed forces?" Old Qiao's voice changed as if someone had touched Ni Lin.

"I don't even plan to go!"

The big boss stood in front of the table and said: "You asked me to come today, and I came because my wife and children are in your hands."

"When have I ever been involved in these things of yours? It was you who asked the questions just now, so I will answer these questions. And I know this transportation method, but there is a person in my park who likes to play with high technology, and he pays attention to these things online all day long. "

"When did I ask for armed force from you?"

"Even when I deal with those traitors in 729, I have a regiment leader sent by you."

At this time, I twisted my neck very mechanically and looked at the big boss of the 729 Park with my eyes wide open!I know him so well!

I know very well his grasp of human nature and his grasp of people's hearts!
In my opinion, his behavior was not rejection at all, but waiting for Lao Qiao to put this power into his hands without letting him refuse.

I swallowed hard and felt the horror. When a murderous demon faced a succubus that controlled people's hearts, I was like a fish in a pond that could be affected at any time.

I still remember what the big boss looked like when he told me that he would give Lao Qiao an extra [-] million at the end of the year;
I still remember Ada telling me how the previous bosses were gone!

If the big boss wants to be absolutely safe in Meng Neng, wants to get rid of control, and wants to truly stick to his word in this quagmire, he must first enter this circle. However, for Lao Qiao, only he can pull it off with his own hands. Only those who come in have credibility.

But I still can’t figure out why he didn’t expose me in front of Lao Qiao!
"Can I trust you?" Lao Qiao asked very carefully.

"Who have you trusted?" the big boss questioned without hesitation.

He pointed at the corpse on the ground: "How many years has Tulong been with you? When you were still fighting for territory with guns, he would have followed you, right?"

"I don't know this, but out of the ten times Tulong came to me for a drink, I saw him four times. He must have a close relationship with you, right?"

"Of all the people you killed today, which one was not your old relationship?"

"I really don't understand why you killed all these useful people and left only me!"

Lao Qiao responded calmly: "Because you are not a vested interest."

Perhaps, not him.

I changed my previous view and began to feel that Huzi’s arrest had nothing to do with the big boss. As Lao Qiao said, he was not a vested interest.As long as one of the people present today survives, it will not be his turn; no, it should be said that as long as he does not come today, this huge profit will not fall on him...

Unless he can calculate all of this, but how is this possible?
Lao Qiao waved at him: "You go back first."

"When you go back, consider my proposal carefully."

I guess Lao Qiao is also carefully considering the ins and outs of the whole thing.

The big boss left. After he left, the green soldiers carried away all the bodies in the house. From then on, Old Qiao got into the house and lay motionless on the bed, looking at the family photo dully.

And I was carrying a bucket and washing away the blood on the ground. It wasn't until dark that the surface and walls were cleaned.

When I took the mop to the river to wash the bucket, I finally had a new judgment about this incident in my mind, that is, everything matters!

The seizure of Lao Qiao's goods was probably just an accident due to increased vigilance of the border guards.

There may be other factors involved in Beard’s cross-border crossing, but they don’t seem to be that important in this case.

Lao Qiao killed all the drug lords in Meng Neng, so that there would no longer be any forces to worry about in the control area...

No, at this point I feel that there is a slight error in my analysis.

According to Lao Qiao's one-stop production and sales model, even if he has goods with a purity of over 90%, they will only be able to eat as much as he distributes to the group of people.Why do these people get on the pole and ask for help with distribution?
Old Qiao has his own distribution channels...could it be that just because of these words, Old Qiao had murderous intentions, and with the murderous thoughts, he decisively took the lives of his brothers who have been together for so many years?
I can't see Old Qiao clearly.

But I can still see the big boss clearly.

He was invited here, it was probably Lao Qiao... No, it was Lao Qiao who had been murdering the entire powerful drug trafficking force since he killed all the pets last night. Otherwise, in today's situation, there would be absolutely no The position of the big boss, the fraudster.

His appearance already means that Lao Qiao is going to reshuffle Meng Neng's cards!
And the big boss can appear here because of his ability. He can make a park prosperous, he is willing to spend millions for a technology, and he dares to promise Lao Qiao [-] million in the face of the storm. Overcoming the difficulties, we finally regained control and continued to operate the park as normal.

Lao Qiao needs such a person to take care of the details, just like the big boss needs Ah Da and Ah Da needs me;
And all of these people need a pair of gloves that can be thrown away at any time.

Only this time, it's the big boss's turn to be the glove.

I didn’t see clearly why Hu Hu crossed the border, and I didn’t see clearly why Lao Qiao destroyed all the drug lords, but I saw clearly the big boss’ desire to refuse and welcome.

He wants this opportunity, but is extremely resistant. The reason is because he knows Lao Qiao better than I do, and knows that only if Lao Qiao forces something on you and you don't want it, can he be less suspicious.Otherwise, with his decisiveness in doing things, there is no difference at all between killing one more person and killing one less person.

I carried the mop and the bucket and returned to the thatched house with the confusing clues in my head. But the moment I put down the mop and the bucket and was about to lie back on the bed, the flat quilt attracted me. of attention.

It’s impossible for me not to fold my quilt.

This is a habit I developed in prison. The problem is that the quilt in front of me is spread out on the bed.

I slowly pulled up the corner of the quilt, and the next second, I saw a satellite phone that was exactly the same model as the one in Lao Qiao's house!

I took out the satellite phone, held it in my hand and stared at it!

This thing must not ring. If it does, my life will be lost!
At this moment, the screen of the satellite phone suddenly lit up. I didn't even wait for it to ring. I pressed the answer button with my finger, and then looked around in horror.

At that time, a creepy voice came from the phone: "Xu Ruifeng, I fucking miss you!"

(End of this chapter)

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