The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 140: Life or death is yours!

Chapter 140: Life or death is yours! (Thank you Z888-88888 for another 1666 tips!)

Ada's eyes widened. He had already thought about it. This kind of something wrong seemed to have existed from the beginning.

He turned his head and looked at Burea. Burea put his elbow on the shoulder of a person next to him and said casually: "Old Qiao said that Xu Ruifeng has the final say on Meng Neng tonight."

Lao Qiao?How far this name is from A Da, he may not even be able to calculate the distance!
Only then did Ah Da realize that he had been tricked, and he looked at me as if someone had pressed the freeze button.

I reached out and grabbed the muzzle of a gun that was aimed at him. This action shocked Ah Da even more, because I pulled the AK out of the green soldier's hand!

This is impossible. Even in the park, who dares to snatch the gun from the green soldiers?What's more, under the attention of other greenskin soldiers, isn't this Qing waiting to be destroyed?
I held the muzzle of the gun with both hands and turned sideways and asked, "Does it feel good to hit people?"

Then without waiting for an answer, he raised the handle of the gun above his head like swinging a golf club, and swung it sideways—pop!

A crisp sound came over.

Ada tilted his head sharply, turned around and fell down.

The laptop in his hand flew away...

Seeing this scene upstairs, he couldn't bear it anymore. Mazi held on to the window and fully stretched out his upper body and shouted: "Die to him!!!"

When he shouted out, he was completely thrown into chaos.

"kill him!"

"Old Xu, beat him!"

I even heard a particularly excited roar: "You shoot!!!"

This sound made me raise my head, and I saw a woman with tears on her face. She reached out and slapped the window sill loudly. With such force, her hand must have been swollen, but she didn't care at all.


I walked to Ada, feeling the fire in my heart rising to my forehead.

I remember how he showed off his power when he first entered this courtyard!

I also remember how he set up a trap with the big boss, forcing me to take on the charge of "stealing a single game" and risk my life;
I still remember the moment I jumped from the sixth floor and the choice between life and death. In order to survive, I lived like a fucking wild dog in the mountains!
I swung the handle of the gun, making a sound that broke through the air, and smashed it again and again.

The sound of the collision between the gun handle and the meat head turned the piglets lying in the window upstairs into beasts: "Old Xu, fuck him to death!!"

It's a mule.

The mule was still alive, but he shouted loudly with tears streaming down his face, and finally he lay on the window and cried bitterly.

Pop, pop, pop.

I remained silent like a live donkey, and used all my strength when swinging the handle of the gun. Ada was lying on the ground, protecting his head with both hands, and his whole body was shaken by the blows.

Go ahead.

I didn't stop until I heard the sound of bones breaking, and throughout the courtyard, Ada's almost crazy howling came: "Ah!!!!"

He was covering his arm and rolling around. It was obvious that his arm was broken.

This scream rippled through the 729 Park. In Buildings 4 and 7, there were piglets looking out of the windows in each building.

Amiao, Mazi...

Yang Yang, who had disheveled hair, and Wenwen, who didn't even have any clothes on her upper body, looked out from the connecting building.

Those women who were tortured by Ada...

The man who hates him to the core...

The gazes of these people were like knives. If gazes could kill, Ada would have died hundreds or thousands of times!
but me!

"I am also very fair!" He said Ada's favorite mantra: "Since I didn't die in your hands, I naturally won't kill you, but how many dead ends have you set for me? In your own mind clear."

"Today, I will also set up a dead end for you."

"I don't need you to stand up to me, and I won't sell you to anyone. As long as you survive, we will settle the matter."

I pointed to my grandson without looking back: "Go and open 616."

The grandson didn't move.

I instantly turned my head and roared: "I told you to fucking open 616!"

I saw the reflection on the glass at the door of Building 2. At that time, I was like a lion, and my hair was shaking when it roared.

My grandson was so frightened that he sat down on the ground. When I didn't take a step forward, he slowly backed away in timidity.

Then, he turned around and ran upstairs, not even daring to take the elevator.

"Stand up!"

Two green-skinned soldiers walked over and held Ada up. "Send to the eighth floor."

The two green soldiers entered the elevator under the guidance of the green soldiers guarding Building 2, but I threw the AK to Brzea and entered the elevator.

I slowly walked up the stairs with my hands behind my back, and Boureat followed me with a gun. As we walked through each floor of the stairs, I could still think of the days in this building.

On the second floor, when I first came, I was threatened by Wenwen and Lao Qi;

Datongpu, after I moved in, I saw the spectacles violently raping the girl. I didn’t even know her name until she died;
In the cafeteria, I was beaten to death by a group of people while looking at my glasses; I was poisoned here;
Big bed room, where I release my soul;


Eighth floor!

There were more and more people behind me. People from Datongpu and 616 asked me to let them all out. They were watched by four green soldiers with guns drawn, but no one dared to talk to me. Everyone was used to the pressure. He remained silent, not even daring to ask, 'What's wrong with you?'

I understand, they are afraid of getting angry.

But they don't understand that if they live like this, they will be exploited forever!

I stopped here, and my grandson was also waiting here with a group of people. At this time, there were dozens of people behind me.

We walked toward the eighth floor in a mighty manner.

When I stood at the door of the eighth floor, I saw that the place where I jumped out was now welded with iron sheets. The entire eighth floor was as dark as a haunted house, with no moonlight coming through, and it looked like a coffin.I know, this is Big Boss and Ada, they don’t want anyone to run away again.

The next second, I stood in front of the iron door on the eighth floor, looking at Ada standing against the wall with an AK on his head. At that time, I finally laughed out loud. I had finally waited for this day!

"That's where I jumped from."

"Now I will give you a chance. If you dare to jump down, you may fall to death or you may survive, but if you don't dare." I turned around and pointed at everyone behind me: "Have you seen them?"

"I'm going to give these guys a whole night and I don't care what they do, I really don't care."

The two green-skinned soldiers walked out backwards after listening to what I said. The next second, my grandson was the first to pounce on me: "Ada, I fucked your mother, you fucking touched my wife!"

Next was the most cowardly Ah Miao, who could wander off the aisle. He entered the eighth floor and bent down to hug Ah Da. He opened his mouth and bit his waist directly.

They were all crazy, all crazy.

When there was no piggy in front of me, I shouted: "Lock the door!"

The roar of the entire floor completely drowned out Ada's howl. The mule's legs were lame and he was still jumping up and down in the crowd.

When I turned around to go back the way I came, I found that there were still people standing in the stairwell, not one, but two.

One Mazi is the guy who relies on his wife to work hard to support him so that he can avoid being beaten; the other is a young man.

I looked at Mazi, who had a very expressive face. His face was smiling, but tears were flowing from the corners of his eyes. The extracted teeth left a dark hole in his upper teeth.

"Didn't squeeze in?" I looked at Mazi and asked, "I can have the door opened."

Mazi waved his hand at me and couldn't say a word. He squatted on the ground and kept howling with a smile and crying: "Ah!! Ahhhhh!!!"

The next second, I looked up at the young man: "What about you?"

The young man shook his head at me very firmly as usual.

I don't know how he kept his true intentions. Until now, I haven't seen any evil thoughts on the young man's face.

He has deceived people and succeeded, but he has never harmed anyone, and he does not want to take revenge on anyone. His biggest wish is to escape.

Among us, he is as pure as a white lily, and no one can pollute him.

He lived the way we all want to live.

"Are you rich?" I glanced at Boureia.

Bujea touched his pocket and took out a few US dollars from his pocket, which could probably be exchanged for several hundred dollars.

I stuffed the money into the young man's pants pocket, turned around and said, "Find two people to drive them to the port, report them according to the rules, and make sure they go back and have not been sold to other parks by any Wa people before coming back again." .”

At that second, one of the people who had entered the eighth floor seemed to have heard our conversation. He immediately turned and walked towards the door, his eyes full of longing and begging me: "Brother Xu, please let me go, I'm too young. I’m only 20 this year.”

I recognized him. He was one of the people who came to northern Myanmar voluntarily.

But I turned around and left without even looking at it.

"You really let me go?"

I had already walked down the stairs, but the boy still didn't believe what he heard. He was scared of being deceived.

"Someone has to go back for me..."

(End of this chapter)

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