The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 144: 8 seat on the 1th floor!

Chapter 144: One seat on the eighth floor! (Thanks to the girl for the 500 tip for sleeping with me!)
"Who are you venting your anger on?"

It wasn't until a hand covered with age spots pressed the muzzle of the gun that I realized that Lao Qiao was standing beside me at some point.

He didn't seem surprised at all, his face still had the same look.


Old Qiao took a special look out the window and finally said "oh" when he saw the green soldiers scurrying about and the pig pen full of dead pigs.

Only then did I realize that Lao Qiao thought I was killing someone.

And he didn’t seem to think it was a big deal that I killed someone!
This moment reminded me of what Bujea said. When he told me to leave the girl in the house, he stood beside me and said honestly: "Now that you are favored, do more." It’s what you want to do.”

I never knew that when Lao Qiao favored someone, he would do it in this way!
He turned around and entered my office directly. He walked towards the chair that belonged to me behind the desk without being noticed. When he kicked the dog chain with his foot, Lao Qiao turned his head and looked at me: "You want to learn how to raise a dog like me? "

"What kind of dog do you like? I'll get you a good one another day."

I smiled: "I raised them here, but you may not have them."

Old Qiao frowned and asked, "Is there a dog that I can't get?"

I lowered my voice and said, "This chain is for people, women."

Lao Qiao suddenly realized, but he seemed to be less interested in women: "You young people..."

"That's right." He pointed out the window with his hand, as if talking about my behavior just now: "Do you think I threw you back to 729 and you hate me?"

Lao Qiao was not prepared to let me answer, and said to himself: "Don't hold grudges against me, I also have my own difficulties. You don't even know how difficult it will be for me to do anything after you return to 729."

"You said you've only been with me for a few days? Why have you left me? I feel like everyone around me is a fool?"

"They don't seem to know what I'm thinking."

"Yang Rong, have you been with me long enough?"

"I asked him to keep He Chuntian company. This kid drinks heavily with He Chuntian every day. Every day before dark, he is drunk too much. I have to personally get He Chuntian to go!"

Lao Qiao was also really tired. When he asked Yang Rong to accompany He Chuntian, he meant that he was an imperial envoy and he must not let this guy smell something he shouldn't smell in the village.

Can't you just bring people out?
"Is Yang Rong really accompanying you?" I asked maliciously.

"Dunton, stay with me!"

Lao Qiao's face drooped down to his feet, and he sighed helplessly.

I laughed out loud: "He Chuntian still thinks that we have someone specially to keep an eye on him?"

"How about getting people drunk as soon as Yang Rong leaves?"

I lay down on the desk and added: "How about bringing He Chuntian to the park?"

"If he is really sent by Mr. Dabao, he won't be willing to hide something so that it doesn't leak out. What's more, Mr. Dabao can't believe it, right?"

Lao Qiao leaned his head over, put his elbows on the table, and said face to face with me: "What do you mean?"

"Leak the water room to him."

Old Qiao quit immediately!

"That won't work!"

"I just got 729, and the water room was leaked to him. Mr. Dabao will call tomorrow and say, 'Old Qiao, I'm short of technical talents here, please send that God of Wealth over.' I'm not Are you going to lose your troops after losing your wife?"

I rolled my eyelids and said, "Tsk!"
When Lao Qiao saw my expression, his face was immediately filled with anticipation: "Do you have any evil ideas?"

"I leaked the water house to him, not the God of Wealth. Besides, didn't the God of Wealth die a few days ago?"

Lao Qiao stared at me for a long time, and then gave me a headache with his fingers, but there was no sign of anger on his face, and he almost burst into laughter!

"Your boy is the best for me."

The God of Wealth is not dead. Not only is he not dead, Lao Qiao also asked the original leader of the 729 Park to eat and live with him. The two of them were in the inner and outer rooms, and no one could see anyone except me in the entire park.

I asked Lao Qiao to pinch his nose, rub his forehead with his hands and said, "Why are your hands so strong? There are double images in front of my eyes."

"Old Xu..."

When Boureia yawned and walked into my office, he didn't look a bit surprised and even rubbed his eyes with his hands, but Lao Qiao locked his eyes on his face. "Why are your eyes blue?"

I quickly reconciled and said, "We both work shifts. I watch during the day and he watches at night. Otherwise, after staying up for a few nights, my eyes will turn blue."


"Look at this sallow complexion and stubble on the mouth. Does it look like it took a few days to get through it? It looks like he was so angry that he didn't even have time to wash his face."

"He is the soldier I brought out. Even if I get up at three o'clock in the middle of the night, my eyes will be wet. This is the body I have trained every day..." Old Qiao walked over as he spoke and said with the back of his hand. Pa Pa Pa' hit Burea's chest muscles: "It's only been a few days, have you changed your habits?"

"Hand out!"

Burea didn't dare to resist and stretched out his hands. Lao Qiao checked the blood vessels on the back of his hands, wrists, and arms in sequence.

He was checking for poison.

"It's not poisonous!"

I quickly explained: "Woman!"

I pulled Lao Qiao away from Bugea: "You are such a normal young man, why can't you find a woman when you enter the park for the first time?"

After hearing what I said, Lao Qiao's tone suddenly softened a lot. He still looked into Burea's eyes and asked, "Is she a woman?"

"It's a woman, the one who tied up the little mute in the office earlier."

Old Qiao was doubtful: "Don't let me know that you touched something else that I shouldn't have touched, otherwise I will kill you with my own hands!"

I looked at Lao Qiao's angrily back and asked, "What should I do about He Chuntian?"

"Say it again!" Old Qiao left!

Bujea pointed to the direction where Lao Qiao disappeared: "He is..." He looked at me with worried eyes.

"Don't worry, it's alright."

I walked along the corridor to the office, lay down on the window and looked downstairs, and said to myself: "He is just a little suffocated. He feels that the soldiers he personally trained can get along so well with me after not seeing each other for a few days." …”

Boureia stood beside me: "I didn't understand."

I explained to him: "For example, we are both friends of Lao Qiao, and we met through Lao Qiao. At this time, Lao Qiao can accept that we are better than him, but he cannot accept that we are better than him. Even better.”

Burea scratched his head and looked embarrassed: "I'm even more confused."

"Now I know why Lao Qiao doesn't want to talk to you."

Burea suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, Lao Lin is here."


At the moment when Lao Qiao just walked out of the building door, the gate of the park opened, and three or four minibuses lined up to enter the park. It was good to wait for these vehicles, and the windows of the minibuses were full of people. At least 50 people were crammed into the trolley.

At that time, Lao Lin was the first to squeeze out of the minibus. As soon as he saw Lao Qiao, he rushed over like Liu Yue Feixue: "Old Qiao!"

"Old Qiao!!"

"Xu is crazy!"

"You asked me to cooperate with him, and now he wants to treat me like a piggy!"

"Old Joe..."

Lao Qiao glanced at Lao Lin who was bent over and crying in front of him, then turned back to look at me lying on the window, and cursed angrily: "Can you take care of your fucking dog!"

After saying that, he got into the car and left in the dust.

And I, staring at Lao Lin below, shouted: "Boss Lin, you are quite strong, how dare you file a lawsuit against me?"

Then I put a hand to my mouth to make up my voice and shouted: "There is a private seat on the eighth floor!"

"Please come inside!!"

 Thanks to the girl for the 500 starting coin reward for sleeping with me!
  Thank you for eating hotpot without adding sesame oil. This is a heretical reward! !

  Nothing to repay, thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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