Chapter 151
I have never been a big brother, so I don’t know how to be arrogant and domineering; but I have always been a brother to others, and I know very well what it means to be meticulous.

How comfortable a meticulous person can make a leader, I can clearly see it from Lao Qiao's face. Maybe this is why Lao Qiao not only didn't touch me after hearing the name 'Nawu' coming out of my mouth, but He also told me a story about the reason.

He said that in ancient times, people began to eat hot pot very early. Because charcoal was expensive at that time, the way of eating hot pot was different from the current way. It was only cooked once instead of rinsing it as you eat it now.

When I heard the story, I still didn’t understand what Lao Qiao was going to say. This was due to my lack of knowledge reserves.

Lao Qiao went on to say that at that time, people used sauces or raw sauces to eat hot pot, and they had to put the sauce on top while the hot pot was boiling;
After that, pour the cooked sauce into the water, and you will see the sauce melt and dye the water, so the sauce is also called a dye.

I still don't quite understand.

But people who eat hot pot share their meals. Some eat quickly and some eat slowly. For those who eat slowly, the soup in the hot pot will slowly cool down, while those who eat quickly will take their share. Cheap.

The times at that time were not too particular. These people would directly put their hands into other people's pots to fish out meat and eat it, and their fingers would be stained. Therefore, a new word was derived called "Ranzhi".

After Lao Qiao told this story, he looked at me in the office for three minutes without saying a word with a smile on his face.

But he used a knife to carve two words stained with blood into my heart. These two words are...

Get involved.

Lao Qiao didn't need to threaten me at the top of his lungs, or shout. I had seen his cruelty before, and he only needed to mention a few words to remind me of it.

Just like those girls coming out of the eighth floor in the park, you don’t have to do anything, just stand in front of them, and they will know what to do; and when you are dissatisfied, you just need to raise your hand slightly, and they will They will habitually dodge, and some may even become frightened and shout.

This is called conditioned reflex.

All animal trainers in the world train animals in this way. The animals may be cats, dogs, crocodiles, lions, or tigers.


When there was a cough at the door, Lao Qiao was the first to look outside. At that second, I quickly stood up from the chair and stood behind Lao Qiao.

When He Chuntian came, Yang Rong at the door did not stop him, but coughed to alert the people inside.

"Uncle Joe."

After He Chuntian, who put on a gray suit today, greeted Lao Qiao at the door, he raised his head and glanced at me, pointing with his hand: "Is the little mute here too?"

I didn't move.

Lao Qiao patted his back twice with the back of his hand. When I looked down, he gestured twice and said, "I'm saying hello to you."

I just smiled at He Chuntian, and Lao Qiao immediately changed the topic: "You said you are the same. It's not hard enough to talk to him if you have nothing to do."

The conversation between the two of them made it impossible for me to leave the house. After all, I am a deaf-mute and there is no need to go out more.

"Uncle Qiao, where are we going today?"

He Chuntian shook his arms in anticipation, as if he was ready to go, as if he had been waiting for days.

I could see that he was going to torture Lao Qiao to death.

"I won't accompany you today. In a moment, I'll let..." Old Qiao turned around, looked at me and said, "I'll let the little mute show you Meng Neng's pillar industry, and let him take you with him. Let’s take a walk around the park and take a look, okay?”


He Chuntian didn't seem to think much of this kind of place: "Uncle Qiao, why don't you show me the planting base? Or you can lead me to the military camp to see the training of the soldiers." Old Qiao held out a finger. : "Park!"

He never liked others to change his decision, so he reiterated: "You can visit those places you mentioned in the future, but the park has become more and more important to Menneng, so you need to know more about it."

"Okay, let's go."

Lao Qiao patted me again, and I took the initiative to walk to the door, opened the half-open door, and made a 'please' gesture.

He Chuntian smacked his lips: "Okay." He stretched out his hand to swing the armrests of the chair, stood up, and walked out of the room first, followed closely by me.

Before I could go far, Yang Rong had already walked into the room. I don't know whether He Chuntian heard the conversation between Lao Qiao and the others, but I heard it anyway.

"Can he do it?"

"Whether a person is good or not depends on how he acts or speaks."

"Then what?"

"See what results he can bring to you."

I couldn't hear anything further, and as soon as I turned a corner, I followed He Chuntian into the elevator.

He didn't say a word to me the whole way, and he knew he couldn't say anything, so he just walked out of the Judicial Committee with his head held high.

Of course, Brzea, who was waiting at the door of the Judicial Committee, was very surprised when he saw the two of us coming out together. Until I followed He Chunming and urgently took out my mobile phone and sent him a message, and saw him lower his head and pick up the mobile phone to read. After taking a quick look, I felt a little relieved. What I said was 'I am mute'.

"Mr. He, where are we going?"

When Burea asked, I stretched out my hand and made a '7' sign to him. Then, without asking any more questions, he kicked the accelerator and drove the car out, while He Chuntian sat in the car and said nothing. Didn't say.

I could tell that he was not in the mood to talk, otherwise he would have turned his head to the car window and looked at the scenery outside the window.

He came to make great achievements, thinking that he could have a little happiness with a purity of more than 90%, but it turned out to be an own mistake!
How can he go back?

After going out for a walk, do you go back and say you didn't find anything?

Doesn't that really mean that he's the trash that other people say "lives on women"?

But if you can't say it back, what's the use of consuming energy? !

The biggest news in Meng Neng at present is that it is rumored on the street that Lao Qiao killed all the gangsters in one day. If this matter is put on the table of the boss, he might be able to provoke someone to say: "Well done!"

When I thought about everything that was going through He Chuntian's mind, I could already see on his face that this guy was in trouble.

Don't worry, I'll let you twist the skin on your face just by facial expressions in a moment!
729, here we go.

Crunch, crunch, crunch!

When the familiar sound of the iron gate came, Burea drove the car into the park. When He Chuntian saw the buildings in the park, he felt fresh and asked: "How do you put this building together?" Are all the buildings hidden in the mountains?"

It’s like he’s never seen the park before!

(End of this chapter)

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