The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 156 We can’t take this person away, right?

Chapter 156 We can’t take this person away, right?

He was talking about people, and they were all women.

I glanced at him: "Is the person here?"

"What I was told was that Menneng arrived last night, a total of 4 of them."

I couldn't understand what he said: "Then bring it over. What are you waiting for? Can't we just let the company clear the account and transfer the money?"

The oily man said with a smirk on his face: "He doesn't dare."

"What kind of park or village? Anyway, in Meng Neng, he only trusts the hotel run by Lao Qiao and won't go anywhere else."

I looked at De Xing, the oily man with a smile on his face: "Didn't you tell him who I was?"

"I told you, but it's no use. Their original words were, 'I won't even move when the King of Heaven comes.' I guess it's because I've scared people before."

I hugged Youtou's neck, and just as he was about to speak, the scent of perfume spread all over the boy's body. Then I took him by the shoulders and said, "If I walk out of this door, everything can be done." OK, you have done a great job, if anything goes wrong, you will be managed by the property management, and I will do whatever I need to do to you, do you understand?"

The oily head nodded quickly and added: "I'll go with you."

"That's fine."

After I let go of my hand, I glanced at the building in the distance, where the God of Wealth stayed. My original plan today was to ask the God of Wealth how to play with the stuff in the hard drive that Lao Qiao gave me, but I don’t have time now. .

He reached into his pocket, took out the car key, handed it to Boureat and said, "Bring the car over."

The oilhead was very sensible and quickly took the key: "I'll drive, I'll drive."

Within a few words, he had already parked the car in front of us. Bourgea and I got directly into the back seat, and the car drove out of the park.

It was sunset and dusk. The oil man was playing "The Most Dazzling National Style" in the car and turned around and said: "Brother Xu, this is what we are going to do, otherwise I have to invite you and that buddy to go to the biggest nightclub here. It’s a place where even an insider like me found it eye-opening after visiting it.”

Since I came here, I really didn't think there was anything that could open my eyes anymore, so I asked, "Where is it?"

"Ye Xiu!"

The night show is the largest nightclub in Mengneng, and coincidentally, it turns out to be Huzi’s place.

That place was a high-end place, and its main theme was 'complete entertainment'.

What is a full set?

The full package means that after entering the private room, from the DJ to the girl, and even the princess who requests the songs will accompany you throughout the whole process. As long as you have money, you can do whatever you want.

I glanced at Boureia and said, "I've been passing by, but I've never gone in."

"What a pity. It's really Brother Xu, that place is great."

Boureat is a master who cannot listen to women. He usually keeps silent, but when he hears a woman, his ears will perk up: "What's the best way?"

After hearing what he said, I laughed out loud on the spot.

"I'll tell you something and you'll understand..." The oil man was chatting in the car, and our Land Rover drove into Menneng along the road: "You can be the emperor."

"What?" I was confused by this sentence, so I blinked and asked.

The oily man quickly waved his hand: "It's not true, it's just that you finished your little happiness and were floating. The girls came in wearing palace maid clothes, and the waiters were all wearing eunuch clothes. Anyway, you are in this room, no matter where you go. When someone kneels down and kowtows in greeting to you, the sound of 'Your Majesty~' makes your whole body feel numb."

There really is nothing new about these brats. I sighed and sat back in the back seat, thinking about their tricks to make money. They have even created it for you to enjoy after you drift off. How can that place not be like that? Recruiting?

"Young man, did you throw away all the money you earned?"

"Me? I'm not that rich. In all the years I've been here, I've only been there once. Aren't you going out with Brother Xu? Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to go into that kind of gold-selling cave."

"Some people charge over a million cards at a time, so why not prepare it for me?" "Brother, we're here."

The Land Rover parked in front of Lao Qiao's hotel. The three of us got out of the car and walked in without even paying attention to the car.The attendant at the door immediately got into the driver's seat after we entered, parked the car, and then came back to continue working.

ten floors.

When we came out of the elevator, the oil man walked to the door of room number 1011 first. He directly raised his hand to knock on the door. After knocking, he shouted inside: "Liangzi, it's me!"

It was obvious that they were quite familiar with each other, and I guessed that Youtou would definitely eat one of them.



The moment the door was opened, a muscular-looking man stood at the door holding a cigarette. He was wearing a white vest, and his arms were almost covered with tattoos. Look at that physique, which could ruin the three of us. You have to be wealthy to go back and forth.

"Where's Brother Liang?"

The oily man asked.

The strong man stepped aside.

The oily man walked in first, I was the second, and Bujea was the last.

When the three of us entered this very ordinary room, we saw a man in a black suit smoking a cigarette inside, with a dark blue travel bag beside him.

"Brother Liang!"

The greaser seemed to be a charlatan and went over to say hello first, but I could see that no one looked down on him. When he went over to shake hands, the guy not only didn't stand up, he didn't even bow.

"Brother Liang, we have agreed, four people, a total of four hundred, where are the people?"

Neither of us said anything, just standing in the room.

That Liangzi glanced at Youtou and asked, "Where's the money?"

The oil head immediately frowned: "Didn't we make it clear before? Let us see the person first, and then pay you. After you collect the money, we will take the person away. We haven't even seen him. How can you change your words? Want money?"

Liang Zi turned his head and glanced at Burea and me: "Who are these two brothers?"

"This is my boss, the boss of the 729 Park. Don't introduce me to him. You won't recognize him even if I introduce him..." The oily man is not very good at talking.

"Since I don't even know you after the introduction, what business are we still doing?"

This is an old martial arts world that smiles even when it hurts others.

The oily man quickly put his words back: "That's not what I meant. They are not on the same path as us..."

He was still chattering here, so I went over and pulled him behind me, glanced at Youtou and said, "Can't you hear that? They don't take you seriously at all."

I went over and sat across from the man, sat down on the bed, looked at the man in front of me and asked, "What do you call him?"


Anyone who talks like this must be a Jianghu person who has not escaped. Who is a serious person who would not open his mouth to tell his last name, but directly give his name?What hasn't been announced yet is the flower name.

I nodded: "Brother, listening to what you said, it seems that we can't take away the person we have today, right?"

Yao Qing straightened up, and this time his face finally looked like he was talking about business, and he said, "I'm also here to do business, right..."

(End of this chapter)

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