Chapter 158
In the hotel corridor, I held the door of the room next to 1011. The moment I pushed the door open, I moved my body behind the door, and Brzea rushed in with a group of green soldiers.

This room was also opened by Yao Qing, and according to the front desk, there were four men and four women in their group...

"do not move!"

"Squat down!"

"Don't fucking move!!"

After this group of people rushed into the room with guns, I walked in. At that time, except for the two gangsters who were looking at people, there were only four teenage girls in the room who were panicking.

They squatted on the ground, their eyes full of fear, and they were obviously surprised and unfamiliar with the scene in front of them. There was even one person with a face that looked quite impressive at first glance, and they were as quiet as a little white rabbit at this time.

I glanced at them and saw that these girls were probably only in their early twenties. At this age, there were no girls who were not beautiful, and all of them were slender.

At that time, my heart skipped a beat. If they entered the park or a nightclub, I couldn't even imagine what that would look like! !
"Burea, come out for a moment."

Brea asked two green-skinned soldiers to walk out of the gangster with guns pointed at them, while I took another deep look at the girl in the room and closed the door.
"Did Lao Qiao really have an order not to shoot in Menneng County?" I do know this in my heart, but at this moment, I must pretend that I don't know.

Burea glanced at me and said confidently: "It's okay!"

"This is because we are being fooled, and we are not taking the initiative to shoot to cause trouble. Even if this matter comes to Lao Qiao, we will be justified."

I quickly turned to Bruges and said, "I still don't know what's going on."

"Well, you listen to me, let's put a high hat on Old Qiao, right?"

Boureia looked at me and said, "What do you mean?"

"There is a president in France named Charles de Gaulle, do you know?"

"do not know."

"No matter who you put a high hat on, he will be happy!"

Burea still looked at me, but I added: "In this case, you contact the local police station in Mengneng and ask them to bring people and reporters over."

"I'll call Lao Qiao right now."

When Burea heard that I was going to call Lao Qiao over, he had nothing to say. Anyway, the matter had already fallen into Lao Qiao's hands.

I turned around and walked back to the room from the corridor, and took out the mobile phone that Lao Qiao gave me...

"Hello." When I heard a familiar voice on the phone, I said, "Old Qiao, I have something to do here. Do you think you can come over?"

"what's up?"

“Designation is a good thing!”

After that, I hung up the phone.


after an hour.

Hotel entrance.

A green military pickup truck parked in front of the hotel. As soon as Old Qiao got out of the car, a man in police uniform rushed over.

"Old Joe!"

Lao Qiao lowered the window and looked through the gap: "Why are you here?"

"Burea called me and said they had arrested a group of human traffickers."

Old Qiao was stunned for a moment, obviously unable to react. The expression on his face made it clear that he was arresting them for what? '.

The man in police uniform said again: "Mr. Xu has also arranged interviews with reporters. Look, can we start now?"

"Xu Ruifeng?"

Lao Qiao looked around: "Xu Ruifeng!"

I had seen his car a long time ago and had been waiting downstairs. The moment Old Qiao started to call, I ran over and leaned against the car window and whispered in his ear: "In In China, they call this stuff political achievements..." Immediately afterwards, I told everything about the buyers and the people who were tricked after buying in the park.

While listening, Lao Qiao raised the corners of his mouth. Finally, while sitting in the car, he cursed: "You are the only one who has many evil ideas."

After speaking, he opened the car door.

As soon as Lao Qiao got out of the car, people holding cameras quickly came closer and asked with flashing lights: "County Chief Qiao, is there any new progress in public security management in Meng Neng?"

"County Magistrate Qiao, do you have anything to say to the people about Menneng's people's livelihood?"

"County Magistrate Qiao..." He had prepared this in advance, so Old Qiao's face was full of relief.

I quickly stood up and said, "Everyone, please ask questions in an orderly manner, otherwise County Magistrate Qiao will not be able to hear what you are saying."

At this time, I stepped aside and let Lao Qiao stand alone under the flashlight.


Lao Qiao said very elegantly: "Qiao has been committed to rectifying public security in Menneng and does not allow any violations of law and discipline to occur in Menneng."

"The purpose of calling you here today is to show you the results of our efforts to improve public security."

Lao Qiao turned to look at me, and I quickly waved to the hotel.

The next second, Burea led a whole team of generals in military uniforms to lead Yao Qing and four other people out. I was afraid of being unsafe and walked through the crowd and approached: "Are your mouths tightly shut?"

Burea nodded heavily at me and shouted: "Stand still!"

In the hotel, ten soldiers stood there with four traffickers in between. Lao Qiao pointed his hand and said: "This is the result of our law and order crackdown on Meng Neng!"

Lao Qiao walked up to this group of people, reached out and took off the black plastic bags on their heads... I couldn't help it, I really couldn't find the hood... When the faces were exposed, he said to the reporters in front of him: " The outside world has been saying that we have poor public security and that we accept illegal people smuggled in from other countries. Today, I want everyone to see that these things have nothing to do with us!"

Lao Qiao pointed at Yao Qing: "This!"

He suddenly forgot the other person's name, so I leaned over and whispered: "Yaoqing."


"In other countries, they are people released from labor camps. After being released, they are still engaged in illegal and criminal transactions, mainly human trafficking. Today, we caught them, and they still got both the stolen goods and the people!"

After he said this, several more girls walked out of the hotel. They were led by the police and walked up to Lao Qiao.

"Did everyone see it?"

"These girls were abducted and trafficked by Yao Qing." Lao Qiao kindly held the arm of one of the girls and walked to the reporters and said, "Come, tell the reporters what happened."

The girl was still trembling, but seeing so many people in military uniforms and police uniforms standing nearby, as well as reporters, she gradually became bolder.

"We..." she pointed at Yao Qing: "we were abducted by him!"

"He promised to give us high wages and come here to work in the textile industry, but when we got here, he beat us and locked us in the hotel room!"

"He wants to sell us to a nightclub and ask us to accompany him drinking!"

I taught you these words, but the tears on this girl’s face showed her true feelings.

She really cried, crying in front of the camera, Lao Qiao kept patting her back to comfort her, and finally said: "I want to go home!"

"I just want to go home!"

Lao Qiao now faced the group of reporters with a kind face: "What a pitiful child, he just wants to go home!"

"How does this make the whole world think about us, the Wa State?"

“What do people from other countries think of us in Myanmar?”

Lao Qiao gently held the girl in his arms and said, "Don't worry, I promise you, I will send you home, I will."

"I will send a car to take you to the port soon and send you back through official channels."

(End of this chapter)

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