Chapter 162 Yes, us.

"How to pay?"

After asking this question, Erkui used all his strength to say: "I was smashed by the bones and scum, so I can collect 400 million to compensate you."

Erkui, maybe he thought about it for a while. He felt that I couldn’t come here to ask for someone. If I wanted someone, I wouldn’t ask him this question. There were so many greenskin soldiers downstairs, so I borrowed someone from him directly. Don't you dare to refuse?

Since it's not about people, it must be about money.

I said lightly: "Four hundred is not enough."

Erkui was about to open his mouth when I interrupted him and said, "In our hometown, that's not how accounts are settled."

"I spent four hundred. Those women are worth four hundred, inside and out..." I stretched out my thumb and index finger and said with a smile on my face: "A total of eight hundred."

Erkui was completely stunned by the words "inside, outside, inside". He stared at my two fingers amidst the restless music outside the door, his eyes widened, and he suddenly stood up beside me: "Where can I do this?" So much money!”

Before he finished speaking, a foot flew directly to his door!
Erkui fell backwards towards the sofa. Burea didn't know when he stood next to me. After kicking, he stepped directly across the coffee table and sat between Erkui and me. He grabbed a handful of melon seeds and ate them there.

"I don't care where you get that much money, but if I don't see 800 million in your account within three days, the night will be mine."

This is the cruelest moment in northern Myanmar. It is your own industry, and it doesn’t matter what you say.

So what has the final say?

This strength refers not only to the gun in my hand. I believe that Erkui also has a gun in his hand now, but he does not dare to fire it because in addition to the gun in my hand, there are people behind me.

In other words, in northern Myanmar, people are no match for courage, courage is no match for wisdom, wisdom is no match for power, power is no match for soldiers, and soldiers are no match for power.

"Xu Ruifeng!"

"Are you still a human being?!"

Erkui was lying on the sofa, glaring at me.

He thought that this kind of scolding would arouse my guilt, but my answer was: "Not so long ago."

Then, a smile appeared on his face that even he couldn't understand.

I remember what I once was.

But when I was a human being, the whole world was thinking about me.

Now that I am not, the whole world either fears or hates me, but first of all, it is fear.

Then who am I?Isn’t it okay if I don’t do it?
"Three days."

I raised two fingers at Erkui, stood up, stepped on the coffee table and walked towards the door. When I reached the door, I suddenly turned around and said, "By the way, if you really can't come up with the money, feel free to do it." You can act on your own, and if you plan to risk your life with me, you can come to me and give it a try. I'm at 729, every day."

After saying that, he walked away gracefully.

When I walked out of the corridor, the group of people who were carrying sticks on the stairs just now had already piled up in the corridor. Their faces lost the ferocity they had before, and they all looked at me as if they were in a daze.

And I passed through the gaps between their bodies, turning a blind eye to the group of people in front of me.

Brzea was more fierce than me. He carried a gun and didn't even turn. He bumped into the shoulders of this group of people and passed by. They had to give way when they were hit.

What is reason?

What I can say is that you have to shut up to be reasonable.

What you say to me is called choking, what's the use of it?

When you are choking, there is a referee in the middle. The referee has a gun in his hand. That is called law!
In Menneng, especially today's Menneng, I don't have to fight with anyone. What I say will be the result.

Once this feeling arises, who can stop people from becoming evil?

I seemed to suddenly understand Huo Sange’s era, and also suddenly understand northern Myanmar today.

Maybe this is what it feels like to be a master?

The feeling of being a master is not that of being lavishly dressed, nor of being surrounded by horses and horses, but of slaughter.

If you are fierce enough, there will be scoundrels who will kneel down and lick you. If you are powerful, you will be able to run amok!
"This one, send it to the 729 infirmary."

I pointed at Yao Qing who was lying on the ground: "Tell the doctor in the infirmary that not only can he not die, but he must be cured and he still owes me money!"

"By the way, he also has a few very strong and tall brothers. You guys will call the police station later and send the people over to me." "Then tell Lao Lin that I have got the people back for him, but Let Lao Qiao let the woman go, and get four men to make up the number first."

After that, he got directly into the Land Rover.

After getting into the driver's seat, Brea asked: "Where to go?"

"Villa, my mother made dumplings today and sent me several messages asking me to come home for dinner."

In the night show, people were on their backs, and the green soldiers carried Yao Qing and dragged out blood all over the ground.The waiters in the hall stared at the Land Rover in a daze, their eyes full of envy. I thought that after today, in the eyes of these children living at the bottom, there will probably be a new legend, and that is... The man named Xu Ruifeng swept through the entire night show, forcing Erkui to the point where he almost cried.

Just like when Huo Sange broke into the sports school by himself with a watermelon knife, and was beaten until he was covered in blood, but he was able to walk out straight, which made people talk about it.

And the old man who accidentally let out his inner tongue...

I don't dare think about it.

It is normal for people like Huzi and Erkui to be around them, and their purpose must be to analyze the direction of contraband from some rumors, so as to make the quickest judgment before sending the news out.

They should not be interested in participating in the changes in Menneng's power structure. The most they can do is learn about it...

Then, after today, I should be on the list in a certain office, right?

That border line can never be returned to.

Thanks to my mother being here now, otherwise the old lady would have been shocked when those people arrived at home to verify.

When this idea came to me, I was really shocked.

What appeared in my mind at this time was not worry, but joy.

damn it……

After this feeling appeared, when I reacted, a smile appeared on my face inexplicably. It was no longer fear. The smile was extremely clear in the rearview mirror.

I saw in the rearview mirror that my face began to change. My face started to turn red, as if paint had been spilled. Horns began to grow on the top of my head, which were similar to those of a cow. Then, my smile became bigger than my real self. A slow half-shot appeared on the face.

At that moment, I opened my eyes immediately, which shocked Burea who was driving.

"Are you having a nightmare?"

Burea looked back at me and continued driving, driving into the small courtyard of the villa area.

"I didn't do anything that consumed my energy today. Why did you fall asleep when you got in the car?"

He drove the car to the place and took the lead in unbuckling his seat belt, then opened the door and was about to get out of the car.

When I walked out of the car, I saw that the villa area was being built in full swing, and the major bosses who had already moved in were decorating it.

There was even a neighbor who was drinking tea in the courtyard and greeted me with a cigarette in his hand...

I responded casually, thinking: "It turns out that the devils in reality all look like us."

Yes, is us.

 To answer some questions, don’t ask me privately. I don’t think there is anything you can’t say.

  729, it is Meng Neng 618. Meng Neng is no longer in the north of Myanmar, but in the east of Myanmar, next to Myawaddy.

  Mr. Big Bao is the king of the Wa State. Who killed Kunsha? Find out who he is.

  He Chuntian, the son-in-law of the king of the Wa State, nicknamed Dana, and his surname was He.

  The place described in the book is called Sanzheng 51nd District in reality, which is the place in Menneng County. The villa area is called [-]. The night should be under the control of Chunneng Group now, and the current county magistrate is He Dana.

  The key tasks that have not yet appeared will be mentioned after they are released, but Lao Qiao cannot talk about it yet. There are still things that have not been written down, so I will put them aside for now.

  The other is the book review area. People feel that the author is slow and the most he can do is send razors. Why do you always worry about judging me?

  What do you want to support?
  Another person told me that he had passed it on to his police friend, and he did not give me any pleasure.

  Just go on with your life, just like this, oh, like this, hahahahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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