The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 166 What do you think about this matter?

Chapter 166 What do you think about this matter?

When these two words appeared in my ears, I immediately turned my head and looked at Lao Qiao.

At that time, the door of the Judicial Committee was crowded with people. When I handed out the red envelopes in my hand, I could no longer see the people clearly. Although I had expected all this, the result still seemed so sudden!

Lao Qiao is going to use me.

As long as this matter is put on the table, then in Menneng, I will be standing below one person and above ten thousand people. But if I leave here, there will be guillotines all over the world!

I blinked hard to wake myself up, until the people coming to pay New Year greetings in front of me changed from a constant stream to a sparse one, but I was still confused.

"It's over."

Lao Qiao seemed to be tired of sitting and wanted to get up. He stretched out his hand to the side and was waiting for help. Er Kui saw the opportunity and came close to me when I was distracted. Lao Qiao just glanced at him sideways. Er Kui Just under that smart gaze, he took the initiative to step back.

He is waiting for me.

I stuffed the remaining red envelope into Yang Rong's arms and took a step forward: "Old man, shall we go back?"

The flattery on his face was squeezed out to save his life, but in his heart, he hoped to tie himself to death with a rope on the wooden stake of the moral framework.

"Come on."

When Lao Qiao stood up holding my hand, he felt extremely old. It seemed that it was very difficult to take a step. After he stood firm, he put his hand back, turned his head and walked quickly. This made you unable to tell which one was which. That's his true form.

Yang Rong followed closely, and only Erkui and I were left at the door of the Judicial Committee. Even the greenskin soldiers at the door followed like the guards, but I never took another step forward.

"Brother Xu, go." Erkuna boy urged, but he didn't think about it. How could I not see something that even he understood?

I just don’t want to cross all barriers of conscience and morality and rush to the irreversible final boundary.

Lao Qiao glanced at me at this time, half turning around in the dust blowing on the street, as if he was waiting for my choice. But for me, this choice is not about choosing good or evil at all, but a decision. life and death.

I followed, no one forced me, but it was like fate was holding me by the throat, and I couldn't even take a breath.

Lao Qiao smiled happily, as if he had thought of all this.

When I stood behind Lao Qiao instead of Burea, and followed his footsteps with Yang Rong, what I saw was that the people and traders from all over Menneng took the initiative to say hello.

Yang Rong took over my position of handing out red envelopes, and stepped forward to stand in front of Lao Qiao. Someone came to hand out a red envelope. I stood next to Lao Qiao. When I saw the Wa people who wanted to move forward, I went to stop them. , don’t let anyone get close.

In the end, we walked all the way to Lao Qiao's hotel, handing out red envelopes. I made a rough estimate. Today alone, Lao Qiao gave away at least hundreds of thousands.

"Don't be so nervous."

Lao Qiao thought that it was my first time to take the place of Yang Rong and Burea, and he was afraid of any accidents, so his face became tense.

"I believe in fate. When you die, even if you are sitting in a bulletproof car, you may be killed by the air bag. When you don't deserve to die, you can still survive even if you jump from the sixth floor."

"Hey, you have more say in this matter than me."

I turned around and smiled awkwardly.

"Today, I will take you around Menneng to meet some people. It will be convenient for you to do something in the future."

Lao Qiao walked up the stairs while talking and walked along the stairs to the second floor.

"My official identity in Menneng is the county magistrate of Menneng County in Wa State. My identity is too sensitive, and it is difficult to handle many things personally..."

Hearing this, I asked as if I was afraid that Lao Qiao would say what he said next: "Can't Yang Rong and Burea help you?"

He turned back and smiled: "Their official status is soldiers."

"Let them help. Once something unexpected happens, it will be an irreversible war."

"do you understand?"

Should I say 'I understand' or should I play dumb and say 'I don't understand'?
Lao Qiao didn't let me say, "Let's go and let you meet some people."

At this moment, I looked up and saw a dark red door in front of me. The moment Lao Qiao signaled me with his eyes, I reached out and pushed open the door.

The door opened, and a very luxuriously decorated private room appeared in front of me. The huge round table in the middle could seat 30 people without feeling crowded, but in front of me, there were only less than ten people seated.When I pushed the door open, all the people in front of me looked at the door at the same time. When Old Qiao walked in along the open door, everyone in the room stood up: "Old Qiao." They greeted in unison.

Lao Qiao waved his hand: "Everyone, sit down."

When they sat down, Lao Qiao ran to the main seat beside these people, and I turned around, closed the door of the room, and stood next to Lao Qiao.

"Come on, let me introduce you."

At this moment, every step I took, I could feel myself getting closer to that dark world. When I stood next to Lao Qiao, there seemed to be something wrong with my eyes.

I have watched a foreign movie called "Constantine". There is a scene in which Keanu Reeves enters hell. It is really devastated.I liked that movie very much, and after I was released from prison, I searched for relevant information online. It was said that the scene was based on the world after the explosion of nuclear weapons.

At this time, I seemed to see a group of demons sitting together in such a world, and I was the latest demon to join.

"These are all rising stars of our Meng Neng. This is Man Gui, Boss Man, who is in the timber business."

A bookish-looking man wearing gold-rimmed glasses stood up and held out his hand to me.

As soon as I held the hand of this boss, he was the first to speak: "In the past, our country used to transport timber from the country to the outside world, but now it's the other way around. We all buy it from outside the country."

I said jokingly: "Can I also carve beads when I buy them?"

This is a joke. Since it was the lumber boss introduced by Lao Qiao, how could he be carving beads?However, his response made me understand what was going on!

"A rare bracelet, right? Next time, next time I will give you a pair of the best huanghuali."

In one sentence, this gathering turned into a round table conference!

What Man Gui means by this sentence is that the wood processing plant in his hand is fully equipped with all kinds of equipment, but Lao Qiao cannot be a person who understands local economic construction. His attitude towards the economy is to bring all the parks over and build buildings.

So, what is the purpose of this wood processing factory in Mangui? Do you still need to ask?Otherwise, why would he be qualified to sit at Lao Qiao's round table?

At this moment, Lao Qiao pointed to another person: "This is Yao Sihai, the car seller. He is the one who bought your Land Rover."

I looked up and quickly opened my mouth and said, "I know this one."

Lao Qiao turned back in confusion: "Do you know him?"

Yao Sihai said politely: "Mr. Qiao, our two families are neighbors."

When Lao Qiao heard this, he smiled mysteriously and said, "What a coincidence."

Yao Sihai took the initiative to stand up, walked to me, grabbed my hand and said enthusiastically: "Old Falcon, just call me Old Falcon, everyone calls me that."

I responded with a smile, this master is a smiling tiger.

I had just made up my mind when Lao Qiao gave me a very polarizing introduction: "If you need a car when doing errands, look for him."

This time I heard something. It turns out that before Lao Qiao destroyed all the drug lords, this group of people were at best leftovers in Meneng. Now that those people are gone, these leftovers have all been promoted. .

The situation that Lao Qiao was facing now was that Mr. Bao had calmed down and He Chuntian had stabilized. Lao Qiao began to think about taking out the goods he had hidden for several months and preparing to make money.

But which part am I responsible for?

Just as I started to think about it, there was a knock on the door.

As a newcomer, I took the initiative to open the door, but as soon as the door was opened, Erkui appeared in front of the door in a hurry.

After he walked around me, he knelt down next to Old Qiao, handed over a mobile phone and said, "Old Qiao, I bought something."

The moment I closed the door and walked back behind Lao Qiao, I saw a photo on the mobile phone in Lao Qiao's hand. In the photo, two young guys were standing at the gate of a school, their bodies straightened up, ready to take pictures... …

Among the two young men wearing police uniforms, it was obvious that I had seen one of them in Erkui's nightclub!

Lao Qiao turned his head and looked at me at this time: "What do you think we should do about this matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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