
I walked out of the only bank in Menneng County, and the bank card in my hand had been emptied. Not only that, I also cleared away all the gift money I received from Meiko in the villa and the night show on the opening day. They were all put on the back seat of the car, which was filled with money.

I knew very well how dangerous this move was, which caused the road surveillance cameras on the street to stop taking pictures of the street, and all turned their cameras to focus on me.

Under the camera, I didn't panic, didn't fear any surveillance at all, and drove away in my car!

And the reason why I do all this is to prepare for a rainy day.

Yesterday, Lu Qiang said everything I expected under Sun Tzu's interrogation. He is not an undercover agent, and he cannot be an undercover agent. But in Meng Neng, whether you are an undercover agent or not is not entirely determined by the evidence.

So, while I pushed away the dominance of 'Little Happy' with my own hands and saved the uncle of 'Yexiu', I framed Lu Qiang. As a result, he was almost crippled by his grandson, but he still Nothing was found.

It stands to reason that everything seemed to be going smoothly at this moment. What I didn't expect was that Lu Qiang, a person who looked like a worm to me, would plunge me into an unavoidable dispute!

"President Xu!"

When I arranged for Lao Yaoying and the others to drink in the restaurant downstairs, my grandson came down with blood on his hands.

At that time, Lao Qiao fell asleep in my office. An old man of his age did not have the energy to deal with things under the torture of cold and fever. The ginger soup could only make him energetic for a while, but it was impossible to make him A day full of energy.

But I was executing another plan of my own, which was to bring the gangsters like Lao Yaoying into the 'head's' hotel. The moment they entered the private room with fake Moutai, I went crazy and smashed up the hotel.

This was something the group leader and I had discussed in advance. This would make Lao Qiao feel at ease with both of us. I think Lao Qiao checks the park’s accounts every few days. In addition to checking who I am, there are also A very important point is that the group leader and I never made our relationship clear.

This is a good opportunity for the two of us to be at loggerheads in front of Old Qiao. The truth or falsehood of this matter is actually not important to Old Qiao at all. Even if he can see that I am acting, it doesn’t matter, because the purpose I want to express through the performance is not Rebellious, but loyal.

But I still underestimate Lao Qiao.

"President Xu, something happened."

My grandson came at this time, and the blood on his hands was clotted. This showed how long he had thought before coming to see me.

At that time, the dishes on the table had not yet been served, and people in the room were chatting. I asked without paying much attention: "Is it too heavy-handed?"

I thought Sun Tzu accidentally killed Lu Qiang.

Sun Tzu shook his head, frowned and said, "Mr. Xu, can we talk outside?"

I didn't think that anything bigger than "Lu Qiang was killed" would happen. After all, Lao Qiao was lying down and sleeping in my office, and all the powerful people in the world were at my dining table. What else could happen? ?

I pretended to be a big person: "We are all our own people, you just have to say it."

At this moment, the waiter walked sideways along the door and brought six bottles of Moutai in on a tray. The next second, I didn’t let the waiter open the wine, and I unscrewed the Moutai bottles one by one with my own hands. After unscrewing each bottle, I put it on the On the table, turn the table away and perform the actions in hand in sequence.

I can't be the only one who experiences headaches after drinking fake wine. This can also help these people know why I had a bad relationship with that group leader.

"That guy Lu Qiang said..."

The grandson deliberately groaned, and after the waiter turned around and walked out, he closed the door directly: "That kid Lu Qiang told me everything."

The old harrier even started talking: "Mr. Xu, you really have all kinds of talents under your command."

I smiled.

Sun Tzu continued: "He is not a policeman..."

This was expected of me. In my heart, there was no major event worth paying attention to at this moment. But this kid, Sun Tzu, personally took out a grenade and exploded it in my ear: "He said, he is from the west of the 729 campus." The younger brother of Captain Gu, Lu Qiang is his pseudonym when entering and exiting the border!"

My mind was buzzing at that time!



Silence again.

Always silent.

I was holding the Moutai bottle in one hand and twisting the Moutai lid in the other, as if someone had pressed the pause button!
At that moment, everyone in the room looked at me, as if they saw the war that was about to start, the kind that no one could reconcile.

I really don’t know the name of the leader of the 729 Park. There was only one chance for us to really talk, and that was when he came to me to discuss opening a restaurant.It’s okay this time, there’s no need to act out our feud at all, we can just risk our lives.

Is this considered a secret?

Absolutely not!

This is simply something that cannot be calculated!
I thought that in Meng Neng, I had my head in the sky and my feet on the ground. Who would have thought that there was a fork in the middle?
This time I finally figured out why Lu Qiang and Erkui came to him to buy information when he didn’t know Huzi at all...

Seeing that I had stopped making any further moves, Sun Tzu, the second-in-command, continued: "He said that he frequently crosses borders, but he is actually buying goods for this group leader..."

All right.

The shops, KTV, casino and this hotel in the park are all under the "Property Management" umbrella. When Lao Qiao checked the accounts without finding out either of us, Xigu had to go through formal channels if he wanted to make money.The only way to prevent Old Qiao from saying anything was to purchase goods from the country, follow the border to get things out with the help of his brother who frequently crosses the border, and then put them in the park for sale.

I said, how could this person who had nothing to do with Lao Qiao's group get in touch with Erkui, and still have Erkui believe him so deeply that he dared to report it directly after getting the news?
And it is reasonable for all of us to be unfamiliar with this person. How could Xigu show his money-making 'rake' to the public?

By this time I felt like I had thought the whole thing through. "Where's Lu Qiang?" I asked.

The grandson shook his head.

It was obvious that the matter was irreversible.

I even had a picture in my mind of the hateful look in Xigu’s eyes when I met him face to face in the park in the future.

At this time, my status in Menneng was gradually improving visibly to the naked eye. Even Burea, who was next to Lao Qiao, looked like a piece of shit behind me... This damn thing made me lose even the chance to explain to Xigu.

Anyway, if my biological brother is raped by someone who has risen to the top and makes everyone jealous, even if he sincerely apologizes and says it was a misunderstanding, I will feel that he is paying lip service.

In other words, the situation I am currently in is that the presence of the uncle from 'Ye Xiu' has made me lose the opportunity to explain. The group of people in front of me will never fall into the quagmire before I show my ability to conquer them. Help, once I looked back at Lao Qiao, I became a waste with no ability to deal with unexpected events!

I slowly put down the Maotai in my hand, and happened to see a group of green soldiers passing by through the window of the private room. I quickly walked over, opened the window and asked, "Hey, where is your regiment leader? I'm here." How about calling a few friends over to have a drink together?"

I hope to test the actual development of the situation through the apparent development of the situation.

The green soldier's answer to me was: "Mr. Xu, our regiment leader drove away yesterday and we haven't seen him come back yet."

He went to pick up Lu Qiang.

But the Tu brothers arrived at the border first and got the people back.

If my guess is correct, Xigu should be trying his best to turn over the smuggler's head near the border. Can he, the elder brother, be relieved if he doesn't get the whereabouts of his younger brother?

"Brother." Burea didn't know what happened yet, so he wandered over.

"Old Qiao is awake."


I can't be confused, let alone panic. If I show even a hint of my inability to accept the development of the situation at this moment, I'm afraid the group of people headed by Lao Yaoying will never be convinced by me in this life.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Turning around, I tried to control my facial expression and said, "You guys drink first, I'll go see what's going on." After that, I walked out of the room.

But just a few steps away, I saw in my peripheral vision that the people on the table began to show various expressions.

The old hawk is watching the show;

The Tu brothers are nervous;
The rest of them showed an attitude of being indifferent to the matter.

And Lao Qiao.

When I returned to the office on the second floor and recounted everything that had happened, he nodded to me and just said: "I understand." After that, he walked to the door wrapped in a blanket.

"Hey, by the way..." Lao Qiao suddenly turned around and glanced at me at the door: "The ginger soup is good."

"Burea, you come with me today."

For a moment, I could feel an emotion in his eyes, just like the expression on my face when my father who was not very talkative looked at me before the final exam when I was a child.

He is expecting.

But what was he expecting?
While I was thinking about it, Yang Rong, who was following Lao Qiao out with his cell phone in his hands without raising his head, said this: "It's fine."

It was his words that completely woke me up!
How could Lao Qiao not know Lu Qiang's identity?

Yes, he might not have known it before, but after that roundtable meeting, could he still not know it?

Impossible, that’s called undercover!
To this day, he has not given up investigating the beard matter. Will he not verify Lu Qiang? !

So what does it mean that ginger soup is good?
It's the feud between Xigu and I, and our feud will become the most reassuring and bitter medicine for him.

what else...


This was Lao Qiao's last test of me, but this time, he was testing not my loyalty, but my ability to handle events in this situation!

If I didn't even have this ability, why would he give the goods to me and let me take Old Falcon and the others into the mountains?At that time, even if I am made of iron, I will have to be chewed up by these people who want money rather than life...

How can he rest assured?

Ginger soup, I am fucking ginger soup. If you behave well, Lao Qiao will be able to cure his illness.

Bastard, you are really sick. If you were more energetic, I wouldn't ignore such an important thing! !


When I parked my car at a luxury watch store in Menneng County, I walked in with a handful of U.S. dollars in my arms.

After putting all the U.S. dollars on the counter, I said to the owner of the watch shop inside: "Boss, I want a Rolex, gold!" (End of Chapter)

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