The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 179: What you then abandoned may be the stability they care about most

My life is a little different from other people's.

Other people's lives may have been taught by their fathers about how to behave and the principles of life, but not mine. What I have learned in my life only comes from two places, the first place is society, and the second place is prison.

In society, the person who taught me these things is called Brother Huo. He told me that if you keep your promises, you must not keep them. Therefore, you must not listen to anyone bragging loudly in your ears. As long as he can easily say it, he will If you can't do it, you won't say it easily because you can't let it go.

Who has those three melons and two dates in his pocket for free?

As a result, I didn’t remember that Nan Nan tricked me into Myanmar.

It was different when I studied at a social university. At that time, a boy like me was competing for the position of captain. The competition was in full swing. An old prisoner taught me a trick. He said, "You are so picky. Who is willing to support you?"

This sentence confused me.

The old prisoner continued: "Anyway, the conditions you can promise to leave now are not yours, so why don't you dare to agree?"

I thought it was cheating, but the old prisoner thought it was nothing to lose.

This time I remembered and started bragging loudly over the phone.


Under the night, I was sitting on the sofa in the villa, and the moonlight shone right on my face. Behind me, standing with blood all over my face, was Cheng Zhen, and his brother carrying an AK.

This is the second call I've made this evening.

"I, Xu Ruifeng."

"God of Wealth, I want Meng Neng to monitor you tonight."

"Yes, you won't dare to give it to me if Lao Qiao doesn't say anything, because I haven't told you my conditions yet."

"As long as I can win tonight, I will allow you to walk out of that room and allow you to move freely in 729."

There was silence on the phone.

I know how tempting it is for the God of Wealth to be able to get out of that room.

The call was hung up, and then I received a URL. When I clicked on it, the phone automatically downloaded a program, and I saw the entire Meneng.

On the screen of my mobile phone, I clicked on the surveillance of the street outside the villa area. When I saw a Jinbei that didn't match the villa area at all parked there, and the car was full of people, I turned back and looked at Sincerity.

Zhencheng took out his mobile phone and after dialing the number, he said: "Eminem, the boss wants to do it."

On the screen of the mobile phone, Eminem, a woman wearing the ethnic costume of the Wa ethnic group, walked out of the alley holding an AK. Behind her were five men, each carrying the same AK in their hands. This is all I have tonight.

When Eminem was in the camera holding a gun and aiming at the golden cup on the street corner, all the men behind her quickly approached and lined up. Then, in the silent surveillance, I saw the tongue of fire coming from the muzzle of the gun. Hesitation!
On the screen of the mobile phone without any sound, six AKs were pointed at the Jinbei car and emptied their magazines at the same time. The car was shaken by the beating, and blood mist continued to spatter on the glass inside the car until all the muzzles of the gun lost their fire. , the Jinbei was still parked on the roadside, swinging left and right.

It's just that I didn't hear any sound.

I don’t know if there are people from Xigu in the car, and I don’t know why they didn’t rush into the villa now that they are here. I only know that these people are all dead now, very dead.

Only when they die can I live in peace!

But, I have no cards in my hand.

I believe Xigu is also out of cards.

Even if his regiment leader wants to touch me, he will send out at most two teams. This must be said to be under attack from the front and back. He is afraid that I will run away, not necessarily that I will fight back.What I am thinking about at the moment is another question, which is how to take out the leader.

He returned to the 729 campus. This is what I saw on the surveillance camera.

I also saw him lying at the window of my office in Building 2.

"Boss, it's done. According to your instructions, no one will be left alive."

Outside the villa, Eminem and others pushed open the door and walked in. They were very calm, as if they were used to such occasions.

At this time, there was no longer any hesitation. I stood up from the sofa, took out the gun from my waist and handed it to Eminem: "Stay here with my mother, and you are not allowed to leave even one step."

Then I bent down, picked up the AK that had been there for a long time from the gap between the sofa and the coffee table, and put the gun belt on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, I have sold my life to you. Even if anyone comes, I will die first."

I nodded to her, and then walked towards the door of the villa, but the next second, Eminem said to my back: "Don't forget what you promised!"

She is a woman from a village and doesn't know how to speak gorgeous language, but every word she speaks is like a 'sincere' name, without any water added to it.

I promised them something...

For example, if you sell your life to me, you can earn a lot of money every year;
For example, we will gradually move them from that dilapidated village to Mengneng and let them own cars and houses;
The most important thing is that I promised them to let their children enter school, and they no longer have to be threatened by warlords and go to the stockade to make little happiness.

That is to say, in addition to money, I also promised them the most common thing for ordinary people in our country, but in their eyes, nothing can be exchanged for a lot of money - stability.


I walked out of the villa door with my gun in hand. When I sat in the driver's seat of the Land Rover, it was the first time that this vehicle had loaded so many people.


The elites from the eight villages were carrying guns and spread out in every corner of the car. There were two co-pilots, five in the back, and one in the trunk. Almost all the places where people could sit were filled with people, and some places even had seats on the upper floors. Layers upon layers.

However, apart from the old, weak, sick and disabled, there were only eight able-bodied people in that village, and that was all...

When I hit the accelerator and drove the Land Rover out of the villa area, the next stop was not the 729 Park, but the only lumber factory in Menneng County, because I saw everyone headed by Lao Yaoying. It's all there.

It’s already started anyway, so let’s just kill it!

Even if I lose today, I can still get a few more backers.

On the streets of Menneng, I have stepped on the accelerator of the Land Rover to the bottom. What is very interesting is that despite the sound of gunshots in the villa area of ​​Menneng for so long today, no military vehicle has arrived yet.

Old Qiao, you have made up your mind to watch the excitement, sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers!

In order to test my ability, you gave up a group leader to practice with me. Do you need to be so generous? !

At the lumber factory, the security guard at the door saw a Land Rover rushing in, but he was only fast enough to shout the word "Hey". After shouting the word, he just closed the unlocked door, and I knocked it open—— null!

The car rushed to the factory along the sidewalk in the middle of the lumber factory. In the factory, there was an Eight Immortals table. I watched a group of people eating hot pot without letting go of the accelerator, and the car made a sharp roar. Howling, the group of hot pot eaters glanced here, turned around and swooped out.

The whole table was knocked over by me, and the people on the table were jumping and falling over one after another. Only then did I step on the brakes...

The next second, the screeching sound of brakes resounded throughout the entire factory - Bah! (End of chapter)

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