Chapter 188 Heartbroken...

I gave a banquet at Huafeng Tower, but I didn’t go.

Of course, the KTV owners didn’t go either.

This is not because my name, Xu Ruifeng, is not useful, but since you are taking someone else’s lifeline, there is no need for someone else to give you face.

I think those big bosses should be racking their brains to contact Lao Qiao, but these people don't know that after Lao Qiao went to the village, he couldn't receive any calls from anyone.

At this time, the old kite was discharged from the hospital.

He shouldn't have been discharged from the hospital. I mean, judging from the time, this guy should still be in the hospital. As the saying goes, he has been injured for a hundred days. His hand was cut off. How could he leave in just a few days? What about the hospital?
But he was still discharged from the hospital, and he came directly to my villa. He was the kind of person who didn't say hello to anyone like Yutou or Lao Qiang, and he didn't even bring any of his brothers with him. He came alone.

He came to tell me that he was convinced.

Even if this sentence has been said once.

"Mr. Xu."

The old harrier's name for me still hasn't changed. I didn't care about it and just sat with him on the sofa in the villa.

"That guy ran away."

He is talking about the man who refers to "internal mouth" as "balud" mouth.

I nodded and didn't answer.

Can you run?

In the middle of the night, I called him and asked, "Do I still have a chance?" With his status, he would probably be scared to death. Why didn't he run away and wait to be destroyed?
It's just that I didn't expect that Lao Yaoying got the news first and ran out of the hospital very cautiously to have an interview with me before he told me over the phone.

"What do you think?"

I asked him a question.

The old eagle was the first to admit his mistake and said: "It's up to me."

"In order to control him, I said hello to a few waiters who were closest to him, and asked them to notify me in time if there was any trouble, as it might startle people."

There are those who take the initiative to shoulder the blame, so I won’t say anything more and just added: “Tell Lao Qiao about it.”

The old falcon immediately looked up at me, his eyes full of fear.

Then I smiled and responded, "I'm begging you."

First establish his power, then show his favor. After a set of punches, the proud head of the old kite finally lowered. He almost pushed his neck into an inverted L shape and stared directly at the ground.

At this time, I had to rely on my words: "Mr. Xu, I'm causing trouble for you."

This is why I both need the old falcon and have to be wary of this kid.

He is smart.

If it was him instead of Tu Gang who was in the splendid car yesterday, this kid would immediately open the door, rush in and fight with people, and finally end up with people ejecting him, and he would still be able to ensure that he was not injured.

Where are the two brothers from the Tu family?

They couldn't understand at all that I was giving them a chance, and they felt that I was asking them to die.

I'm afraid, this is why Lao Qiao needs me.

"Are there any reporters you are familiar with?"

After Lao Yaoying expressed his attitude, I finally decided to give him another chance and asked: "I mean, one of my own."

The old hawk nodded.

At this time, there was no nonsense in his mouth, and he gave up the teasing in the 729 Park in front of me. He was as obedient as a noodle, twisting whatever you wanted to do with him.

"I guess Lao Qiao will be back soon."

The old harrier looked at me: "Estimation? What does it mean?"

"We haven't shipped goods for half a year. Now it's just in time for the Chinese New Year. Now Meng Neng has completely calmed down. I guess Lao Qiao will come back at this time."

I continued: "It's Chinese New Year. Even if those people at the border are tough, don't they have to take a nap?" The old eagle suddenly realized: "That's reasonable!"

"So, you say hello to Yutou and Lao Yanqiang. When it's time to repair the ship and find people, don't wait for Lao Qiao to suddenly appear in Meng Neng and gather us together. When I go out to deliver goods soon, I will come up with these questions."

The old harrier smacked his lips hard, and after a crisp sound of "tsk" came out, it made me smile more effectively than any number of words he said about his smelly feet.

This voice means: "I'm not as good as you!"

Immediately afterwards, the old eagle asked with curiosity: "What about the reporter?"

"I want to borrow the east wind."


Lao Qiao came back. When he called me, he just said: "I still have half an hour to get to Meneng." Then he hung up the phone.

He never asked for my new phone number, and neither did Yang Rong, but the call came through so magically.

Then I immediately called the Tu brothers and Lao Yaoying respectively, and after making an appointment with them to gather in front of the Judicial Committee, I hurried out of the house. This was the third day after I completed the task assigned to Lao Yaoying.

In front of the Judicial Committee.

When I stood there with this group of people and saw the dusty green pickup truck returning, and the moment Old Qiao opened the door, I saw that his clothes had changed.

He was wearing a green military uniform, with big sunglasses stuck on the bridge of his nose, and he stepped in front of the Judicial Committee with military boots that looked very stylish. I even saw that he had a gun on his waist.

"Old man, are you feeling better?" I was about to go over to flatter him, but Lao Qiao waved his hand and dismissed all this. He took my wrist and ran to the Judicial Committee, and quickly entered. In the Judicial Committee building, after taking the elevator back to the office, I closed the door and locked everyone out.

Lao Qiao took a deep breath and said, "On the way back, I accepted a phone interview."

I raised my eyelids and looked at him. It seemed that I arranged this matter.

Lao Qiao took out his mobile phone, took out the recorded audio file, threw it on the desk and said, "Listen to it yourself."

I reached out and picked up the phone. Why did I feel that something was wrong with Lao Qiao?

When I pressed the play button, I was stunned at that moment.

"Hello, County Magistrate Qiao, thank you for accepting this interview..."

The previous ones were filled with such nonsense of praise and flattery. The person on the phone even talked about his contribution to Meng Neng's public security. It was obvious that Lao Qiao didn't care about it at all and just dealt with it casually.

However, when the conversation changed midway, the reporter cleverly said: "County Magistrate Qiao, I have a few college students from the Wa State here, and I would like to ask you some questions about Meng Neng's public security. Do you think it's convenient for you? "

When I heard the word Wa State, I immediately thought of Mr. Bao, but when I heard the word "security", I immediately relaxed. When I asked "security", it must be my person.

"Okay." Lao Qiao agreed casually.


"Hello County Magistrate Qiao, I recently saw a hot search from China on the Internet. This hot search was an interview with a man on a local TV station. The man said that he had been deceived into committing fraud in the Menneng area. He also said The fraud parks in Menneng are all in the military area, and they are all run by people from their country..."

"He said that his name in the park is 'young man', and also exposed many details about his time in the park. Now this interview has been trending for a whole week and it still hasn't decreased in popularity. Everyone in their country is talking about us. denounce it.”

"I would like to ask County Magistrate Qiao, as a Burmese, why should we be responsible for the crimes committed by their country against their own people? Why should we be saddled with a regional crime? We cannot allow people from their country to come to this area. After landing on the land, we will immediately send troops to watch this group of people to ensure that these people do not commit crimes, right?"

"and also!"

"The person who calls himself 'boy' said that Meneng is a place full of 'little happiness'. Even if you go to the most ordinary supermarket, you can easily buy contraband. I would like to ask, is this true?"

"Hasn't Mr. Bao already defeated Kunsha and announced that the Wa State has entered a 'drug-free' era?"

"If what he said is true, where did these things come from?"

"If what he said is false, then does the 'park' thing exist and why does it exist? Have we been invaded?"

I heard here...

Suddenly, I felt like this bastard that Old Falcon was looking for had touched my heart...

(End of this chapter)

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