Chapter 196 Gifts
The old lady who had been clamoring for me to find a girl to carry the baby fell silent. She sat on the sofa and looked at the B-ultrasound brought back from the hospital. She held Aunt Fang's hand for a long time without saying a word.

After a long time, he finally said: "Son, if it doesn't work, let's go home."

After saying this, the old lady immediately turned her head and said, "What can you two do when you go back..."

She didn't need my persuasion and quietly resolved the embarrassment.

Finally, he stood up with a sigh and said, "My child, sit here and I'll get you something delicious."

Went to the kitchen.

This is Southeast Asia, a...

It's hard to tell what's unclear.

I don’t know why so many people yearn for this place, and I don’t know what’s so good about this place that is so backward that they even run desperately just to catch up with the times.

But I can't go back.

There is no going back forever.

unless... unless...

"Big brother!"

Brothers Tu Gang and Tu Guang are here.

I brought many brothers with me when I came.

This group of people began to move things into the house with large and small bags. The joyful energy of the upcoming New Year completely diluted the melancholy in my heart.

"Brother, the Inner Mongolian sheep that were just mailed to me from China, I brought them over to you just after I collected them. You will never be able to eat them in this place, hahahaha..."

A whole processed and sealed Inner Mongolian sheep was moved into the house by a brother. Later, 53° Feitian came in boxes, Huazi came in boxes, and Tu Guang even got a new thing specially Son, this thing is called an "automatic dishwasher". Once you put it in the kitchen, you don't have to wash the dishes.

In addition, there are private theater screens and projectors;

A valuable Dzi bead...

Anyway, there are all kinds of things that I don’t have access to on ordinary days.

I looked at the pile of things in front of me and asked, "You two can't get over it? What are you doing?"

Tu Gang came over with a smile: "Brother, if it weren't for you, we brothers wouldn't be where we are today. We should respect you. Without you, the entire Meneng bulk market would never fall into the hands of us brothers..."

Tu Gang was not very good at talking, so he kept talking back and forth. In the end, it was his brother Tu Guang who explained it, and I finally understood the whole thing.

"Brother, we two brothers have made a lot of money in the past half month. You can use this thing first. I will replace it for you if I get something better later."

He briefly explained the current situation of Menneng, that is, before Lao Qiao shipped the goods, the two brothers almost wiped out the entire low-end goods market of Menneng and moved the entire market into the night show.

This led to the complete concentration of the distribution centers for small happiness in Menneng. After the situation where you could not even buy small happiness in supermarkets before, these two brothers became the largest bulk goods dismantler in Menneng.

It can be said that it has been revealed!

The high-end goods market in Mengneng is always in my hands, which is the high-end package of Yexiu.

But the high-end goods market in my hands...

"President Xu!"

Before they finished speaking, Banbula and Sesuo walked in at the door at the same time. They were different from before. Banbula had a big gold watch on his wrist, and Seisuo was even more arrogant, with a gold watch hanging around his neck. A gold bead chain about the same thickness as a bracelet!
"Mr. Xu, Happy New Year!" The two of them were much more direct. They only said polite words when they entered the room, and then went straight to the topic and said: "Now that Meng Neng is quiet, isn't it time to sell our goods?"

I was stunned by this question. They had even given me all the benefits, so how come they still had the goods in their hands?
"The night show's business is getting better and better. The inventory in the store alone is definitely not enough, right? The goods we bought from 'Brilliant' last time, shouldn't it be sold to takeaways?"

I finally understand why the two brothers directly gave away 100 million!
It turned out that I had no intention of selling the [-] kilograms of goods in one batch. I wanted to break them up and sell them for takeout, and also use the night show for takeout.

The two brothers had just entered the house and were greeting each other with the Tu brothers. Outside the door, the old falcon came in with the fish head and the old smoker. The car they drove over looked a little strange to me. The model was quite strange. The movement is still different.

"President Xu!"

The old harrier walked over with the car key dangling in his handy hand, put the car key directly into my hand and said: "New foreign cars have only been in China for a short time. What are they called? Tesla, yes. It’s Tesla.”

"This thing is great. You don't need to refuel, just charge it. I have already agreed with them that I will set up a charging pile in front of your house in two days. Hurry, Mr. Xu, please give it a try."

I didn't look at the car. If someone gave me a gift, I would try it immediately. That would be too heartless, so I quickly asked: "Are you rich too?"

The old kite didn't look unhappy at all on his face, and responded: "Doesn't this mean that Mr. Xu will reward you with a way to make money?"

He was a little jealous after seeing how fat the Tu brothers were, so he planned to use this method to get a share of the pie.

Yutou and Lao Yanqiang didn't have this kind of heart. They stood behind Lao Yaoying with drooping heads and didn't say anything. Their faces were full of annoyance that they were in the wrong team.

"Come on, come on, come in. Leave the car here for now. There are guests at home. Try again later."

"Advanced room."

"Mom, there are a lot of people at home today, so instead of cooking, we'll just switch to hot pot!"

I said hello and let people in. When everyone was gathered, I set the table in the living room, including sliced ​​pangolin meat, sliced ​​crocodile meat, green vegetables, bamboo shoots, and lotus root. I put four platters on the corner of the table, and everyone was The greeting came to the table.

But the arrival of this group of people is not as simple as it seems on the surface. They are not here to pay New Year's greetings, but to see me take control of Meng Neng and share the territory!

In their eyes, even if the Tu brothers are your biological brothers, Xu Ruifeng, you can't just stuff their mouths with meat, right?Will others survive?

It just so happened that the only industry in Meng Neng that I actually controlled was Duhe Industrial Park, but when I pointed at my mouth to eat, a table was already full.

"Eminem, open the wine."

As soon as I finished speaking, Eminem immediately rushed to the door of the wine box that had just been moved into the house, and walked over with four boxes of Maotai in his arms.

After he opened the wine and placed them in front of these people, I slowly opened my mouth: "As for the wine, let's put it away first. It just so happens that you are here today. I have something to explain to you first."

"Old Qiao hasn't shipped goods for more than half a year. Everyone is in a hurry. As for me, I just bought Meng Neng. You are counting on me to have a full meal... Nothing else. We, Lao Xu, thank you for your trust." As I spoke, I hugged everyone and stood up.

"Today happened to have a chance."

"Director Hanbra?"

I looked at Banbula and said, "Can you lend me your batch of goods for military training?"

I didn't wait for his reply and continued: "Director Banbula has a batch of goods in his hand, with various types and several huge vehicles. In this way, Old Falcon, you can help contact the Thai side and contact the buyer. Let Old Smoker He and Yutou will help carry the freight there."

The old harrier immediately asked: "Mr. Xu, why don't you transport it to the border?"

"How high are the prices over there?"

At that point, everyone in the room looked at me.

(End of this chapter)

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